Chapter 16~

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Chapter 16:

"It really wasn't the best idea to punch a wall." Michael says, his tattooed arms gripping on to the steering wheel.

"I know," I say gritting my teeth.

Michael pulls in to the parking lot of the hospital.

I open his car door with my uninjured hand, and then we walk to the reception.

We are then directed towards the waiting room.

Me and Michael talk quietly for a while, and then I ask "why were you at the therapy place?"

Michael hesitates before saying "I have borderline personality disorder,"

I nod, pretending to know what that means.

"What about you?" Michael asks.

"Apparently I'm too 'aggressive'," I say, crossing my arms indignantly.

"That isn't exactly hard to believe," Michael says with a small chuckle.

I'm about to slap Michael on the arm when I doctor walks in the room and calls my name.

Michael gives me a reassuring smile as I stand up and follow the doctor out of the room.

After having an x-Ray and a bandage wrapped around my knuckles the doctor tells me that I have a broken finger, and bad bruising.

I thank him before leaving the room. Michael is still in the waiting room and after I tell him about the injuries, we walk back to his car.

He drops me off at home and we quickly say goodbye before I go into my house. I realize that I haven't got Michael's number, but I figure I'll see him again when my dad inevitably forces me to go back to therapy.

My dad is actually going to kill me. I not only skipped therapy, but I broke my finger in the process. Oh I also was supposed to go home with him, but instead I got some tattooed stranger to drive me.

There's no way I can ignore my dad, because I have to walk past the study he is always in to get to my room.

I prepare my self to get yelled at, and I walk past the study.

"Ashton?" My dad says, sounding angry.

"Hey, dad," I say, putting on an extremely fake smile.

"Don't act like you're not in trouble." My dad says, raising his voice.

I see my dad glance to the bandage on my hand, but he doesn't even ask if I'm okay, he just ignores my injury.

"Do you think it was okay for you to make a scene at therapy? Do you think it was okay to leave early, and without me?"

I just shrug, "do you think it was okay to leave me in the hands of a pretentious bitch for an hour?" I say, referring to my therapist.

When he doesn't answer, I say, "You know who else is a pretentious bitch? You!"

I know I've gone way too far, when I see my dad raise his hand in the air as he comes closer to me. I flinch away from him, and prepare myself to get hit.

I never feel his hand come into contact with my skin, though. I look up and see my father (if he even deserves that title) moving to sit back behind his desk.

"Forget this happened. Go to your room."

I walk out of the room, angry tears streaming out of my eyes, and as I stomp up the stairs to my room I yell "asshole." There's no point in trying to be nice to my father now.

I slam my bedroom door shut and curl up in my bed. I've never felt this alone, and I have absolutely no one to talk to.

Acting completely out of impulse, I open my bedroom window and jump out on to the ground below.

I get into my car, and I figure my dad must know I'm leaving, he just doesn't care.

I drive for a few miles, and then I find myself outside of Lukes house.

I know his parents won't be home, they always work late, so I walk up to his front door and knock.

Luke opens the door. "Ashton?"

"Why are you here?"

I shrug, for fear that if I talk I will just break down. Luke seems to notice my puffy eyes, and his voice softening he says "Ash, what's wrong?"

I shrug again. How I'm a supposed to tell the boy that loves me that I don't want to be alive? How am I supposed to tell the boy that loves me that I don't want to live on a world with him anymore?

Luke wraps an arm around my waist and gently pulls me inside. Once we are in his room, he asks "are you okay?"

I don't speak for a second before I say "no." And then my shoulders shake, and tears are coming out of my eyes, and I feel like I can't breathe.

Luke doesn't say anything but he pulls me into a hug. I hold on to Luke as if he's the most important thing ever.

"I love you," I say with a sniffle.

"Oh?" Luke sounds surprised, "I love you too."

A/N: this is so shit omfg sorry

Deserted with Luke Hemmings (Lashton) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now