Chapter 5~

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Chapter 5:

Luke's currently finding us fruit from the forest, and I'm thinking over everything that happened yesterday.

I regret all of it.

I don't want a relationship with Luke. I like him a lot, but if something were to happen in our relationship then it would mess up our friendship.

And I love kissing him, but if we keep on kissing it'll eventually lead to sex. And I'm not ready for that, and we are certainly not prepared for it, considering we are on a deserted island.

As I see Luke coming out of the forest, looking absolutely beautiful with a content smile on his face I have no idea how I will tell him.

He comes to where I'm sitting and drops some fruit to the ground.

"Look at everything I got!" Luke says, a proud little grin on his face.

"Yeah it's great." I say, with little enthusiasm.

"What's wrong?" Luke asks.

"We need to talk. Can you sit down?"

Luke nods his head nervously and sits down beside me.

"Yesterday was all a mistake. Or at least for me it was. I'm sorry Luke. I don't want our friendship being messed up."

"Okay, that's fine. But I need to ask you something." Luke says, acting calm, despite the anger I can hear in his voice.

"Sure." I say.

"Why didn't you think about this yesterday? Why didn't you think about that before you kissed me, and lead me on?"

"I-I don't know, Luke."

"Leave." Luke says.


"Leave. Go on, I built most of this shelter, you go find somewhere else to stay on this goddamn island."

"You can't just kick me out!"

"Yes I can. Now leave," Luke snarls.

Quickly I take whatever food is mine, and I walk away from Luke.

I just walk, and walk along the beach until I come across an area of rock.

Upon deciding I can probably make a shelter between two of the rocks I place my food down.

I can see some of Luke's shelter from where I am, but I can't see Luke.

Soon, it starts to get quite windy outside, and despite the rough sea i decide to go swimming.

It's not my best idea, but I'm bored and I've got nothing better to do.

I strip down from my clothing, and then leave my shelter and make my way to the sea.

Carefully making my way into the sea I swim for a little while. But as it starts to rain I make my way to a shallower part of the sea.

I start to walk out of sea, when suddenly I step on something extremely sharp. I swear as pain fills my foot, and I limp out of the water.

Once back in my shelter I look at my foot and see multiple black spikes sticking out of it.

I stepped on a sea urchin.

Now the pain in my foot is becoming almost unbearable, and despite the cold air I feel clammy and hot.

I try to pull the spikes out of my foot, but most of them break in half and just get stuck there.

Soon my breathing becomes rapid and unsteady, and I feel extremely tired.

I decide that I'll lie down and that I'll just find a way to take the sea urchin spines out when I wake up.

I fall in and out of sleep, but with my body covered in sweat, and my erratic breaths it's getting harder and harder to sleep. The pain in my foot is now excruciating, and I have no doubt that my wound is swollen.

I see Luke walking from his shelter to here. I'm not sure why he's coming but I don't really pay attention to it because all I can focus on is the awful pain I'm in right now.

Luke gets closer and closer, and I toss and turn, covered in sweat, and occasionally groaning from the pain.

"Ashton?" Luke asks as he walks past me, holding his fishing net.

"What's wrong?" Luke asks, concerned as he comes closer to me.

"I-I stepped on a sea urchin," I whisper, my breath quickening.

"Fuck, I should've never let you leave." Luke says.

"Did you get the spikes out?" Luke asks.

I shake my head weakly, and Luke mumbles curses before going to inspect my foot.

"This is going to hurt, okay?" Luke says, and when I don't reply he goes to take out one of the spikes.

I can barely feel it being taken out because my shortage of breath and my foggy head is all that I can think of.

I feel my eyes begin to close, and a feeling of peacefulness fills me. I hear Luke say "Ashton, stay awake, ash, baby, please open your eyes," and then my eyes completely close, and darkness overcomes me.


"Ashton? Ash? Are you awake?" Luke asks as my eyes open.

I sit up from where I was lying down, and see Luke standing up.

"Thank god you're awake." Luke says, "I t-thought you were going to die," he says, his eyes getting a little watery.

"I'm alright, Luke, it's okay."

"I got all the spikes out of your foot, and it's just a little swollen now."

"How long have I been asleep?" I ask.

"Maybe a day or two." Luke replies.

"Wow," I say, shocked.

"Yeah, I was so fucking worried." Luke says.

I stand up, and pull Luke into a hug. He gratefully wraps his arms around my back and pulls me closer to him. "I'm okay, Luke. Thank you so much."

He rests his head on my shoulder and I can feel my shirt get wet with his tears. "I don't know what I'd do if you were gone."

"I'm sorry I kicked you out. I was being irrational and stupid. And fuck, I'm so sorry, okay, I'm never going to do that again, okay?" Luke says.

"It's okay, love," I say, "now stop crying before I start," I say with a chuckle.

A/N: I don't really like this chapter, but please vote, comment, and fan (:

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