Chapter 13~

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A/N: The side picture makes me want to jump off a cliff in a good way.

Chapter 13:

After several meetings and emails involving school I was finally able to go back there like a normal student.

It's my first "proper" day back, and me and Calum are sitting down together at lunch.

I brush my fingers lightly over one of the bruises on Calum's arms, "I can't believe Luke did that to you," I say.

Calum stumbles over his words before saying with a shrug, "I probably deserved it."

"Why? You didn't do anything," I say, frowning.

"Don't look so sad, it's depressing," Calum says, lifting my chin up, "and, I don't know, but he wouldn't just lash out at me would he?"

"I'm not sure, Luke has never seemed violent to me," I trail off, memories of Luke filling my mind. I love him so much, it's only been a week or two since we left the island, and I just want to kiss and hold him again. It hurts so much, but I guess I'm good at covering up my emotions, because not many people have noticed my sadness.

"What's with you and Luke?" Calum asks.

"What do you mean?" I asking, feigning confusion.

"Oh come on, Ash, you know what I mean."

"I guess, we were boyfriends," I say.

"Past tense?"

"He broke up with me, he's an ass, I'm over it," I say, lying.

"You're a terrible liar, Ashton," Calum says, with a shake of his head. Then I see his face visibly pale, and he looks like he wants to say something.

"Ashton, we need to talk," Luke says, sliding into the seat next to me.

"Uh no," I say.

"Uh yes," Luke says, "hey Calum, can you just like, fuck off for a second?"

"Asshole," Calum says, grabbing his stuff and leaving. How could Calum leave me alone with Luke? We are either gonna kill each other or make out. Neither of which would improve my quality of life (probably).

"What do you want?" I say, trying not to meet eyes with him. I know that if I do, I'll fall even more in love with him, and I won't be able to keep up my angry persona.

"So you and Calum, huh?" Luke says, and I can tell he's trying to seem cocky, but I hear the pain in his voice.

"No..." I say confused, "and so what if we were together, you did break up with me."

"You know I didn't want to, ash,"

"Then get back together with me," I say, sounding completely desperate (probably because I am completely desperate).

"You know I can't fucking do that, Ashton, you're acting like you hate me, but it's not my fault I had to break up with you!" Luke says, raising his voice.

"That's because I do hate you, asshole," I yell, the cafeteria going silent.

"Fuck this.." I hear Luke mumble, and then he takes my face in his hands and slams his lips on to mine. I melt into the kiss, and my hands move to Lukes waist.

"Not here, Luke," I say as I remember we are in the middle of the cafeteria.

"Wanna do it somewhere else?"

"That's not what I-yes," I say, because I really want to make out with him right now.

He grabs on to my hand, and pulls me out of the corridor. He makes sure nobody is looking, and then he pulls me into the janitors closet, and attaches his lips to mine.

And let me tell you, we did a little more than just making out.


"You shouldn't have gone back to Luke like that," Calum says with a shake of his head. We are at his house, and I just told him everything about me and Luke, starting from the island.

"I know, he just has some kind of effect on me. I'm wrapped around his finger."

"He always hurts you ash, you could do a lot better," Calum says, frustration in his voice.

"Like who?" I ask, with a raised eyebrow.

Calum hesitates before saying "I don't know...just not Luke."

There's a silence for a while before I say "wanna get drunk?" With a smirk.

Calum shrugs, then stands up and gets a bottle of vodka. Luckily, his parents aren't home, so we can do whatever we want.

I unscrew the bottle and swig down some of the liquid.

Calum takes a few sips after me, and before he can put the lid back on the bottle, I'm grabbing it off him and drinking me.

"Hey, Ashton, slow down a little, alright?" Calum says.

"No," I say with a pout.

"Calum," I whine, my words already slurring, as he tries to pull the bottle from my hands.

"Ugh, whatever, but when you have a hangover tomorrow don't come crying for me,"

"I'll come for you instead," I say with a wink.

"you are such a lightweight," Calum mumbles.

"Pft, you're just a hater, don't be jelly, cal." I slur, then take another drink.

Calum finally pulls the bottle out of my grip, then he says "I think we should get you to bed,"

"And then what?" I say, smirking.

"Fuckboy," Calum mumbles then leads me up the stairs to his room.

He pushes me down onto his bed, and starts to leave the room.

"Callll, stay here," I whine.

"Ash, that's not a good idea."

"Please," I say with a pout.

He sighs, then climbs into bed next to me. "Your hair is fluffy," I say patting his head. He chuckles, and then pulls the blanket over himself.

"Why'd you wear all those bracelets?" I ask, slurring my words.

"No reason...anyway, try and get to sleep ash,"

"Can you kiss me goodnight?" I ask with a giggle.

"Ashton.." Calum says, warning lacing his voice. "That's not a good idea."

"Why?" I ask, confused.

"How about we talk about it in the morning when you're sober."

"Pft, I'm sober," I say.

"Thats such a lie it'd be like saying that I'm straight," He says with a chuckle.

I don't understand what he means, Calum is weird, but I shrug, and cuddle into his chest.

He is hesitant to relax, but he does and rests his head on top of mine.

"Night!" I say, with a giggle.

"Night, ash."

A/N: this so so bad wtf, also I have no plan for this story so I'm just winging it oops (hi)

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