Chapter 10- Goodbyes

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Y/n's POV:

I shouldn't have left the library. I absolutely should NOT have left the library. I thought that everything would go smoothly with our plan, but I was wrong. Count Olaf figured out that it wasn't really the Baudelaires running laps, and chased the Quagmires into the library.

Mom and I walked into the library together the next morning, hoping to get some work done. The whole place was destroyed. The door had been kicked down, the books strewn everywhere, posters ripped, chairs broken, and, lying open on the floor, The Incomplete History of Secret Organizations.

"Wh-what happened in here?" Mom asked. As I was re-shelving the books, I saw something on the ground that made me gasp. With shaky fingers, I leaned down and picked up the odd brown thing.

"Isadora..." I whispered, examining the fringe she had used as part of her disguise. I clasped my hand to my mouth, fighting off tears.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" Mom asked, walking up behind me.

"I have to go," I called to her, already dashing out the broken library door and down the hallways until I found the broom closet I was looking for.

Anxiously, I knocked on the door, hoping I'd hear the groggy voices of my friends telling me they needed five more minutes of sleep, which is what I usually was greeted with every morning. The other side of the door was dead silent. I knocked again, louder this time. There was nothing.

"Duncan? Isadora?" I called, turning the squeaky brass doorknob and pushing the door open.

I was met with an empty closet, the only thing occupying it being a few ratty blankets on the floor. A tear dripped down my face, and I immediately ran to the Orphans Shack and banged on the door. I got no answer from there either and screamed in frustration when I found it empty too.

"Are you looking for those cakesniffer orphans?" a horrible voice asked from behind me. I whirled around, startled, and came face to face, (well, more like her face to my shoulders), with Carmelita Spats.

"If you're referring to the Baudelaires, then yes," I responded.

"Referring?" she repeated in confusion.

I sighed. "It means 'talking about'," I explained.

"Oh," Carmelita said. "I-I mean, I knew that already! I was just testing you. And yes, I was talking about the Baudelaire brats."

"They're not brats," I snapped, narrowing my eyes at her. "Where are they?"

"In the auditorium," Carmelita said, then smirked evilly. "Those stupid brats have a test to take," she sang, tapping her shoes on the ground. "And when they fail they'll get expelled. I'm better than everyone in the whole wide world, and my name is Carmelitaaaaaaa!"

I didn't bother to listen to whatever the second verse was, and starting racing to the auditorium. "Your song didn't rhyme!" I yelled to her, knowing that would make her mad.

"YOU ARE A CAKESNIFFER!!!" she shouted back to me.

"I know you are, but what am I?" I responded, then ran into the auditorium building before she had time to reply.

When I made it inside, I spotted Mom in the audience. She was sitting next to a man who was holding a lot of candy bags and coughing his lungs out. She squirmed uncomfortably away from him, trying to watch whatever was going on onstage.

I glanced towards the stage like she was, and saw Klaus and Violet in the middle of arm wrestling Coach Genghis. Sunny sat underneath the table, chewing on the coach's shoelaces. The older Baudelaires slammed Genghis's arm onto the table, which made his shoe fly into the air. It revealed a horrid smell, like something had died in his shoes, but it also revealed the tattoo on an eye on his ankle.

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