Chapter 22- Another Guardian?

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(the next morning)

Y/n's POV:

"Y/n, wake up," Mom whispered, gently shaking my shoulders.

I grumbled something and pulled the blanket over my head. Mom pulled it back down again, and I sleepily glared up at her. "I'm sleeping," I muttered.

"Come on, get up," Mom coaxed with a laugh.

"Whyyyyyy?" I whined, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Because I have some exciting news for you," Mom said, sitting on the edge of my bed and patting my legs.

"What?" I asked, yawning.

"Well, you know how Jacques and I went to see Mr. Poe yesterday?" she said. I slowly nodded, not knowing where she was going with the conversation. "We went to talk to him about the Quagmires."

My eyes widened and I sat up straighter. "The Quagmires? Are they okay?" I asked frantically.

Mom smiled. "Yes, they're fine," she said. "And they got adopted."

I smiled too. "Oh, that's great!" I said. "Who adopted them?"

Mom grinned and straightened her glasses. "Jacques and I did," she said.

I jumped out of bed and shrieked, bouncing on my toes. "Are you serious?" I said. Mom nodded and laughed as I hopped around the room happily, squealing and smiling.

"Well, I see you're excited," Mom said.

I giggled and hugged her, then went back to bouncing. "When are they coming?" I asked.

"Today, actually," she replied.

Just then, the doorbell rang. I squealed and threw on one of my hoodies, (well, it was actually one of Klaus's but I stole it from him,) then ran downstairs, Mom following close behind me. I got to the door before she did, and took a moment to compose myself as she opened the door. 

"Ah, Ms. Caliban," the familiar voice of Mr. Poe said. "Mind if we come inside? It's freezing out here."

Mom opened the door wider and stepped aside, letting in Mr. Poe and the Quagmires. Duncan and Isadora each gave Mom a hug, before getting practically tackled by me. I held them tightly and they held me tightly, all of us laughing and talking at the same time.

"I'm so happy you guys are here," I said, when we finally pulled away.

"We're really happy, too," Isadora said.

"Well, I should be going," Mr. Poe said. "I need to drop the Baudelaires off with their new guardian as well, and they're waiting in the car for me."

"Wait, can I see them for a second before you go?" I asked.

"Yeah, I want to say goodbye to Violet," Duncan agreed.

Mr. Poe sighed and looked down at his watch. "Very well, but make it quick, please," he said. "The banking day has already begun."

The Quagmires and I rushed outside, where it was indeed very cold, just as Mr. Poe said. I shivered in my hoodie, but grinned and got butterflies in my stomach when Klaus got out of the car and came over to me. I immediately jumped into his arms, my arms wrapped around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"Hello, my little koala," Klaus said with a laugh.

"Hi," I mumbled, burying my face in his neck. His warmth soothed me and drew me in, and I melted into him, even as he set me down.

"Geez, you're cold, baby," he whispered, as he took my freezing hand in his warm one and tangled our fingers together. "You should go inside, I don't want you to get sick or anything."

"But I don't want to leave you," I whined, hugging him tighter. 

Klaus chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "I know, love," he said. "But I'm sure I'll see you again soon. Our new guardians live not too far from here, so I can come visit." 

I sighed and pulled away a little to meet his gaze. "Okay," I mumbled. 

"Okay," he echoed. 

My lips were blue and cold, but Klaus pulled me into a kiss anyways. It was long and slow and soft and sweet, and I could hardly breathe by the time he pulled away. My eyes filled with tears, because it tasted a lot like a scared, goodbye kiss. 

"Hey, everything will be fine," I whispered, cupping Klaus's face. He looked worried, and rightfully so. So far, Mr. Poe had only put them with incompetent guardians who either didn't care about them at all, or only cared about their money. 

"I hope so," Klaus replied, with a sad smile. He tucked some of my hair behind my ear, his fingertips gently brushing against my skin. 

"I love you," I said, resting my hands on his chest. 

He seemed relieved to hear that, and leaned forward to kiss me again. "I love you, too," he said when he pulled away. 

"Baudelaires, time to go," Mr. Poe said, walking out to his car. 

"See you soon, love," I said, stepping out of Klaus's arms. 

He gave me another sad smile in response, gently squeezing my hand before letting go and stepping back from me. "I miss you already," he called as he climbed back in Mr. Poe's tiny car. 

I laughed a little, smiling and waving as Mr. Poe drove away. "Miss you more," I called back. 

Sunny's POV: 

I sighed as Mr. Poe drove away from the Quagmire's new home. I was happy that they were safe again, but sad to leave them and worried about whether my siblings and I would be safe in our  new home. Mr. Poe told us that our new guardian was our "almost-aunt", whatever that meant, and that she and her husband were glad to take us in. 

"Are you excited, Baudelaires?" Mr. Poe asked. "Now that Count Olaf is in jail, you won't have to worry about him anymore, and you can be safe with your new guardians." 

"Mixed feelings," I said. Violet and Klaus glanced at me and nodded in agreement. 

"Well, I'm sure you'll be happy after you meet your guardians," Mr. Poe said. "They are a lot like your parents, really. And Ms. Snicket is pregnant, so there will be a new baby to fuss over soon." 

"Wait, Snicket?" Violet asked. 

"Like Jacques Snicket?" Klaus added. 

"Yes, exactly!" Mr. Poe said cheerily. "Ms. Snicket is Jacques' sister. He's the one who gave me her phone number; I wouldn't have even known about her if not for Jacques." 

"We trust Jacques, right?" Violet whispered, turning to me and Klaus. 

"Da," I said, nodding. 

"Y/n trusts him, and so does Olivia," Klaus whispered back. "And he did try to help us and the Quagmires in V.F.D." 

"Surely Jacques wouldn't ask Mr. Poe to put us in his sister's care unless he trusted her," Violet murmured thoughtfully. 

I patted her hand and smiled. "It'll be ok," I said. 

She smiled back and nodded, as Mr. Poe pulled up to a very large building. "We're here, Baudelaires," he sang. 

Stomach full of nervous butterflies, we climbed out of Mr. Poe's car and walked inside to meet our new guardians. 

(A/N) Hello everyone! I am so so so so so sorry that I haven't been updating in a long time. I know its been like a month or two... 

Long story short, my phone (that I was using wattpad on) broke and it took a while to get a new device to write on that didn't have Wattpad blocked. But everything is fixed now and I'll try to update more regularly. 

Another thing I wanted to say was thank you guys so much for all the sweet comments that y'all leave on all of my stories. It really makes my day when I get to talk to you guys and read your reactions to what I write. 

I love you all so much! Thanks for reading <3 :)


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