Chapter 10

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A/N: My updating schedule is so fucked lmao

Chapter 10:

"Luke!" I yell, running out of the ocean.

"Yeah?" He calls back, stepping out of the forest, fruit in his hands.

"There's a boat! Luke, there's a boat really close to here," I say, excitement, and anticipation lacing my voice.

"Shit..." Luke says dropping his fruit, an running up to me.

"What do we do?" I ask frantically.

"Go to the fire, we can try and yell at the boat from the fire lit?"

"Yes," I say, already running towards where the fire is. Luke follows closely behind me, and we pull ourselves up on to the rock the fire is on.

We scream and wave our hands desperately, and the boat comes nearer.

Luckily, the fire is quite large, and almost definitely noticeable from the cargo boat that's coming closer and closer to us.

"I think they see us," Luke says, his voice hoarse from all the yelling.

The large boat is now only mere meters from the island, and there is no way they can't see us.

The boat is massive, and we can see a few men, come on to the deck of the boat.

They drop one of the lifeboats off their boat, and one of the men row it over to us. Me and Luke jump down form the rock, and the adrenalin we are feeling right now compels us to sprint to the man moored on the island.

Me and Luke are so shocked, so extremely happy, we can't speak.

"You're the missing boys from the news..." The man trails off.

"Get in the boat," the man then orders."

Me and Luke hurry to sit down in the lifeboat, and the man just looks at us completely dumbfounded.

And then I start sobbing. Because we are rescued. I am going home.

Luke wraps a comforting arm around me but doesn't say anything. I think we are both too shocked to be able to form sentences right now.

Everything happens so quickly, and in no time at all me and Luke are on the large cargo ship, a couple of the workers on the boat surrounding us.

The workers attend to feeding me and Luke, and it's so amazing to be able to eat real food again.

The workers assure us that they will contact people to help us, and then they send me and Luke to a room below decks.

The room me and Luke are in has a bed and water and food.

"Can you believe...we've been rescued?"

"Everything feels so surreal right now," I say.

Me and Luke are sitting side by side on the bed, and I'm cuddled into his chest.

"It's all going to be so different when we get back," Luke says quietly.

"As long as I will still be able to see you it will all be fine," I assure him.

"Yeah," Luke says, seemingly deep in thought.


"Hello?" Someone says, and I open my eyes groggily.

Luke is already awake beside me, and a man is standing in front of us.

"You guys fell asleep over night, we contacted the media who contacted your parents, we are almost at the port where you'll be able to see your parents."

"Okay, thanks," I say standing up.

Luke stands up too and grabs on to my hand as we follow the man on to the deck of the boat.

From the boat we can see the port we will be going to.

It's the same port we were at only months ago to leave for our stupid school trip.

So much has changed since then.

"I love you," I say looking up at Luke and taking his face in my hands.

"You mean so much to me.." Luke trails off and then connects our lips in a short, sweet kiss.

As we get closer and closer to the port I can't help but feel nervous.

I haven't seen my dad in so long, and what's gonna happen with school? And one of the men said he had heard about me and Luke on the news...I don't want that kind of attention.

As the boat is moored at the port I can see many people waiting.

I can see my dad with 2 people who I presume are Lukes parents. Behind them stand what looks like paparazzi.

As me and Luke step off the port I release my hand from his. My dad doesn't even know I'm gay yet.

Everything's a bit of a blur as I see Lukes parents run up to him and embrace him.

My father comes up to me, and pulls me into a tight hug. I know he doesn't care about me, he's never acted like it before, but he says "I missed you." I nod in reply, I can't be bothered to lie and tell him I missed him. He barely even crossed my mind while I was on the island.

Lukes parents are crying, and Luke is too, and I'm momentarily envious of his caring family.

"Come on, let's go," my father says pushing me forward through the crowds.

"Go where?" I ask, confused.

"Home." My father answers simply. I'm not even sure what home means anymore. I want wherever Luke is to be my home.

But I'm being pushed away from Luke, and I quickly move away from my father and over to Luke.

I hug him and I whisper an I love you in his ear.

"What's wrong? You're acting like you're never going to see me again," Luke says.

"I'm going home, and home isn't with you-and I just..don't know," I say, my breaths sharp and short.

"It's okay love, we live near each other, and I'll see you at school; okay?"

I hadn't thought about school yet, and now I can barely breathe because there's just so much stress.

"Love, it's okay," Luke says stroking his fingers against my chin.

He grabs a pen from his mom, and then scribbles his address on my hand.

"I lost my phone ages ago on the island...just please come visit me, okay?"

"Okay, I love you, I have to go...home now, I'll see you soon."

My dad encourages me to come to his car and I give Luke one last look before I make my way through crowds of journalists. Apparently while I was gone me and Luke made the headlines.

I finally make it to my dads car, and as I climb in to a seat and shut the door, I take one last look at Luke before we drive away.

I feel like I'm never going to see Luke again, I know I will, it's just going to be so weird not being around Luke constantly.

My dad doesn't even know I'm gay yet, and I'm hoping he didn't see much of mine and Lukes affection.

When I go to bed that night, I somehow feel every emotion and nothing. Everything's "normal" again, and for whatever reason I don't like it.

I just wish he were here.

A/N: Does this count as a plot twist? Anyway please vote and comment (I love your comments omg)

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