Chapter 4~

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Chapter 4:

When I wake up my legs are tangled together with Luke's, and his arm lazily rests over my stomach. It must be already after lunchtime, and I presume I'm up so late because me and Luke talked all night.

I don't know how we ended up in this position, but to be quite honest I really don't mind.

I turn to face Luke and I can't help but find his gentle snores, and his little nose, cute. I lie next to him for a while, but then I hear him start making odd noises.

And then, I realize, Luke is moaning. He is having a wet dream, oh my god.

I try to move a little away from Luke, but then I hear him moan my name and I jump up, disturbing Luke in the process.

"How long have you been awake?" He asks, angrily
"A few minutes," I say, stepping from one foot to another.

"So you were watching me in my sleep?" Luke asks, angrily.

"I wouldn't really say watching..."

"Jesus Christ, are you fucking Edward Cullen? Do you sparkle too?"

"I only sparkle for you, baby," I say to Luke, with a wink.

"Did I say anything in my sleep?" Luke asks.

"Well you may have moaned my name once or twice," I say, smirking.

"Fuck!" Luke exclaims, standing up, and then kicking the sand in front of him.

"Why are you so angry?" I ask.

"I'm not angry, I'm horny," Luke explains.

"Wow okay, maybe we should stop talking about this?"

"Wow okay, maybe you should help me with my problem." Luke says.

"I'm alright, mate."

"So now I'm just your mate? Ouch, the friend zone hurts."

"Maybe mate is my favorite term of endearment?" I say.

"Whatever, I'm going into the forest"

"Why?" I ask.

"To...go to the bathroom," he says, furrowing his eyebrows, "Yeah to go to the bathroom."

"Sure that's what you're doing," I say with a chuckle.

"Don't be mean, it's your fault I'm going through this embarrassment!" Luke says, and then walks into the forest.

I sit in down on the sand, and when Luke comes back, he sits down next to me with an exhausted sigh.

I look at him, and then say "you look sexy when you're sweaty," teasingly.

"If I look so hot, then why don't you fuck me right here?"

"Sure," I say standing up, and unbuttoning my pants.

"Wait!" Luke says, a panicked expression on his face "I didn't think you'd take it seriously! I mean I wanna fuck you, but we don't have lube or condoms...oh god, what if I get an STD?"

I start to laugh, "Calm down, Luke, I wasn't being serious."

"Meanie," Luke says, pouting.

"Sorry," I say shrugging my shoulders with a grin.

Luke suddenly moves closer to me, and then he quickly puts his hands on my hips and starts tickling me.

I laugh so hard, that I can barely say "please stop" between my breaths.

Deserted with Luke Hemmings (Lashton) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now