Chapter 14~

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Chapter 14:

"Ashton?" Calum says poking my side.

"Go away," I groan, my head pounding.

"I have pain killers," he says.

Slowly I lift my head from the pillow and take the pills off of calum.

"Wait, why am I in your bed?" I ask, confused.

"Do you not remember any of last night?" Calum asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No, shit, did we have buttsex?"

"No, and why the hell is that what you thought of?"

I shrug, "I just thought of the first thing that came to my mind."

"And it was buttsex?"

"Pretty much,"

"Well that's...nice," calum says.

I give him a sarcastic grin, and then try to stand up. I fall over straight away and on to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Calum asks rushing over to me.

I start laughing, because it's like 6am, and we were talking about buttsex, and now I'm lying on the ground.

"Are you still drunk? You are literally such a lightweight," Calum says, judgingly. And yes, judgingly is totally a word.

"I'm just dizzy," I say, then giggle again.

"We have to leave for school in like 10 minutes," Calum says.

"Shit," I say, standing up too quickly and almost falling over (again).

"Here are some clothes you can borrow," calum says handing me a pile of clothing.

I start taking off my clothes in front of calum, and after getting over his initial shock he says "wow okay, I'm leaving."

"Aw Calum's all flustered," I tease, as he quickly leaves the room, a blush visible on his cheeks.

Once I'm dressed, I find Calum, grab my school stuff, and we walk to the bus stop together.

When the bus comes me and Calum go straight to the front and sit together.

"Ashton?" I hear a voice say. I turn around, it's Luke.

"Hi?" I say, not sure if me and Luke are still angry at each other.

"Hi." Luke says, and then neither of us speak. Before I can turn away from Luke I see him glare at Calum. Slowly I do turn away though, confused by our very, very brief encounter.

Once we get to school the day goes extremely quickly, and before I know it, it is lunch.

The only problem is that I can't see calum and Luke anywhere in the cafeteria. I doubt it's a coincidence that they're both missing, so they're probably either fucking in the janitors cupboard, or arguing. I think (I hope) the latter is correct.

With a sigh I stand up and decide to go look for them. It doesn't take long to find them. I mean, they're arguing loudly, right outside the cafeteria. I decide not to let them know I'm there yet, and I listen to their argument.

"He's mine!" I hear Luke say, his voice raised. Just from those two words I can already tell what they are talking about.

"He was yours. Past tense, hemmings. He's like all the others, except this time you didn't fuck him and dump him. You just dumped him."

"Don't mention that, calum, don't talk about my past as if you've never fucked up. You're not a good person, no better than me."

"All you'd ever do was get drunk and hook up with people. You took everything and everyone important in you life and destroyed it. You're like a tornado, you come and destroy everything in your path, and then you keep going, you never stop hurting people."

"Calum, you've been through all the bad stuff with me, you've helped with all the shitty things we've done. And that time in the car crash? You were there too, and you were sober, so you have no excuse."

I don't know what they're talking about, and my mind goes to so many different possibilities. I focus on one thing though; calum and Luke have some kind of history.

"You think being drunk is a good excuse? You make excuses for everything. You even made an excuse to break up with Ashton."

"It wasn't an excuse, it was true." Luke says.

"If you really love Ashton you'd choose him over your asshole parents. Ashton deserves more than you."

"Oh what? Who does he deserve then? You?" Luke says with a sarcastic laugh.

"He probably wants me more than you," calum spits out.

"Well he needs me," Luke says, and I then see calum shove Luke against some lockers.

"Guys, please stop," I say rushing up to them.

Luke turns around, as if to yell at me, and when I flinch away from him I can see the guilt in his face.

"How much did you hear of that?" Calum asks.

"Enough," I say shaking my head. "You guys are so fucking egocentric, you think I need one of you? You think I want one of you?"

Calum and Luke both hold shocked expressions as I continue to talk, "since you guys obviously have some kind of history that nobody bothered to tell me about, why don't you just date each other instead of fighting over dating me?"

Then, I storm off, I grab my bag from the locker, and even as Luke tries to apologize to me, the white hot anger I'm feeling right now compels me to walk straight out of the school.

I'm just so done with Luke, and calum, and all this fucking drama. I'm done with everything. Life is just completely shitty right now, it's actually so shitty that the idea of lying in bed home alone sounds enjoyable.

A/N: Is this a plot twist???idk???? Also it's shit so sorry lmao.

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