One Shot- How Y/n and Klaus met

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Klaus's POV:

It was recess on my first day of kindergarten, and I was sitting alone on the swing set, since I hadn't made any friends yet. I sighed and opened the book I had gotten from the library, starting to read facts about squids as the swing lightly swayed in the wind.

"Um, excuse me?" a timid voice asked a few minutes later, breaking me out of my trance. I jumped a little and looked up, seeing a girl standing in front of me. She had h/c hair that was tied up in two pigtails with f/c ribbons. The ribbons matched her dress and perfectly complimented her e/c eyes.

"Y-yes?" I stammered, not really knowing how to act around other people who weren't part of my family.

The girl smiled a little and gestured to the swing next to me with her free hand, her other hand occupied with a book. "Is that swing taken?" she asked.

"N-no," I mumbled, my face turning red from embarrassment at the fact that no one had wanted to come near me except for her.

The girl smiled at me again and sat down on the swing, then opened her book and started to read, the wind lightly tossing her hair around as the swing rocked back and forth. I stared at her for a moment, baffled. She seemed very invested in her book, and I didn't want to bother her, but I did want to make a new friend and she seemed very nice.

"W-what's your name?"I finally stammered. She looked up from her book and turned to me.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said kindly. "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Y/n." She held her hand out to me and I awkwardly shook it.

"I-I'm Klaus," I said. She smiled brightly, showing off her pearly white teeth.

"Klaus," she repeated quietly. "I like that name. It's very elegant."

"You use a lot of big words," I blurted. She laughed and put her bookmark in her book, closing it and setting it carefully on the wood chips.

"My mommy is a librarian," she said. "And my daddy is a teacher, so they teach me lots of fancy words."

"Oh," I said, nodding. She smiled again, starting to kick her feet and push her swing a little higher.

"Do you want to be friends?" she asked me. I was taken aback by the question, but nodded eagerly, not wanting to be alone for the whole school year.

"Yes," I replied quickly. Y/n giggled, her pigtails flying wildly around her face as she hopped off her swing.

"Let's go play!" she bubbled, bouncing over to me and taking my hands. She pulled me off the swing set and over to the monkey bars, climbing up the ladder and expertly swinging hand over hand to the other side. She dropped onto the platform and smiled reassuringly at me. "Come on!" she said.

I climbed up the ladder nervously, my hands already sweaty. "I-I don't know if I c-can," I stammered. Y/n slid down the slide on the platform and rushed over to stand underneath me.

"I'll hold your legs," she said, "and then it will be easier for you to swing to the other side."

"I d-don't think that's s-safe," I muttered.

"It's okay," she reassured me, already gripping my ankles. "I'll catch you if you fall."

I took a deep breath, but just as I was about to try the monkey bars, the teachers blew their whistles and called us off the playground, saying that recess was over. I climbed back down the ladder as fast as I could, not liking how high up I was. I started to walk towards the teachers but Y/n ran in front of me and stopped me in my tracks by giving me a big hug.

"We can try the monkey bars tomorrow, okay?" she said as she pulled away, taking my hand again.

"O-okay," I stuttered. She smiled and pulled me back to the swings so we could collect our books, then we rushed over to the teachers.

When I got home that day, I was still thinking about Y/n and how nice she was. When my mom asked me why I was so smiley, I told her it was because I thought I was in love. She just laughed and patted my head, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

(A/N) That's it for this one shot. I hope you guys liked it! 😊❤️

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