Chapter 19- Crows + Count Olaf = Disaster

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Klaus's POV:

Y/n sped off to look for her mom and Jacques as soon as we entered the jail, so Isadora, Sunny and I just waited by the door for her. She came back a few minutes later, a determined gleam in her eye.

"We have to get them out of here," she said.

"But how?" Isadora asked. "Everyone in this town thinks that they're criminals, and that Olaf is an innocent person."

"You, Duncan and I could testify against him," Y/n said. "Who in this town would listen to us, Klaus?"

"Um, maybe the Council of Elders..." I suggested, though I wasn't sure. "But Duncan and Isadora can't be seen by Count Olaf. He'll try to kidnap them again. You, too, for that matter."

"Or he'll get mad and blow his cover," Y/n said.

"No, Klaus is right," Isadora said. "Even if we did get him frustrated enough that he forgot his disguise, he'd just cover it up again and everyone would believe him."

"What we do?" Sunny babbled. 

Y/n thought for a moment, then shook her head. "I don't know," she admitted with a sigh. I stood behind her and gently rubbed her tense shoulders, and she gradually relaxed a little.

"Violet? Duncan?" Sunny asked, meaning, "Maybe Violet and Duncan have some ideas?"

"Well, I guess we can at least check if they've come up for air yet," Isadora said with a shrug.

~Time skip brought to you by Beatrice Baudelaire, just because she can lol~

We met up with my sister and Duncan, who had thankfully stopped kissing and were just talking to each other by the time we found them again.

"Hi," Violet said as we walked up to them.

"We need help," Isadora said, getting straight to the point. She sat down on the bench next to her brother, patting down his messy hair. Duncan swatted her hand away.

"I know you do," he joked. Isadora rolled her eyes and smacked his head.

"Shut up," she scolded. "This is serious. We need to get Jacques and Olivia out of jail."

"You mean break them out?" Violet asked.

"We were thinking of something a little less illegal," Y/n said. "But that can be our backup plan."

"How do you legally break someone out of jail?" Duncan asked.

"By proving that they're innocent," Y/n said.

"And that Count Olaf is guilty," I added.

"Believe?" Sunny asked, meaning, "Will anyone believe us?"

"Probably not," Isadora said with a sigh.

"Maybe Hector will listen?" Violet suggested.

"Who's that?" Y/n asked.

"Nice person," Sunny explained. "Good cook."

"Can he really help us?" Y/n said.

"He might try," Violet said, "but he'll probably just faint."

"Baudelaires!" a friendly and familiar voice called. We looked up and saw Hector walking towards us. "Who are your friends?" he asked, gesturing to Y/n and the Quagmires.

"This is Duncan, Isadora, and Y/n," Violet said.

Hector's eyes widened. "A-are these your friends w-who were k-kidnapped by C-Count Olaf?" he stammered. He started to wobble a little bit.

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