One Shot- Meeting Beatrice

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Hey! Little bit of backstory here:

You guys remember Sabine, right? She was in the last chapter before I started writing one shots. Well, she was adopted by Kit and Dewey too, and the Baudelaires think of her as their sister :)

Y/n's POV:

Klaus and I sat nervously in the waiting room of the hospital with our siblings. Kit had gone into labor a few hours ago, and we were all racked with nerves. The doctors assured us that Kit and the baby were going to be fine, but it was three in the morning and everyone was stressed.

Klaus was tapping his foot nervously on the ground, chewing his nails. I wrapped my arm around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder, and he quickly wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug.

"She'll be okay," I whispered. "They both will."

Klaus nodded and kissed my cheek. "I know," he said. "I'm worried anyway, though."

I gave him a comforting smile and patted his knee. "It'll be alright, darling."

He chuckled a little and rubbed his thumb across my lips. "Thanks."

I wanted to kiss him, but settled on snuggling my head in the crook of his neck. He sighed nervously and stroked my hair with a shaky hand.

A doctor walked in our direction then, and we all looked up, hoping he had some news about Kit and her baby. He stood in front of us, looking at the clipboard in his hands for a moment. He then looked up. "Are any of you related to Kit Snicket?"

Sunny was half asleep, and Sabine and Klaus were too racked with nerves to talk, so Violet sat up straighter and said, "Yes, me and my siblings are. Is she okay?"

The doctor smiled and nodded. "Everything went smoothly, and she and the baby are perfectly healthy. You can go visit her, but only family for now."

Violet smiled and Klaus let out a big sigh of relief, laughing a little as he buried his face in my hair for a moment. "Oh, thank goodness," Violet said. She stood up, Sunny in her arms, and followed the doctor to some other part of the hospital. Klaus and Sabine followed her.

The Quagmires and I were left in the hospital waiting room, slightly less stressed out now that we knew Kit was okay. Jacques was already with Kit, as was Dewey. Mom had a V.F.D. thing to do that night, but she said she'd come see the baby as soon as she could.

"So, everyone is okay?" Duncan asked.

I nodded. "Sounds like it."

Isadora smiled. "I wanna meet the baby."

I laughed. "Me too. I want my own baby."

"Ew," Quigley said, scrunching up his nose. "You're only a teenager, though."

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't mean right now," I said. "I meant eventually, when I'm older."

"Oh," he responded.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes again, and he sent a sharp glare my way.


About thirty minutes later, Sabine came back to us. "The doctors said Kit can have more visitors now," she said. "Just like one or two at a time though. Come on."

We all followed her through the hallways until she paused at a door. "Who wants to go in first?"

The Quagmires all looked at me. "You go," Isadora said. "We'll wait."

I smiled and followed Sabine into the room. Kit was laying on a cot, Dewey standing next to her and stroking her sweaty hair out of her face as her eyes fluttered open and shut a few times. She looked exhausted but happy, and snuggled her head into Dewey's hand.

Klaus was sitting next to her, a little bundle in his arms. It took me a second to realize he was holding the baby, and I smiled, gasping quietly. I walked over to him and he looked up at me, a quivering smile on his lips and his eyes watery.

"Oh, are you crying?" I asked softly, cupping his face for a moment.

He chuckled and shook his head. "Happy tears," he whispered, gazing down at the baby.

I looked down at her too and realized she was wearing one of those crochet baby hats. I giggled when I saw it was a bunny hat that made her look like she had big floppy rabbit ears. "Aww," I cooed.

The baby was quiet except for the few garbles she occasionally let out, and her big brown eyes were looking around her curiously. Her eyes met mine for a moment, and she tilted her head a little, like a puppy dog.

Klaus smiled and chuckled again. He glanced up at me, his eyes still watery. "Do you want to hold her?"

I glanced at Kit. "Can I?"

She smiled tiredly and nodded. "Just sit down with her, okay? I don't want you to drop her."

I nodded and pulled a chair up next to Klaus, and he gently put the baby into my arms. "Ooh, hello," I said, readjusting so her head was supported and she was comfortable.

She babbled a little, wriggling one of her arms free from the purple blanket she was wrapped in. She waved her arm around, then paused when she saw her hand. She looked at it like What the heck is this thing? and wiggled her fingers.

I laughed and she looked up at me, still seeming confused by her hand. She rested her hand on my arm for a moment, then reached up a little farther and grabbed the ends of my hair. She tugged at my hair and I winced. "Ow, why do babies have such tight grips?"

Klaus chuckled and helped pry the baby's hand out of my hair. She shrieked her dissaproval, but then Klaus handed her a little stuffed bear and she was happy again.

"She's so cute!" I said, running the back of my finger over her tiny, chubby face. "What's her name?"

I heard Klaus's breath hitch, and I looked over at him and saw that he was crying again. He took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes. "Sorry," he whispered. "I'm sorry."

I looked over at Violet in confusion, who was sitting on a little couch with Sunny and Sabine on the other side of the room. Violet's eyes were watery too, but she managed to say, "Her name is Beatrice."

I gasped and looked down at the baby in my arms, then at Klaus. "Beatrice?" I asked. "Like...?"

Klaus smiled weakly and nodded. "Like Mom." He choked back a sob and stood up, starting to walk out of the room. "I'm sorry, I need a minute."

Violet stood up and sat down in the now empty seat next to me, then took baby Beatrice and cradled her. She gave me a small smile of encouragement, then I followed Klaus out of the room.

I found him a little farther down the hallway, leaning against the wall and wiping his eyes. His whole body seemed shaky, and as I walked up to him he dug the heels of his hands into his eyes. I gently gripped his wrists and he lowered his hands, his glasses falling back into place.

"Are you okay, love?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I... yeah, no, I don't know."

I smiled weakly and gave him a hug, resting my head on his chest. "Talk to me."

He sighed, wrapping his arms around my back to hold me close. "I just miss Mom, I guess," he whispered. "And I don't mind that Kit named her daughter after my mom. I think it's really nice, actually, I... I don't know. I think I'm kind of sensitive right now."

I chuckled and placed a kiss on his chest, then held him tighter. "Sensitive is fine," I said. "I think we all are. Everything's been hectic the past few hours and it's like three in the morning. I don't think any of us really know what we're supposed to be feeling right now."

He sighed and kissed the top of my head again. "Okay."

"Okay," I echoed, and we walked back to Kit's room.

(A/N) hi everyone! I hope you liked this one shot :)

Thats it for now. I love you all! Bye!

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