Chapter 13- Long Climbs

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Y/n's POV:

After Esmé screeched that Café Salmonella was out, everyone immediately started rushing out of the restaurant. People were screaming in panic at being considered out, and were frantic to get to Herring Houdini. I was pushed to the ground by some old woman wearing a ton of jewelry, and had to crawl under a table and hide to avoid being stepped on.

"We're swimming upstream!" Jacquelyn cried, trying to make her way back through the frenzied crowd to contain Olaf. Larry shouted something in agreement, but I didn't pay attention because I thought I heard someone say my name. I peeked out from under the table and looked around for whoever was calling me.

"Y/n!" a familiar voice said in an excited whisper. I looked toward the statue of the salmon in the center of the restaurant, where the voice was coming from, and smiled as I saw Klaus waving me over. He smiled back and I quickly crawled to him, careful not to let Count Olaf see me.

"Hi," I said as Klaus pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back, grateful for the sense of safety I felt in his arms.

"I missed you, my dear," Klaus whispered, pulling away to look me in the eyes. I blushed, sticking my tongue out at him.

"I missed you too, but don't call me that," I said, as my brain yelled at me that Klaus didn't actually miss me at all; that he was just lying for my sake.

Klaus sighed, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Fine," he replied, the sparkle in his eyes dimming and his grip on me loosening.

My heart ached to see his eyes glow happily again as he gazed so sweetly at me, but my mind kept telling me that it was fake. That he didn't mean any of it and that he never would. So, I stepped out of his arms and glanced around the salmon to see if the restaurant was empty yet.

No one was there anymore, not even the waiters that worked there. It seemed like the place had been abandoned for years because of how empty it was. I swear I even saw a tumbleweed pass by outside.

"Coast is clear," I whispered to the Baudelaires.

"We need to get back to 667 Dark Avenue," Violet said.

"To find the Quagmires?" I asked.

"Precisely," Sunny babbled.

"How will we get there unnoticed?" Klaus asked.

Violet smiled, tying her hair back with her dark purple ribbon. "I'm sure I can find a way," she said confidently and in moments we were hiding inside the salmon statue, awkwardly waddling our way to the Squalor's apartment.

Violet had carved a hole in the foam-like material of the statue, so she could see where she was walking. She stood near the front of the giant silver fish, Sunny in her arms, while Klaus and I stood at the back. It wasn't too large inside the statue, and we occasionally stepped on each other's feet by accident, but there was enough room for us to squeeze in together without being too cramped.

Violet whispered directions to us as we walked, like when we had to stop and pretend to be just a normal statue or when we had to turn a certain direction, but Klaus was quiet the whole time. He had always been kind of a quiet person, but this particular quiet seemed like the upset kind. I figured I had hurt his feelings somehow, which was the exact opposite of what I wanted and made my stomach churn with guilt.

You're not good enough for him, my brain whispered sadly. He deserves better.

Although I agreed with that, I still didn't want him to feel bad. So, hoping it might help ease the tension, I wrapped my hand around his. He let out a content sigh as I tangled our fingers together, sending me a small but sweet smile. I smiled back, glad that the salmon statue had such dim lighting on the inside so he couldn't see the blush on my cheeks.

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