Chapter 11~

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A/N: I update so much because I don't have a life tbh.

Chapter 11:

My dad says I don't have to go to school anymore, I can be home schooled instead. But I just want to see Luke again.

I haven't seen him in 3 days, and I know it doesn't sound like much but it feels like an eternity to me.

I've been forced to rest at home for the last 2 days, and the first day I spent in a hospital.

Everything is so different now, I /hate/ it. I'm not in school, I'm not with Luke, and I feel so unstable. I've got no routine or anything.

And I haven't slept in days, I keep on having these nightmares about the island. I wake up screaming every night, and can never fall asleep after that.

My dad is trying to get me to go to a therapist, he's convinced I have some kind of anxiety or post traumatic stress.

It's not like being on the island was really traumatic. I mean, I fell in love on the island. But for some reason I'm having these nightmares and I can't stop it.

At the hospital doctors told me I had to rest at home for a week. I'm not sure why, I've definitely become healthier since being on the island, maybe it's just a precaution, but nonetheless I haven't been able to see Luke.

I should sneak out, but as my fathers rich we have pretty high security and my leaving would be noticed.

Maybe I should just fuck it and go anyway, I don't even really care anymore.

I don't really care about much anymore, without the worry of school work, or the worry of getting off the island I've found myself feeling indifferent to pretty much everything.

I feel empty. I just lie in bed all day and stare at my walls. I don't care for keeping up with my favorite tv shows or seeing the latest /Avengers/ movie, those things seem so unimportant now.

I guess everything seems pretty boring and ordinary when you were deserted on an island for three months.

I'm not sure what time it is right now, my blinds have been closed for days, and I have no way of telling what the time is since I lost my phone on the island.

I decide to get up, I might as well go see Luke. Maybe he's even doing better than I am.

I pull open my blinds, and I see that it's late evening. I grab my keys to the house and I check that I remember Lukes address.

Luckily, my window is pretty close to the ground outside and i jump out of it with ease.

I don't think my dad is home, so luckily he won't notice me leaving. I go to our large garage, and when I pick out what car to drive, I get in it, and drive up to the gates of our house.

I type in the code that opens the gates, and then I'm out the grounds.

After putting Lukes address in the gps I start driving to his house.

It isn't a long drive and soon I arrive at his house.

I really didn't think this whole sneaking out think through, because I don't want to knock on the families front door and I have no idea which room is Lukes.

I decide to go to the backyard and see if I can see Lukes room from there.

In the garden I can hear loud music playing from one of the houses windows, and I figure it must be Lukes room.

Okay, now I only have one problem left; how the fuck do I get into his room?

I look around for some thing I can step on to reach his room, but I can't find anything.

I guess I'm going to have to do this the old fashioned way. I pick up a few rocks from around the garden, and I throw a few at the window.

Eventually, I see a tired Luke coming to the window. I can't help but blush when I see he is only wearing boxers.

He opens the window, "Ashton?" He says in a low, rough voice. I must've woken him up. "Why are you here?" He asks.

"I needed to come see you." I say, honestly.

"Well, come to the front door, I'll see you there."

"What about your parents?" I ask.

"They're not home."

I nod, and exit his garden.

Luke opens the door, and I pull him into a tight hug.

We hold each other for a long time, and as I pull away I mumble "I missed you," Luke just nods, and starts walking up the stairs to his room. I follow closely behind him, and when we get to his room music is still playing loudly.

His walls are plastered in posters, and his floor strewn with clothes, and it shocks me for a second, because I almost forgot that Luke is a normal teenage boy.

"Slipknot?" I question, referring to the music playing loudly through his speakers.

"You can't beat them," he says with a little grin in my direction.

He sits down on his bed and I sit next to him.

I put a hand on his leg, forgetting how little clothing he was wearing.

I blush at this, but I can't help but look at Lukes toned stomach.

"You're beautiful..." I say, then take Lukes face in my hands, connecting our lips.

I gently push him down on to his bed, our lips still connected. His hands move to grasp my butt, and I let out a gasp when he does this. He slides his tongue into my mouth, and I moan against his lips.

His hips move against mine, and fuck, the friction is amazing.

There's only 3 layers of clothing between us, and just knowing that makes my breathing erratic.

Luke lets out a moan as I grind my hips against his but then he pulls away from me with a frown.

"We can't do this, Ashton," he says, regret in his voice.

"Why?" I ask, pulling myself of off him.

"My dad doesn't approve of me being gay, and he saw us the other day, and I just can't lie to him about this..."

"So what?" I say angrily, "you're breaking up with me?"

"I don't know ash..." Luke says trying to reach for my hand, but I pull away, "I just care about my dad a lot, okay? And I don't want to ruin mine and his relationship..."

"Oh, so you're willing to ruin our relationship, so you don't hurt your homophobic fathers feelings?" I laugh, "that's great Luke, there's a lot of logic in that," I sneer.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to fuck up my family, okay?"

"It's already pretty fucked up, if your father won't accept his own son."

"Well I'm sorry that my family is still together, and that I don't want to ruin that by putting some boy I've known for 3 months in front of them."

"Don't you dare...don't you dare ever say that again!" I yell, "never fucking mention my family again,"

"I'm sorry ash," Luke says looking extremely guilty.

"I don't forgive you, Luke, I'm apparently just some boy to you anyway, so why does it even matter if I forgive you?"

"You know that's not what I meant," Luke says, frustrated, "I love you..."

"Sure," I say shaking my head, "I'm leaving," I say storming out of the room, pulling away from Lukes grip.

I get home and rush past my father, he's telling me off, but I just don't give a shit anymore.

I slam my door and lock it behind me.

I start crying, and curl up in a ball on my bed.

At least I don't feel empty anymore, right? I just feel like my whole world is crashing down on me.

A/N: I hope you guys don't mind if it gets a little angsty now. Also they made out to slipknot I'm laughing

Deserted with Luke Hemmings (Lashton) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now