34 - Dynamics

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34 - Dynamics

It was deep into the night, but Ashton was still wide awake. He was finally finished with Maria, leaving her body there at the club because he simply didn't care about the violence he held.

He had already cleaned himself up, making sure he was always looking his best. Especially when his plans were to go visit three special men, even if it was two in the morning.

So ending up breaking into Calum's and Michael's mansion and ending up at the edge of the bed wasn't a surprise. But the sight he saw on the bed surely was.

He was standing there with his arms crossed, unable to look away from the three men who were sleeping together in each other's arms.

It was a sudden change between the dynamics and even though he was happy things were shifting and that emotions were finally being accepted, he couldn't help but to feel slightly...sad.

He felt left out, being the only one who was in this love rectangle who wasn't involved in whatever this was in front of him.

Ashton loved acting like he was an emotionless gangster who only cared about power, but the truth was, was that it only covered up how he truly felt.

Just like how Michael tried to prove he was purely confident in himself and his body, he was insecure. Just like how Luke tried to prove he wasn't breaking, he was in pain and only wanted to be loved. Just like how Calum tried to prove he was the boss, he felt himself failing at being in control of his emotions.

All four of them were trying to show themselves as people they weren't, hiding how they truly felt and what they wanted.

Ashton was the most honest, always stating he wanted the three as his. And he was being sincere with this wish, but he still never emphasized how much he really did want them.

He was the newest one of the group, since he barely moved to the city while the three have known each other for what seemed like ages. So he had the least to lose, proving himself as the one to always work to make them his.

But that also scared him. The feelings between Luke, Michael, and Calum have been floating around for years. What if they never felt what Ashton felt for them in return?

He had no idea how he managed to fall in love, especially with such complicated men.

He wasn't like this. He kept to himself and his violent life. But one look at Michael's beauty, a few glimpses into Luke's softness, and a constant battle of control with Calum did it for Ashton.

The three men were Ashton's weaknesses and they didn't even realize it.

Ashton then saw Luke start to stir slightly in his sleep, eventually waking up in the middle of Calum and Michael. But his eyes instantly caught onto Ashton who was stood at the end of the bed.

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