Chapter 20- Confessions

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Y/n's POV:

We raced outside with the Council of Elders, and I stifled my laughter as I watched Count Olaf and his troupe try to fight off the crows that were attacking them. A lot of the town had come outside as well to see what all the ruckus was about.

"What in the world is going on here?" Elder Jemma asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"DISGUSTING CROWS!" Esmé was shrieking. "I'LL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU AND TURN YOU INTO SAUSAGES!" She pulled out her harpoon gun and started firing randomly into the sky. The first few harpoons didn't hit anything, but when she got to her last harpoon, she shot it in the air and it went straight through a crow's wing.

Esmé laughed maniacally, and the crow fell to the ground, cawing and crying out in pain. Everyone in town gasped, and Duncan muttered an "Oh no."

"Officer Luciana!" Elder Annabelle shouted, storming over to Esmé. "You harmed a crow!"

"You broke rule #1!" Elder Sam said, rushing to the crow. He picked it up and carefully examined its wing.

"I think those children were right," Annabelle said crossly. "The real criminals are right here, and not in the town jail."

"Arrest those people," Elder Jemma ordered. The townspeople murmured their agreement, and angrily circled around the villains caught in Violet's trap.

"How dare you harm a crow?" a man in plaid pants finally shouted, then everyone rushed in, yelling and screaming, and contained the evil people. After a moment, Olaf and all of his troupe were in handcuffs, and were taken to the jail. I rushed into the jail too, hoping to find Mom and Jacques before too much chaos ensued.

"Mama!" I called into the cell where I had seen her last. She wasn't there, and I started to panic, then made my way to the cell I had seen Jacques in. Thankfully, he was there. Unfortunately, so was my mom. And they were kissing. "Mother!" I shrieked.

They jumped away from each other, startled by my sudden presence. "Y/n," she said breathlessly with a nervous laugh, as she pulled some of her hair in front of a spot on her neck that was clearly a hickey. "Um, we were just..."

I cut her off and shook my head. "I don't want to know," I said. "I'm already scarred for life, I don't need the details. I just wanted to make sure you were okay and tell you that they caught the real Count Olaf, so you and your boyfriend can get out of here soon."

Mom blushed, and Jacques smirked at her. "Oh, I'm your boyfriend now?" he asked, sliding his hands onto her waist.

"Eww," I whined. "Jacques... Okay, you know what? I'm just gonna leave." I started to roll my wheelchair away, but then thought of something that would be perfect for getting back at Mom for teasing me about Klaus. "Don't get pregnant, Mom!" I called to her. I could practically feel her embarrassment from the nervous chuckle she let out as she rambled on to Jacques about how "Y/n isn't usually like that...."

Something abruptly cut her off, and I smiled a little, figuring that Jacques had kissed her to shut her up. I started to tear up as I left the jail, glad that Mom was finally happy again. She looked at Jacques the way she used to look at my dad, a loving sparkle in her eyes and a smile on her lips. I sometimes felt like I wasn't enough to keep her happy, but I always tried to make her laugh. Jacques didn't even need to try. Just his presence lit her up.

I smiled again as I met up with the Baudelaires and the Quagmires, seeing the same loving sparkle in Duncan's and Violet's eyes as they talked to each other. Then I looked into Klaus's eyes....

The sparkle. It was there.

I'd seen it before in him. Ever since we were real little, his warm brown eyes would glow like that whenever I was around. I always noticed it, but I never really understood it.

✨𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞. 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐈𝐭.✨Where stories live. Discover now