Chapter 8~

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A/N: How lashton look is above (except more tan)

Chapter 8:

I watch Luke step on to the beach, water dripping off his body, and then sit down in the sun to dry off.

Most of our clothing is pretty ripped and ruined now, so we have to make do with what little material we have to cover ourselves. We have to swim without any clothing, because we can't risk soaking our make shift clothing with salt water.

We are used to seeing each other without clothing now. Not that that make it any less hot. Luke's not only big in height, if you catch my drift.

It's at least our second or third month on the island now. Both me and Luke are extremely tanned from the constant exposure to sunlight. We've both lost weight as well, in a good way though. Our muscles have developed too, mainly because one of the only things to do on this island is to swim and exercise.

Luke's hair is long and flat now, and I haven't seen him wear his usual quiff in so long. He does look really cute with flat hair, though. My hair is a long curly mess, but I don't mind, Luke says he likes it like that.

We haven't seen any other signs of human life in so long apart from occasional boats in the horizon.

Being stuck on Island for this long is so, so terrible. I have Luke, but it's just so lonely. We have nothing here, apart from each other. I obviously like Luke, I just need something more to grip on to. We are so disconnected from everything considered normal.

I hate how Luke pretends we are fine, I hate how he pretends us being on this island is normal. Because this place, and this loneliness makes me feel like death would be nicer than living, and I just want to be able to talk to and relate to Luke about how shit this is.

I've never thought about hell before, but this immense level of isolation is so painful I can't imagine that hell is even much different.

"The seas quite rough, you shouldn't go in it," Luke says coming up to our little shelter, grabbing some "clothing" and putting it on.

"Okay, thanks," I say looking up at Luke.

He's so beautiful. His tanned skin contrasts against his passionate blue eyes so well, and his blonde fringe covers a little of his face.

I stand up and tuck his fringe behind his ear, and pull him in for a kiss.

"What was that for?" Luke asks with a little grin.

"You're just really cute."

Suddenly I see a few drops of rain hit the ground outside our shelter.

"You know...I always wanted to make out in the rain," Luke says, raising an eyebrow at me.

His expression, his beautiful, innocent expression leads me to pulling him outside of the shelter under the now heavy rain.

I push him gently against a tree, and put my lips against him.

My hands are in Luke's hair, and his hands are touching my torso.

Suddenly there's a loud clap of thunder and Luke jumps.

"Ow! Fuck! Dude!" I yell.

"What did I do?"

"You bit my fucking tongue!" I exclaim.

"Oops? I could kiss it better for you?"

"Last time we kissed you injured me, so no."

"I'm sorry," Luke says, pouting.

"Your such a loser," I say with a fond chuckle.

"A sexy loser though, right?" He says with a wink.

"Sure, anyway let's get undercover," I say referring to our shelter.

Me and Luke go under our shelter and lie beside each other.

I play with his fingers, gripping his hand whenever he jumps because of the thunder.

"Can we talk, Luke?"

"Sure.." Luke says, looking concerned.

"Luke, I feel so hopeless here.."

"What do you mean, babe?"

"I mean like I keep on thinking; wouldn't death be better than this? Wouldn't death be better than potentially years and years of just waiting?"

"Do you feel like suicidal?" Luke says, his gentle hands resting on my hips.

"Not really...I just don't really want to be alive?" I say, confused by my own feelings.

Luke looks so heartbroken, and I want to die even more at that point, because I've made his beautiful face look so contorted with sadness.

"We are going to get off this island. You deserve so much Ashton, you deserve more than this shit." Luke takes a breath before saying "Please don't like...g-go, I wouldn't be able to handle it if I couldn't see your pretty smile and hear your lovely ideas and thoughts anymore."

"I love you," I say, finally uttering the important words.

It may seem rushed, but when you are stuck with the same person 24/7 for 3 months it's not like you don't know them well.

Luke brushes his finger tips lightly across my cheek. Luke is so gentle with me, like I'm the most precious thing in the world.

"I love you too," Luke says.

I look at Luke, and I realize then that I don't want to ever leave him. He's so beautiful, he's so thoughtful and special, and words can't even do him justice.

I just want to get off this god forsaken island so me and Luke can live a normal life.


Deserted with Luke Hemmings (Lashton) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now