Chapter 21~

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Chapter 21:

"Are you nervous?"

"Well of course I am, Luke, I'm meeting you're homophobic parents, and I'm gay as fuck."

"Just ignore any rude things they say, please, they kind of suck, but I know if they meet you they'll be less...horrible?"

"How comforting," I say, sarcastically.

"Whatever, are you ready to go?"

"As ready as I will ever be," I with a shrug.

Me and Luke leave my house, and Like drives us to his house.

His parents aren't exactly aware of the fact that I'm coming round, but they do already know that I'm the kid that dated Luke.

They just don't know that I'm still with him.

Basically, tonight is going to be a mess.

Me and Luke walk up to the door, and we walk in.

Lukes mother notices us and says "I thought I told you that you couldn't see him anymore?"

"Well everyone deserves a chance, don't you think, mother?" Luke spits out, silencing her. That makes me wonder if something else has happened between Luke and his mother.

"Well dinner is just about to be served, so Ashton can stay." She says, clearly displeased with my presence.

"Thank you." I say, quietly.

Me and Luke go to sit down at the table.

Lukes dad soon joins us, and he looks shocked when he sees me, but he doesn't seem as upset as Lukes mom.

Lukes mom soon brings food out, and we all start eating.

"So Luke, why did you bring Ashton home?"

"We actually have something to tell you," he says.

"We're dating, like boyfriends," he says.

"Luke can we talk privately, please?" She asks, standing up. Luke follows her out of the room.

I can barely hear their conversation, but what I do hear doesn't comfort me.

"I don't mind, about like you and Luke." Lukes dad suddenly speaks up.

"Thank you."

"You have to understand, my wife was raised in a very homophobic family, but I'm sure she will come around."

I nod, and go back to eating.

Soon Luke and his mom come back into the room.

Luke sits next to me, and puts a reassuring hand on my thigh. Somehow, I know everything will eventually be okay.

Now we only have my father to tell.


We finished dinner, and now we're going back to my place to tell my dads about Luke and I.

Luke explained to me that his mom still isn't really okay with us, but she is willing to allow it to happen.

I'm hoping my father will also accept us.

"Let's go," I say, grabbing on to Luke hands, and pulling him inside my house.

"Hey dad, Lukes here," I say, walking into my dads office.

"That's nice," he says, not looking up from his work.

"We actually have something to tell you."

"Yeah?" My dad asks, sounding impatient.

"I'm gay, and me and Luke are together."

"I always figured that was the guess," my dad says with a shrug.

"Wait, so you don't mind?"

"Of course not, you're still my son, and it's not like you broke the law or something." I almost cry, because mine and my fathers relationship really isn't the best, but he's just so calm about this.

"Thank you," I say.

"No problem, but let me get back to work," he says giving me a small smile (that's an accomplishment for him), and turning back to his computer.

Me and Luke leave the room. "Holy shit! Your dad is so chill."

"Well he normally isn't."

"I can't believe we're finally out!" Luke says, excited, as we walk up to my bedroom.

"I know, it's great," I say grinning up at Luke.

When we reach my room I pull him into a hug. "I love you so much," I say.

A/N: shitty filler, sorry. But please please please check out my new story called "confused" it's Cake and it'll be cute as fuck

Deserted with Luke Hemmings (Lashton) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now