Chapter 9~

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Chapter 9:

I wake up to a peaceful scene. The sky is blue and clear, I can hear birds singing, and it's beautifully sunny.

If only Luke weren't snoring so loudly beside me.

I pull myself out of lukes tight grip around my waist and step into the sunlight.

I go into into the sea, but as soon as I realize that the water is filled with trash and jellyfish that were swept up from the storm last night I step back on to the sand.

Somehow seeing the trash in the ocean makes me feel less alone. It reminds me that theres still life out there. It reminds me that things used to be so normal. It's almost comforting, apart from the fact it reminds me of how polluted and dirty our planet is.

"Hey," I hear Luke behind me.

He comes to stand behind me and wraps his hands around my chest.

"Are you okay now; after last night?"

"Yeah...I think I'm fine."

"You think?"

"I'm alright love, you don't have to worry about me."

After a moments silence Luke says "it's so beautiful," referring to the ocean and beach in front of us.

"I know, I wish I could appreciate it more, but it's so hard when we're stuck here like this."

"We'll be off this island soon, I just know it," Luke says with the upmost confidence.

"You're so strong, so brave...God Luke, I don't deserve you," I choke out, at a loss for words just because Luke.

"Don't say that," Luke says turning me around so I face him, "you deserve so much, Ashton, you deserve so much more than being stranded here."

And then, we are leaning forward, our fingers ghosting over each other's skin, as if we are afraid to break this, to break each other.

He wraps his hands around my waist and grips on to the hem of his shirt. My arms make my way to his hair and our lips connect.

I haven't been intoxicated in so long, but I don't need alcohol to take away my problems; I've got Luke. And I can completely intoxicate myself with him.

There's so much intimacy and love and passion in the kiss, and my heart thumps loudly against his. And I can't breath, but that's okay because Lukes lips are on mine and he's my source of oxygen. He's my life line. He's my everything. And his hands are on my waist, and his touch is fire and I almost can't stand it. His body pressed against mine is the greatest feeling I could ever imagine. And I'm so so infatuated with Luke.

It's all a blur of hands on skin and lips on lips but as I pull away away from Luke and breath out an "I love you," I know that my feelings won't change, they can't change.

I don't understand, I just can't comprehend how I can love Luke so much. My adoration for him consumes me, and my mind is mostly just a mess of Luke. It's not healthy to rely so much on a person, but I cant help it, I cling to Luke like I'm the night sky and he's the stars.

He's the stars that light up my world, the stars that make everything less black, and more beautiful.

"I love you too," Luke says, his lips swollen and his hair a beautiful mess across his tanned features. And I almost cry, because he's just so beautiful.

"I want to spend forever with you," I say, blushing when realizing how cheesy that sounds. Then I think how desperate and stupid it sounds, so so stupid-but then Luke says "you are my forever," and my heart pounds out of my chest, and I feel hope for the first time since I've been on this terrible island.

A/N: I'm sorry this is short and it sucks. It's mostly just a filler because the real shit is gonna happen next chapter.

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