Chapter 1- The Bookworm Beauty

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Y/n's POV:

"Y/n? Come here, I need some help with these books," my mother called to me.

I groaned and reluctantly closed my book. "But Mom," I whined, "I was just getting to the good part!"

She smiled and gently patted my head. "You can go back to that later darling, we need to get these books shelved before the new students arrive."

My eyes widened. "New students?" I asked.

There was rarely ever new students in this treacherous boarding school, and I was surprised that anyone would want to come here. The only reason that I attended this school was because my mother worked here and she had no where else for me to go.

"Yes. They're orphans, and the banker in charge of them is sending them here," Mom said.

"Poor kids," I said, but I actually was very excited to meet them. New students almost never enrolled, like I said, and I hoped they would be nice. I could relate to their experience of losing a loved one. My father died in a bad car accident, and Mom hadn't really been the same since.

"Well, let's try to make them welcome here," Mom said, handing me a cart full of books to shelve.

I smiled and nodded, then took the cart and pulled it over to the fiction section to put the books away. I set aside a few books that I wanted to read, and shelved the rest of them.

"Y/n, the new students are here! Come meet them!" Mom called to me half an hour later as I was reading my books. I smiled and closed the book, then raced over to my mom.

"Ah, there you are!" Isadora Quagmire, my best friend, said.

"Hi, Isa!" I waved.

"Hey, Y/n," Duncan said with a smile. Duncan is Isadora's brother, but he's like a brother to me too. I don't have any siblings of my own, so it's nice to be around the Quagmires.

"Hi!" I said.

"These are the Baudelaires," my mom explained, gesturing to three children who were standing near the Quagmires. Hearing the name "Baudelaire" sparked a flash of recognition in the back of my head.

There was a girl who looked a little older than me and I noticed that Duncan was holding her hand. I inwardly giggled and looked at the other two kids. There was a baby with little blonde tufts of hair, and...


My childhood best friend.

"K-Klaus?" I stammered in bewilderment. He met my gaze, then his grim expression brightened and he smiled excitedly.

"Y/n!" he exclaimed, rushing forward to hug me tightly. I laughed and hugged him back, surprised by the pleasant electric shocks that sparked in between us with every touch.

Klaus pulled away a little, just enough to meet my gaze again. His chocolate colored eyes filled with happy tears, which he quickly wiped away under his glasses.

"Gosh, you've grown," I mumbled, suddenly noticing the way he towered over me. I had to crane my neck up to see his face.

Klaus rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair. "Yeah, and you're still short as ever," he said with a smile.

I pushed him away and lightly punched his shoulder. "Shut up!" I laughed.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Isadora asked.

"Yep, he's my bestie," I sang, hugging his arm. Klaus nodded with a soft smile and patted the top of my head.

"Lovely to see you three again," Mom said, suddenly recognizing the Baudelaires from when we used to live near them in the city. "Welcome to the school children. I hope you'll be happy here, and I'll be glad to assist you in any way I can, but the library sadly is only open for 10 minutes a day and our time here is up."

Klaus and I had looks of disappointment on our faces as we all said our goodbyes and Mom locked up the library. After they left, I walked back over to my pile of books and picked up the one I had been reading earlier.

Mom came over and sat near me. "What was that?" she asked, smoothing out her skirt.

"What was what?" I asked in return, closing my book again with a sigh.

"You seemed very excited to see Klaus," she said with a grin. "Maybe a little too excited."

I blushed, but frowned. "I haven't seen him since we were 10," I said. "I missed him and I think that I showed the proper amount of excitement at seeing him again."

"Mhm," she mumbled disbelievingly. "It seemed to me like you were checking him out."

I blushed again, "No I wasn't," I said defensively, although she wasn't exactly wrong. I had always found Klaus slightly attractive, and I admit he was still very nice to look at. I suppose I was "checking him out," as Mom suggested, though I wouldn't put it that way. 

"Ok, well, don't go off kissing him or anything. At least, not in front with of me," Mom said casually, interrupting my thoughts.

"Mother!" I shrieked in despair, pretending to be appalled by the mere idea. She only laughed and walked away, leaving me alone with my books, which I gladly picked up and continued to read.

(A/N) Thats the end of this chapter! Thanks for reading!

Btw, credit for this book goes partially to Krukonia because she gave me the idea to do a Klaus x Reader, so thanks so much!

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