Chapter 3- The Pep Rally

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This is the next day btw

Y/n's POV:

"Y/n, darling? Come on, we have to go to the pep rally!" Mom called to me.

I sobbed dramatically and slid out of my chair behind the librarians desk. "I hate pep rallies!" I whined, laying on the floor.

"So do I, but I don't want to buy Nero any candy and watch him eat it, so we're going," Mom said, fixing her glasses on her face and picking up her purse.

"Yeah, he eats candy like a messy toddler," I shuddered, standing up and walking out of the library with her.

She linked her arm with mine and laughed. "He does, doesn't he?" I laughed with her and we walked to the field where the pep rally was being held.

"Who can't be beat?" Carmelita Spats (a.k.a my worst enemy) shouted from the stage as Mom and I sat down.

"A dead horse!" most of the school shouted in response.

They repeated that chant for a long time, but I ignored it and watched as Klaus came and sat a few rows in front of us. He saw me and smiled, sending a little wave my way. I smiled back and waved as well.

"Saying hi to your boyfriend?" Mom teased, lightly poking my shoulder.

My face turned a million shades of red and I hid my face, hoping with all my heart that Klaus couldn't hear my mother from where he was sitting. "Stop it, Mom!" I whined. She giggled and patted my knee, then waved at the Baudelaires and Quagmires.

"I ship (insert your ship name with Klaus here)," Mom said.

"Mother!" I shrieked, turning red again. I then lowered my voice and hissed, "You seriously gave us a ship name?"

"What? You guys are cute together!" she said innocently.

"We're just friends," I mumbled, glancing nervously in Klaus's direction.

"You wish you were more though," Mom teased again.

I blushed and stood up. "I'm cold, I'm gonna go get a sweater," I said, making up an excuse to leave. I love my mom, but she's really annoying sometimes.

"I bet Klaus would love to warm you up," she joked, poking my ribs playfully.

"Stop it!" I laughed, lightly swatting her hands away and walking to the back of the field to get away from her teasing.

I sat down on the grass and opened the book I had brought with me. I had just started to get into it when I heard someone walk up to me.

"Whatcha reading?" the person said, and I looked up to see who it was.

Klaus freaking Baudelaire.

"Oh, um, i-it's just a book I found in the library," I said as he sat down next to me. "It's about fairies."

"You know, I always sort of believed that you were a fairy at heart," he said with a laugh. I smiled and put my bookmark in to talk to him. "How come you're sitting all the way back here?" he asked.

"My mom was teasing me about-" I started but quickly shut myself up. No way can he know! "Well, uh, she was just teasing me a little bit so I came back here," I finished.

He nodded and smiled sweetly at me, which made my face heat up. As a defense mechanism, I stuck my tongue out at Klaus and looked away.

"Why are you so mean?" he whined, burying his face in my shoulder. I shook him off and playfully smacked his arm.

"I'm not mean," I replied. "You're just a baby."

He grinned and laid his head in my lap, staring up at me. "Yeah, yeah," he said, rolling his eyes. "Whatever you need to tell yourself."

My heart raced at his smile. He was still smiling softly at me, and was gently tucking strands of my hair behind my ears. I wrapped my hand around his wrist, then pulled his arm away from my face.

"You're driving me crazy," I scolded, trying to fight off the butterflies that fluttered in my stomach every time he touched me. Klaus just laughed and sat up.

"In your case," he said, "that's a short drive."

I stuck my tongue out at him again, when Vice Principal Nero said he had an announcement to make. So I pried my gaze off of Klaus and we turned our attention to the stage. "Please welcome," Nero said into the microphone, "a man who has no résumé, no letters of recommendation and zero experience as a gym teacher, Coach Genghis!"

A grimy looking man broke though a paper sign with the schools motto and mascot on it, running to the stage. He had a turban wrapped around his head, held together with a red ruby broach. His gym uniform looked greasy and I wrinkled my nose in distaste. His fancy running shoes covered his feet, ankles and legs all the was up to his knees.

"My name is Coach Genghis," the man said, "And I am here to school you."

(A/N) There's chapter 3! If you couldn't tell already, this fan fiction is based on the show instead of the books since Olivia Caliban is a small character in the books and she's a big part of the show.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading!

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