One Shot- Cheek Kisses

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This one shot won't have anyone's pov, it will be more like third person


Y/n waited paitently in the living room for her dad to get home. She had drawn him a picture in class that day and was excited to give it to him.

She swung her legs as she sat on the couch, smiling down at the picture she had drawn. She hoped her dad would like it, but she wasn't worried. He always said he liked her drawings.

The phone started ringing, and Y/n jumped up. Sometimes her friends or family would call her to say hi, and she was always excited to get a phone call.

She tried to reach it to pick it up, but it was sitting on a table that was taller than her, so she ran to her mom instead. "Mama! The phone is ringing! Can you answer it, please?"

Olivia nodded and patted her daughter's head. She picked up the telephone and held it to her ear. "Hello?"

Y/n could hear some faint chatter on the other side of the line, and she didn't understand most of it, but there was one word she could make out, Lucas. She smiled excitedly. Lucas was her dad's name.

She tugged at Olivia's dress. "Mama, is it Daddy? I wanna talk to him! When is he coming home?"

But Olivia was frozen. Her mouth was hanging slightly open in shock, and she was shaky as she muttered a "Be right there" to whoever was on the phone. Slowly, she hung up.

Y/n looked up at her, confused. "Mama?"

Olivia looked down at her daughter, tears forming in her eyes. She wiped them away and smiled weakly. "Sorry, honey," she said. "Daddy can't come home right now."

"Why?" Y/n asked.

Olivia tried to stay calm. "He got... hurt and he's in the hospital."

Y/n gasped. "Oh no!" She ran to the front door and quickly pulled her shoes on, then ran to the living room and grabbed the picture she drew. "Mama, we have to go see him!"

Olivia shook her head and placed her hands on Y/n's shoulders. "No, we can't. He... he's not..." Tears filled her eyes again, and she broke down crying, falling to her knees and covering her face in her hands.

"Mama?" Y/n held her mother's wrists, concern filling her heart. A tear dripped down her cheek. "Mommy, why can't we go see him?"

Olivia pulled her daughter into a hug. "I'm sorry, honey. I'm sorry."

"Mommy, what happened? Where's Daddy?"

Olivia tried to quiet her crying, but it didn't work. "H-he's gone..." she whispered.

Y/n drew her head back a little, tears streaming down her face. "Where did he go?"

Olivia shook her head. "No, he... he died, Y/n. He's gone. I'm so sorry."

Y/n froze. Dead? No, he couldn't be. He would come home soon and she could hug him and show him the picture she drew. He couldn't be dead. No way.

"But... but Mama he always comes home." She looked towards the door, expecting him to walk through it at any moment.

"Not this time," Olivia sobbed. "I'm sorry, honey, not this time."

"Daddy..." Y/n stammered. "No, he has to come back! I drew him a p-picture..."

The whole world seemed to darken. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I'm so sorry," Olivia kept muttering, and held her daughter close.

"D-Dada...." Y/n trailed off. She was still trying to comprehend what was happening. She sat on the floor next to her mom, crying but not knowing why.

"I-I have to g-go," Olivia finally said. She stood up and shakily picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Go pack your backpack. Do you wanna stay with Klaus for a little while?"

Y/n stood up and nodded silently, then headed to her room and packed a bag. She slowly put it on and walked back to her mom, her head still spinning. She wrapped her arms around Olivia's leg, then stood and just hugged her while Olivia talked on the phone.

The next few hours were kind of a blur. Y/n remembered her mom driving her to Klaus's house, giving her a hug and then driving away again. She remembered just sitting silently on his couch, Klaus sitting next to her and trying to get her to talk to him. But she couldn't. She was trying to make sense of everything, trying to put all the pieces together. She rested her head on Klaus's shoulder, and he eventually just held her and let her think.

Then, suddenly, it seemed like everything just dawned on her all at once. Her dad was dead. He wasn't coming back. There was nothing she could do.

She seemed to snap back into reality, and looked around her frantically, wondering where she was. "Mama?" she called, starting to panic. "Daddy? Where are you?"

She got all shaky and looked next to her, where Klaus was sitting, worry in his eyes. "Y/n, your mom had to go. She'll be back," he explained calmly.

Y/n shook her head and started hyperventilating. "Daddy!" she cried. "I want Daddy!" The realization that he was dead hit her again, and she broke down in tears, shaking and sobbing.

Klaus gripped her hand nervously. What was he supposed to do when someone was crying? He started to panic too and stood up to go get his mom and dad, but Y/n gripped his hand tighter and shook her head. "D-don't leave me!" she begged. "Please."

Klaus sat down next to her again, shaking and crying himself. "W-what do I do?" he asked.

Y/n hugged herself and kept crying, rocking back and forth a little.

Klaus's mind was racing, trying to think of something he'd read that might help. Nothing seemed useful, and he was about to give up and go ask his parents for help. They'd know what to do. But then he remembered something his dad would always do when his mom was crying.

Klaus, worried and desperate, cupped Y/n's face and turned her head towards his, then started to kiss her tears away. Y/n's breath hitched and she froze in confusion. She was still crying, and Klaus was still kissing her cheeks, catching her tears as they fell.

"It's okay," he whispered. "It's okay."

Y/n scooted closer to him, the heavy pain in her heart lifting a little. Klaus wrapped his arms around her back, keeping her close as he kept kissing her tears. Eventually, she calmed down, and she and Klaus snuggled together on the couch.

Klaus realized he liked kissing Y/n, and even though she stopped crying, he pecked her cheek for a while as he held her. That made her giggle but she was still upset. She was too tired to keep crying, so she just snuggled closer to him and closed her eyes, enjoying his warm presence.

Klaus held her tightly, not liking the idea of his best friend being hurt. They had only known each other for a few months, but he knew he felt the same way about her as his mom and dad felt about each other. Klaus kissed her forehead, then leaned up a little bit to grab the fuzzy blanket off the back of the couch. He draped it over himself and Y/n, then gave her cheek one last kiss and closed his eyes.

They fell asleep together, tired and sad, but safe with each other. They knew they'd always be safe with each other.

(A/N) I may have cried writing this...

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but here's another one shot for you. I have another one shot in the works, but I'm not sure of I'll really post it or not 🤷‍♀️

Anyways, I hope you liked this one. Bye for now. I love you all!

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