Clarke Griffin the perfectly normal and grateful senior high schooler. Clarke has always had the perfect life, except for the time her father had gotten killed in the army when she was a baby. Clarke has always felt something missing in her life ev...
I had woken up to set my seven o'clock alarm blaring in my ears. After hitting snooze I started checking my social media platforms such as TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. I decide it was time to get up for the day around twenty minutes later. I was in my bedroom picking out clothes when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. "Clarkey, are you awake yet you said we could go out and explore the city today?" She asked, her voice groggy and hoarse from the lack of using it. "O, I'm awake you can come in I was just about to shower." I say. She walks in and looks around, as she has not seen how I decorated it. She smiles taking in the view from the city from my balcony and says "It's nice. Well you go shower and I'll go after you and we'll both head out after, okay?" She asks her eyes finding mine after gazing around the room one last time. "Yeah ok I'll go get in now, don't want you stealing all the hot water." I say while giggling. She rolls her eyes and giggles while closing my bedroom door. I then rid my body of my pajamas and undergarments and place them into the laundry basket of my walk-in closet. I then turn on my music then proceed to the shower. I turn the water on and silently hum to the music while washing my body.
The shower:
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After my shower, I got dressed and knocked on Octavia's door informing her that she could go and shower now that I was done. She said okay and I heard the water turn on about five minutes later. When both me and O were dressed we headed to the car mom said would be waiting for me in the campus parking lot. We get in and drive for awhile with no particular destination in mind, just trying to get a feel for the streets. I pullover to the nearest gas station and fill up the tank after realizing the tank was on E. After I finished I get back in the car and start it up. About five minutes after I hear O's stomach rumble and we proceeded to drive to a nearby cafe. We then signed up for a gym membership because we had use to have one at home, and it was only ten dollars a month so we just charged it to our cards. After that we went to the mall that some of the school cheerleaders said we should stop by. When we walked in my eyes widened, "I-It's huge" I said. Me and Octavia smiled at each other obviously thinking the same thing. New clothes. We had followed the directory to the clothing stores. By the time we had walked out of the mall our bellies were full from our lunch and we each had bags from, Gucci, Sephora, Macy's and a bunch of other stores. We had also gotten decorations for our dorm rooms as well as other necessities from utensils to comforters. By the time we had gotten back to our room the sun was setting. I suggested we go up to the roof and watch the rest of the already setting sun. Octavia didn't disagree and we took the stairs up there, not seeing the point in taking the elevator to go one floor up. I was most definitely lazy, but I wasn't that lazy. Once we arrived, I felt my grin grow that much brighter. Octavia seemed to notice, as I felt a pair of eyes watching me. I tore my gaze away from the beauty of the sunset and looked at her. "You ready for our first day of school on Monday?" She asked, I could see she was nervous. About everything. "No. I never will be, but I know that no matter what happens we are going to rock it." I said. Truthfully, I was just as scared and nervous as she was, but I knew she needed the support so I kept quiet and continued to watch the sunset with my best friend. We quickly retired to bed after the last ounce of sunlight dissolved into the night. After all, we had school tomorrow. ________________________________
A/N: Hello I just wanted to say thank you for 59 reads so far you have no idea how much it means to me that people take the time to read the work that I put a lot of time and effort into. A/N: 766 words.