Chapter 12~

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Chapter 12:

"Shit, shit, shit," I say running a hand through my hair.

I broke my fucking window.

I was angry and I punched it and now it's cracked, and fuck, my hand hurts like a bitch.

I blame the window, honestly, I'm weak as hell so it must be really badly built.

I also blame Luke because he's the one who made me so angry to punch the window in the first place.

My hand is bloody, already bruising, and I feel like I've broken a finger. I don't care though, the emotional pain I'm feeling right now is a lot worse than the physical pain.

My dad isn't home, and it's about 10pm and I'm so bored and so angry.

I feel like I could snap someone's neck right now. Literally.

I need something to do, I need something to distract me. It's been days since I saw Luke, as in it's been days since I've left the house.

I need something to do.

School? Should I go to school? You can tell my mental health is seriously deteriorating right now, because I actually want to go to school.

Ugh, shit, my thoughts are going all other the place again.

I just can't focus on anything anymore.

I'll just go to school, I finally decide.

I go into my walk in closet and pull out a random tank top and jeans, then I choose a backpack and shove on some vans.

I grab a pencil off my desk. School is so irrelevant you honestly only need a pencil. And that's so you can vandalize the tables; not work.

I just realized how sad my life is, I've been excited to go to school again for days.

Also what's with all these mood swings? Two minutes ago I was planning to murder the next person who talks to me, now I'm excited to go to school.

My emotions and mental health are a serious mess right now.

I sigh, and lift up my bag, swinging it over one of my shoulders.

Then, picking up my keys, I make my way to the front door and leave.

I don't live far from the school, and I decide to actually mildly exercise for the first time in my whole life, and walk. I know right; I'm fit as hell.

Maybe the fact that I eat a chocolate bar as I walk to school ruins the whole "healthy" thing but whatever, you can burn calories by crying, right?

When I get to school, everyone is pointing and whispering at me.

It's either because I was all over the news, or because I'm sexy as hell. I'm going for the latter.

I feel everyone's eyes on me as I walk through the hallways. I don't mind though, I mean, I look really tan right now, so I might as well show that off.

I can't help but look for Luke in the corridor. I know he broke my heart, but you don't just stop loving someone. Especially someone like Luke Hemmings.

I don't see him, so I go straight to my locker.

When I get to my locker there is another boy standing in front of it getting his books out.

"Um excuse me?" I say raising an eyebrow at the kid.

"Hi?" He says, seemingly confused, "Oh hey, you're the kid from the news," he then says with realization.

"Yeah, and you're the kid who took my locker. Are we stating facts, or what?"

"Oh, sorry, I'm new, I got your locker cause you weren't here, obviously."

"Well where the fuck are my books then?" I ask, my mood changing quickly from excited to angry.

"Dude, calm down, ask the office not me."

"Dude, Stop being a patronizing twat."

"Thats sweet, oh and I'm Calum, by the way," he says extending his hand for a handshake.

"Okay," I say, disinterested.

"You're friendly, huh?"

"Well you can tell by the crowd of people surrounding me that I'm very well loved," sarcasm lacing my voice as I motion to the meter radius around me that people specifically aren't standing in.

"I've got to go, I have class," Calum says, shutting his locker.

"Oh, what class do you have next?" I ask.


"Oh cool, I'm coming with," I say linking my arm with his.

I don't even know if I'm still a student here anymore, and I have no idea what my timetable is, so I might as we go to whichever class I feel like.

I was deserted on an island, I'm obviously emotionally traumatized (but really though), I can break the rules.

Also I'm punk rock so I can do whatever I like.

As I follow Calum into class I get a few confused stares form people, luckily the teacher doesn't even notice anything. Knowing my nearly invisible presence most of the teachers probably didn't even realize I was gone.

After the class is over, I find out Calum's next class. Luckily, it's sport, so I can just sit on the bleachers checking out the cute sweaty boys playing sports.

I sneakily check out the boys in the changing room before heading on to the sports pitch. Before the teacher can even see me, I go sit on the side of the pitch, and wait for the boys to come out.

When they come out, I almost stop breathing. Luke is there. Luke is one of the boys.

"Fuck," I mumble under my breath.

Luke then looks at me, his face showing complete shock. I try not to meet his eyes, and I look to Calum.

I call Calum over, "I can't be here, sorry,"

"Why? Come on, don't leave, you're like my only friend in this hell hole."

"Just hide me from Luke, alright?"

"Sure.." He says, confused, he must know that me and Luke were on the island together.

"Thanks," I say pulling him in for a short hug. I don't like him or anything, I'm just affectionate.

Luke glances my way, and I see his expression go blank. I squeak, and try and hide behind some of the sports equipment.

He yells my name, and with a quiet mumble of curse words I run off.

After about 10 seconds of running I come to a stop in the changing rooms. I almost pass out, that has to be the most exercise I've done in all my life. I breathe heavily, and then leave the changing rooms.

I wonder the corridors for a while, drinking coke and waiting for Calum's lesson to end.

Suddenly, my boredom turns to excitement as I hear the sound of people yelling "Fight, fight, fight, fight."

I go over to where the noise is coming from, and unfortunately I can't work out whose fighting.

Finally, a teacher comes and pulls them apart.

It's Luke and Calum. I have no idea who started the fight, or why it happened, but I can see that Calum is bruised and bloody, and Luke barely has a scratch.

Luke gives me a long pleading look before he is pulled away to the principles office.

If only I knew what that look was supposed to mean.

A/N: Wtf even was this chapter lmao it's confusing and shit. You should still totally vote and comment tho (;

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