Chapter 17~

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A/N: The side pic is so cute wtf!!!

Chapter 17:

"Do you know a guy called Michael Clifford?" I ask Luke. Lukes face visibly pales as I ask this question. "I don't think so," Luke says.

We are at his house right now, and his parents aren't home.

"I could literally see your shock when I asked if you know him. Please don't lie to me."

"Okay, yes, Ashton, I know him."
"Do you know what school he goes to?" I ask, "Also how do you know him?"

"I think he goes to the public school on the other side of town."

"You only answered one of my questions," I state.

Luke shrugs. "Why are you being weird about this?" I ask.

"Me and Michael just have a bit of history."

"What kind of history..?" I ask, not really even wanting to know the answer.

"A bad kind of history."

"And can you tell me why it's bad?"

"It's a long story, and I'll tell you when we have more time."

I nod, still not pleased with Luke's reluctance to tell me. I feel like everyone has fucking secrets they're hiding from me. I still have no idea what Luke and Calum were arguing about the other day, and now Luke apparently knows Michael?

"Was Michael involved in that thing with the car crash you were talking to calum about the other day?"


"Fucking hell, Luke, can you just tell me the truth of all this. My life is like a fucking sitcom right now with all these secrets and drama:"

"Ashton, I want to tell you, but it's like really bad. I don't want you to see me differently."

"I'm going to go ask Michael," I say, standing up and grabbing my coat.

"Please, don't Ashton, I just need time, and you can't threaten me like this."

"Look, Luke, I love you, but I hate secrets, and all this fucking drama is pissing me off."

I quickly leave his house, and get in my car. I went back to the therapy place the other day so I could find Michael and get his number. I text Michael and tell him I'm coming over. He quickly messages me his address, and I start to drive to his house.

Soon, I arrive at his house, and Michael opens the front door when he sees me arrive. He then leads me upstairs and into his bedroom.

"So why are you here?" He asks, confused.

"I just wanted to see my friend," I say, with a smile.

"No, really, why are you here?" He asks.

"My...boyfriend is keeping secrets from me, and somehow you're involved in these secrets."

"And your boyfriend is?"

"Luke Hemmings." Michael clenches
his fist and mumbles some curse words.

After a while he says, "Why are you dating that fucking asshole?"

"Excuse me?" I ask, shocked.

"He's a life ruiner, you deserve a lot better than him."

"That's what everyone's been telling me, but I still haven't been given any viable proof as to why he is such an 'asshole'."

"Do you know about the car crash?"

"Not really," I say shaking my head.

"Basically, Luke and Calum got in a car crash. Luke was the driver, and he was probably drunk, and they collided with another car."

I nod, really shocked already, I know there must be more depth to this story. And now I wish I had found this out from Luke and not Michael.

"The driver of the car was killed. It was quick; he apparently didn't feel any pain. Nobody is sure whose fault the collision was, so neither Luke or Calum got in trouble." Michael continues, "I'm convinced it was Luke's fault, though, at this time Luke was always drunk, and I am sure he was drunk that night too."

"How were you involved, though?" I ask, preparing myself for whatever Michael might say next.

"I was Lukes best friend at the time, we'd got in an argument that night about how immature he was being, he left my house, went to Calums and he got drunk. Later that night they went for a drive, and as I already told you they crashed and a guy was killed." Michael says, his voice cracking a little at the end of the sentence. "The guy who died was called Ben Clifford. The man who died was my father." Michael's fists are clenched and he squeezes his eyes shut to stop his tears falling.

"Luke killed my father."

A/N: Plot twist? (Also this is so bad I'm sorry)

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