Chapter 24- A Secret Library

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Klaus's POV:

Violet quickly grabbed Sunny, and then we rushed to follow Kit, eager for answers. Kit was walking towards an elevator, but paused for a moment to crumple up Mr. Poe's business card and throw it into a trash can.

"I hope I never have to see that card again," Kit said, continuing her brisk stride to the elevator. "I wish Mr. Poe would have brought you here in the first place. You would have been a lot safer."

I started to say that I agreed, but then stopped myself. If we had been put with Kit in the first place, then we never would have gone to Prufrock Prep, and I wouldn't have been able to see Y/n again. I couldn't have lived with that. Y/n was my beautiful ray of sunshine in an awful, dark world. She had always been my sunshine, the one thing that made me truly happy. So, I shut my mouth and just followed Kit and my sisters into the elevator.

"Now, I'm about to show you something very important, Baudelaires," Kit said as the elevator doors closed behind us. She pressed the 1, 3, and 5 buttons at the same time, and the elevator started to go down. "But it's a secret, and you can't show anyone. Understand?"

"Secret, shh," Sunny said, nodding her agreement.

Kit smiled and patted her head. "Yes, that's absolutely right," she said.

The hand that showed which floor we were on had just reached the basement, and I expected the elevator to stop, but it kept moving down, and so did the hand.

Violet must have noticed too, because she said, "We're going below the basement? How is that possible?"

Kit smiled again. "We're going down to the sub-basement," she replied. "You three will most likely be spending a lot of time there."

"Why would you need a basement and a sub-basement?" I couldn't help asking.

"Well, it's a sub- basement," Kit said, as the elevator doors slid open. She stepped out into the room the elevator led us to. "But it's also a sub- library." She smiled mischievously and walked out of our sight. "Follow me," she called.

Sunny quickly waddled after her, but Violet and I were hesitant, more out of awe than distrust.

"A sub-library," I said slowly, still trying to take in the situation.

I carefully stepped out of the elevator and looked around the room. It was about as big as the lobby, but the walls were filled floor to ceiling with books. The room smelled like ancient paper and tea, and had a welcoming but mysterious aura.

"It's... wow," Violet murmured, following me into the room.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"Come on, you two," Kit called to us. We snapped out of our amazed trance and quickly walked over to Kit. She smiled kindly at us, and led us into another, even bigger room with even more books.

Sunny was already there, sitting on one of the couches and biting a pen. "Hi!" she shrieked, waving at us.

I was still mad at her for biting my hand earlier, so I just stuck my tongue out at her. She started giggling, and ran over to hug my leg. I sighed but smiled, patting her head.

"Dewy?" Kit called.

"Up here, love," someone called back, their voice sounding far away.

Kit looked up, and so did we, as a man with dark hair slid down a metal ladder that led to the taller bookshelves.

"There you are," Kit said with a smile, as the man wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her forehead. "I want you to meet the Baudelaires."

The man, Dewey, glanced at us and his smile brightened. He stepped over to us and shook each of our hands. "It's very nice to meet you all," he said. "I'm Dewy Denouement, one of the managers of this hotel."

"Who are the other managers?" Violet asked.

"My brothers, Frank and Ernest," Dewy said. "We're triplets."

"Quagmire!" Sunny shrieked.

Kit smiled and nodded. "Yes, just like the Quagmires," she confirmed.

"Cool," Sunny said.

Dewey chuckled, and looked like he was about to say something else, but then the phone started ringing. He walked over to the small desk in the room, and answered the phone.

"Denouement here," he said. He was quiet for a moment as whoever was on the other side of the phone talked.

"Which Denouement?" the caller asked. "Frank, Ernest, or Dewey?"

"That one," Dewey said, sounding very cryptic.

"Bad news," the caller said. "Hotel Denouement is now the last safe place."

"I didn't realize this was a sad occasion," Dewey said, and I remembered when Larry the waiter had said the same thing to us at the Anxious Clown restaurant.

"The world is quiet here," the caller said, then hung up.

Olivia's POV:

I smiled as I saw Jacques' taxi pull up in front of the house. He seemed to be on the phone with someone, but he hung up after a minute and stepped out of the car. When he saw me through the window, he gestured for me to come outside. I glanced back at the kids to make sure they weren't watching, then slipped out the front door.

"Hello, my love," Jacques said, and pecked my lips.

"Hello," I replied with a smile. "Did everything go as planned?"

He sighed. "Almost," he said, a sad look in his eye. "The rescue was successful, but our headquarters in the mountains has been destroyed."

"Oh no!" I said. "Was anyone hurt?"

Jacques shook his head. "Thankfully no one was there," he said. "Well, almost no one..."

He looked back at the taxi just as a boy climbed out of the backseat.

"Uh, hi," the boy said. "I'm Quigley."

(A/N) Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. My writer's block has lifted a little since last time, but it still might be a couple days (maybe weeks) until I upload a new chapter.

Okay, before I go, I have a question for all of you who have read my book The Two Cartographers. Should I bring Sabine back in this book? I know this book is an AU to The Two Cartographers, but I kinda miss Sabine lol. I thought she was pretty cool.

Lmk in the comments what you think, and if you have no idea who Sabine is, definitely go read The Two Cartographers!

Anyways, that's it for now. I love you guys! <3

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