Chapter 7~

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A/N: Sorry for not updating in ages!

Chapter 7:

"Do you know how long we've been here?" Luke asks.

"I don't know, a month?"

"That means I've had my birthday on this island."

"Shit, how old are you now?"

"18," Luke says, almost surprised at his own age.

"You do realize it's now illegal for you to be with me?" I say with a smirk.

"I guess we will have to be like Romeo and Juliet then, we have to hide our romance."

"How romantic," I say putting my hand on my heart, dramatically.

"I'm totally the Romeo in our relationship."

"I would argue with that, but I'm definitely Juliet."

"If I'm Romeo I guess I have to make you fall completely in love me." Luke says.

"Yeah...but you also kill yourself because you think I'm dead."

"Ashton, you're awesome, but if you die I'm not going to kill myself, okay?"

"When I die you're going to make me the most awesome funeral ever."

"Okay, but let's stop talking about you dying." Luke says.

"You have to cuddle with me now incase I die though," I say.

"Come here, then," Luke says, gently taking my arm and pulling me on to his lap.

I squirm a little, trying to get comfortable in Luke's lap. "Can you stop that," Luke mumbles.

"Oh," I say, surprised, "okay, sorry?"

"You don't have to be sorry, I just..."

"You just?"

"It doesn't matter," Luke says, blushing a little.

Suddenly I realize why he wanted me to stop moving around on his lap.

"Aw, Lukey got turned on by me," I say smirking,

"Shut up," Luke mutters.

"I'm sorry babe," I say leaning forward and kissing him quickly.

Suddenly I see Luke's eyes focus on something in the distance.

"Holy shit!"

"Ashton get up." Luke says.

"What?" I question.

"Look," Luke says pointing to the horizon.

At first I don't understand what I'm supposed to be looking for, but then I see a ship. "We could be the fire lit?"

"I hope so, I'll check."

"What should I do?" I ask.

"Get anything important, wait on the edge of the beach."

I see Luke walk off along the beach, and I begin to get what few belongings we still have.

Once I've got everything I walk to where the sea meets the sand, and I sit down, my toes in the water.

"Ashton?" I hear Luke yelling, his voice distant, and panicky.

I stand up immediately, and leaving our belongings in the sand, I walk quickly to where I heard Luke's voice coming from.

When I find him he's standing, looking forlorn in front of the now unlit fire.

"Was there fire when you got here?"

"No..." Luke mumbles, looking almost lost.

"Luke? Should I go get stuff to light it?"

"There's no point, the ships gone now."

"Okay. Are you alright...? You're being weird, Luke." I ask.

"You do realize that was the first ship we've seen in all the time we've been here? We're never going to be rescued, Ashton."

"Don't speak that way, 'cause I won't allow you." I say.

"Did you just quote an Of Mice & Men song?" Luke asks, his sad expression turning to a slightly amused one.

"Pffft...yes, but I mean they had a good point, in my defense."

"But, still, Ash, it'll be ages until we do finally get off this island....and I just want to be a normal teenage boy."

"I know, I'm sorry Luke, but if you like we can always sleep closer to the fire, so we can keep an eye on it."

"I guess. I'm sorry though, for being annoying and depressing and I don't even know."

"You're not Luke, don't worry, darling," I say, moving to sit next to Luke, "I understand your...despair, and I know everything seems hopeless at the moment, but we will get off this island."

"I hope so," Luke says, with a shrug.

"Everything will be okay," I say with a grin, pulling Luke into a hug.

His head rests on my shoulder and he lazily kisses up my neck.

I giggle as his breath tickles my neck, and I blush as Luke looks up at me.

As soon as I realize what is about to happen Luke starts tickling me.

"S-stop!" I exclaim through laughter.

"Beg," Luke says, with a wink.

Then before I can even ponder how kinky that sounds Luke starts tickling me again.

"Please s-stop, Luke, I'm begging you." I say laughing.

"Only cause you begged," Luke says and stops tickling me.

"I didn't know you were into that kinda stuff," I say with a wink.

"You're such a dork sometimes."

"But that's why you love me," I say jokingly, with a grin.

"You wish, I just like you for your looks."

"Hey at least I'm hot!"

"You're cute, like a little puppy." Luke says.

I pout, and cross my arms, "I'm not cute, I'm manly!"

"When you pout like that, love, you just look cuter."

"Ugh whatever," I say, standing up.

"Aw babe, don't be angry," Luke says, standing up with me.

"I'm not," I say, putting my hands on his waist and pulling him closer to me.

Luke presses his body into mine, and with surprise I say "slow down there, buddy!"

"Now I just seem like some horny idiot."

"That's cause you are," I say with a wink.

"Well part of that is your fault."

"Hmm, I really like you Luke."

"I love you," Luke whispers onto my lips before kissing me.

His words get lost in the kiss, and I have no time to reply to his meaningful comment.

I think I love him, though.

A/N: Please vote, comment and fan!

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