Chapter 18~

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TW: This chapter involves sexual harassment, please read at your own risk.

Chapter 18:

I know Luke didn't mean to kill michaels father, and I don't even know if it was lukes fault. But the word murderer is stuck in my head. Incessant thoughts about Luke being a criminal are going around my head, causing me to fall in to an ever longing pit of perplexity.

Maybe it depends on what your idea of a murder is. The dictionary definition is "The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another". Obviously, it wasn't a premeditated killing, but it still seems to be lukes fault.

He was drunk, unstable, it would be ridiculous to believe that the other driver, michaels father, was even part of the reason the crash happened.

The dictionary definition for second degree murder is "a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender's obvious lack of concern for human life."

At that point in time, in the completely drunk state Luke was in, I can't help but imagine that his concern for human life was rudimentary. And he was certainly acting with "dangerous conduct"; he was drunk driving.

So is Luke guilty? Probably. Will it change how I see Luke? I don't know.

Maybe it shouldn't, he was drunk, it wasn't on purpose. But, he was being incredibly reckless, and he ducking broke the law.

Michael also told me the rest of the story. It turns out the calum and Luke had been a thing. Is it bad that that disgusts me? And one day they were caught fucking at a party by one of their class mates. They were outed to their school and so Luke proceeded to get drunk to distract himself from the torment from his classmates. Luke pulled calum down with him, and it all led up to the day of the car crash.

There is always the possibility that it wasn't Lukes fault, and it was actually michaels fathers fault.

I haven't seen Luke since Michael told me, luckily we have a weekend now, but I am dreading going back to school tomorrow.

Also, I haven't really thought much about the fact that calum basically admitted he liked me a while ago.

I have no idea how that will affect my relationship with calum, but I just hope it doesn't.

It's already close to midnight, and I know I'm gonna need to get some sleep tonight, or I will be in an even worse mood tomorrow at school.

I quickly get changed, and I go to bed.


I could see Luke coming down the corridor of our school, and so I quickly ducked behind some lockers.

Luke doesn't know that I know about the car crash, but I'm going to have to talk to him about it sometime, and I just don't want that to be today.

"Ashton, I can see you, what the hell are you doing?"

"Nothing, just chilling behind the lockers," I say, with a grin.

"Chilling? You're hiding from me, why?" Luke asks.

If it weren't for the dilemma that Luke was kind of a murderer I would have found this situation fairly amusing.

"As if I could hide from someone as sexy as you," I say, in the hope I can make him flustered, and therefore distracted.

"Did you talk to Michael?" Luke says, with a sigh.


"Well fuck. What did he tell you?"

"Not much, just that you and Calum used to fuck, oh and that you killed his dad."

"I didn't kill him, Ashton," his voice stern.

"Maybe it was his fault, I don't know, but you could've at least told me."

"I'm sorry, I thought you'd hate me."

"I'd never hate you, dumbass," I say.

"Are we okay, then?"

"Yeah, I just need a little time to digest this, I guess."

"Okay, you wanna go out sometime soon then?" Luke asks, sounding unsure of himself.

"Sure," I say with a smile.


The day had come to an end fairly quickly, and after talking to Luke a weight has been lifted off my chest.

I actually feel happy, and God has it been so long since I've felt even mildly content.

I'm going to Michael's house today after school, we've become quite close recently, and since there's tension between me and calum I might as well make new friends.

I ring his doorbell, and Michael quickly answers.

Something seems different about him. His normal smile has been replaced with a vacant look, and something about his demeanor is putting me off.

"Come in," he says putting his hand low on my back, and pushing me almost roughly into his house.

"You alright?" I ask, as Michael and I walk to sit on the couch.

"Fucking peachy, what about you, ash?" He seems angry, and I've never seen Michael like this.

"Good," I say.

There's a pause. Michael puts his hand on my thigh.

He leans closer to me, his breath tickling my neck. "I can make you feel better than good."

I nervously laugh; this has to be a joke right?

Michael ignores my laugh, and he leans his head in to my neck, his lips pressing against my skin.

"Michael, what are you doing?" I squeak out.

He continues to kiss my neck. I try to push him away, but his arms are wrapped tightly around me.

"Please stop," I say, fear clear in my voice.

He doesn't stop.

I push him away roughly. I quickly step away from the couch, and move to the front door.

I try not to cry. I really try. But Michael sees the tears before I can leave, and I see his face soften before I run out of the door and to my car.

Michael calls after me, his mood completely different to only a few minutes ago.

I drive away. I drive away wishing I had never met Michael. I drive away wishing none of the last year had even happened.

A/N: I'm putting way to much drama into this story ew
Also iCheeseYou added this story to one of her reading lists !!!!

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