Chapter 11:Bang Bang

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Clarke Griffin POV:
Me and Octavia were under the pool table when we heard whistling. I looked at Octavia and then back at the open door. A tall man with a beard kicked the door the rest of the way in. He looked in and proceeded towards the pool table where we were. I saw Octavia start to shake. Her mouth started opening, but I reacted quickly and put her hand over her mouth while pulling her into my hammering heartbeat. The man repositioned his gun and started to walk away from the pool table. I thought he was going to walk out until all I heard his gun load and saw the barrel at my head. That's when the shooting started.

Lexa Woods POV:
I saw Ramerez load his gun and point it at Clarke. I couldn't sit by and do nothing anymore. I kicked him and we started to fight. He was too busy trying to shoot me so he didn't notice how close I was until I knocked the gun out of his hands. After that it was all hand-to- hand combat. He was matching me punch for punch, kick for kick. While I was fighting him I saw a flash of blonde run out the door with a limp body in her arms. 'Good' I thought. She was safe. I finally managed to block one of his jabs, pulling his arm towards me and kicking him in his side, making his knees buckle from under him. I got on top of him and punched him. My blood was boiling at this point. Once. For my father. Twice. For the betrayal. Third time. The emotional pain. Fourth time. For the hell of it. He was knocked out with blood splattered all over his face. I picked up all of my weapons I dropped during the fight. Then I unloaded his gun. By the time I made it out of the building, there were at least thirty cop cars on campus with units searching each building one by one. I booked it and headed straight for my car, careful not to step on any branches that could bring unwanted attention. I tied Ramerez up in the back and sped off back to the apartment. When I arrived at the apartment, Ramerez was still knocked out so I moved him to the bathroom and locked the door. I changed into sweats and a T-shirt, wanting to be a little more comfortable for the delightful talk I was going to have with the piece of crap that killed my father.
It was another thirty minutes before he woke up. "Ramerez." I said, voice cold as ice. I only got a groan as a response. So, I took a bucket of hot water and dumped it on him his eyes immediately widened and he lets out a scream. "Well that woke you up huh?" I asked. "Lexa- " he started. I slapped him. "That's Heda to you." I say getting angry because he had the nerve to call me by my name after all the pain and destruction he caused. "Heda, I- I'm sorry." He stuttered. "SORRY!?" I yelled. I took a deep breath and quickly regained my composure. "You betrayed me, the mafia and even my father, the man who treated you like his son. Not to mention the fact that you're doing whatever with Azgeda.How could you?" I say tears threatening to spill as I looked down on the sorry excuse of a man that I used to consider a brother. "If I tell you, she'll kill you faster that you can say 'oops'." He says, a sliver of confidence behind his voice. "You're lucky I can't torture you." I say thinking about the job. Truth be told, even if I was given the opportunity, I don't know if I could bring myself to do it. With that I knock him back out and grab my keys. I drive to HQ  and they take Ramerez away. Just as I'm turning to leave a sharp "Lexa!" turns me around. I'm expecting to be angry for whoever it was not calling me by my proper title, but my expression immediately changes when I see Lincoln and Luna running towards me. Lincoln was one of the two agents I sent with me in the college to make sure things didn't get out of hand. They pulled me into a group hug. "Hey guys." I say relaxing into the group hug. "We miss you, well not so much Lincoln because he sees you like once a day but." Luna says. "Hey! I can't just go walking up to the teacher and hug her!" Lincoln says in defense. "Guys I'm tired." I state trying to think of any and every reason to writhe out of their hold. "I know I know, we just miss you is all." She says while Lincoln gets called over by some of my other agents. Luna gives me one last hug and I get back into my car. Once I arrive at my apartment, I practically sink into the sheets, exhausted. But of course as soon as I get comfortable my phone chimes. It was another general announcement. It read "hello students and teachers, the assassin hasn't been caught, but the police will find him. If you see him stay quiet and get help. Classes and any other extracurricular activities are canceled until next Monday. Have a good rest of your week."
"Well, at least I got the week off." I say chuckling to myself and I eventually drift off.
A/N: 947 words. I may have gotten a little carried away. 🤣

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