28 - I Want You Both

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28 - I Want You Both

Even if he was stressed out from everything happen around him lately, Michael was feeling better. His insecurities had been coming out in terms of him as a person and him as a lover in a relationship, but he was feeling his usual and normal sense of self-love and cockiness.

Calum and him were back to normal, even if they were still searching for answers in their professional and personal lives. They still needed to figure out who attacked them and what they were going to do about Luke and Ashton.

But they still had each other and their usual dynamic.

Being Calum's beautiful bitch gave Michael pride. So whenever Calum gave him the opportunity to use his beauty and seductiveness for the benefit of both of them, he easily took it.

Like always, Calum was dressed in an all black suit while Michael took the spotlight. The man was dressed in a white corset dress. The top was see-through and designed like a corset with the bottom connected to it to serve as a skirt look. He was also adorned in makeup, jewels, and silver glittered heels.

Renting out the same private room from before when this all seemed to of started, Calum was sure to include symbolism for the night. They were in the same bar where Ashton met Michael, where Luke and Calum fought, and where Luke and Ashton made a team.

Sure, Calum was being a tad dramatic with the symbolism and for his plans for the night, but he didn't care at that point.

With his mind being this scrambled because of the gangster, Calum was at the point where he was acting out with a poor sense of direction.

Calum had his back turned to the door while he busied himself with making drinks for him and his love when he heard the door open.

"Your guests are here, master." Michael announced from the couch, smirking when he watched Luke and Ashton enter the room with their eyes latched onto his beautiful figure.

"Thank you, kitty." Calum said in return, keeping his back to the new men.

"Want me to keep them company?" Michael basically purred out while he kept his lustful eyes on the still standing two.

"Go for it, pet."

Michael gleamed as soon as Calum gave him the permission. He slowly got up from the black, velvet couch to instead walk around and stand behind it.

He placed his hands on the back of the couch when he commanded the other two, "Sit down."

Luke and Ashton silently did, since they were too in awe with Michael's appearance to really disobey what he told them to do.

Michael hummed from the obvious situation, reaching forwards to gently place his hands on the back of their necks. He squeezed the skin gently, giving them a short massage that only lasted a good twenty seconds.

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