Chapter 1~

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A/N: New story yayyy

Chapter 1:
Ashton's POV:

I double check my backpack to make sure I have my phone, wallet, a spare pair of clothing and extra snacks before leaving my bedroom, and dragging my suitcase down the stairs to the front door.

Once I'm downstairs I absentmindedly bite my lip as I wait for the bus that will take me to the boat dock to arrive. My dad had to leave early for work today so I've had no chance to say goodbye to him. He just left me a wad of money and a note that told me I should behave myself on this trip.

I wish he hadn't had to leave early for work, because now I have to ride a bus full of obnoxious popular teenagers. And, yes, I'm a teenager, but I'm still allowed to hate them.

I suddenly hear the beep of a vehicle horn outside my house, and upon realizing it must be the bus I grab my bags and leave my house, triple checking that I locked the doors behind me.

I walk up to the bus and the bus driver opens the doors for me after I put my luggage away. Once on the bus, I try and search for an empty double seat but no where is available.

I try to sit next to a girl in the front of the bus but she just moves her bag to the available seat next to her.

I try to sit next to a few other people too but they all do the same thing as the girl. Eventually I am forced to sit next to some kid who always seems to be sick, and is actually somehow more unpopular than me.

Trying to sit as far away from the kid next to me (so I don't catch whatever sickness he has this time) I take out the brochure for this trip.

This trip was organized by the school for the seniors, and is supposed to be a "cultural experience". I'm pretty sure everyone apart from me will just get drunk every night, hook up with someone, and then have to nurse their hangovers the next day. At least we get to go Hawaii though.

About an hour later, after the hellish bus ride filled with boys yelling and girls showing off their cleavage we finally arrive at the boat dock.

After being shoved to the floor at least 3 times as a crowd of over excited teenagers rush to get off the bus I am finally able to get off and get my luggage.

Then once everybody is ready we are taken towards where our cruise ship to take us to Hawaii is waiting.

Luckily the large cruise ship seems to be empty apart from us. And as everybody gets on the ship, and go to their rooms there's a general air of excitement.

Even I'm excited! And as I go to my cabin on our cruise ship my happiness grows as I realize I have a room to myself.

The next few days on the boat pass smoothly, especially as I've been able to lock myself up in my room and ignore everybody.

Today though, we are having a barbecue on board the boat and I'm basically being forced out of my room by the teachers so I can come "socialize". As if that's gonna ever happen! I hate everybody in this school, and maybe that's due to their inferior knowledge, or maybe it's because they're all a bunch of annoying rich kids. Either way, I do not want to come socialize with them.

But, as I get changed out of my pajamas and into normal clothes for the first time in days I know I can't get out of this.

Leaving my room I grab my backpack and I make my way to the front of the cruise ship where already most of the seniors linger, eating food and socializing.

I head straight for the food and after getting a burger I find an empty seat, and sit alone.

After a few minutes of everything going okay, I suddenly hear a yell and a few screams. I look up to see what's going on and I see that the barbecue has been knocked over and the flames are slowly spreading across the boats floor.

Deserted with Luke Hemmings (Lashton) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now