Chapter 21: Sleepover

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A/N: this song is one of my favorites and there is no set point to start it if you want to. (I prefer to start it at the beginning)
________________________________Lexa Woods POV:
As soon as I heard those words I stopped moving and turned around to face Clarke. "Yes?" I said, eyeing her carefully. "C-Could you stay with me? I-I mean you don't have to!Just because this is a new building a-and I don't really know anybody here and I-I've slept with you before. Not like slept with you slept with you but-" "Clarke." I said cutting off her rambling. "Y-yes?" She said, looking down. "Of course I'll stay with you." I saw Clarke visibly relax. "Just give me five minutes to give the dishes to Luna and to change into my night clothes."(A/N: or pajamas, pj's whatever you wanna call it)

Clarke Griffin POV:
As soon as Lexa said that she would stay with me I instantly felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. But then something came to mind. "Luna takes your dishes every time you're finished with them?" I asked. Lexa chuckled as I quirked a brow. "No, she doesn't, not usually anyway. But since she's on this floor and I'm her older cousin and commander,  might as well put her to use." She said, smirking. "Ok I guess I'll change and brush my teeth before you come back." I said. She smiled and swiftly left the room.

Lexa Woods POV:
I left Clarke room rather frantically. I was never a girly-girl. I never had sleepovers, didn't like wearing fancy dresses or makeup, hell, I didn't even go to school, most of my friend and family are literally in the mafia.
Once I found Luna I was out of breath. "Woah, what's got you running faster than Indra with doughnuts?" Luna said. I rolled my eyes. "You gotta help me." I said once I caught my breath. "Help you with what?" Luna said. "Clarke asked me to stay in her room with her and I don't know anything about sleepovers or how to avoid making it awkward." I said not meeting her eyes. Luna raised an eyebrow. "First of all, when we usually bring people in this mafia and they don't feel safe you put guards outside their door. Secondly, why would things be awkward with Clarke?" She asked. Shoot, I didn't tell her about the morning at the hotel.
Lexa:"Well... we kinda-"
Luna: "okay sorry, my fault. But did you?!?!"

I sighed. "I didn't sleep with Clarke like that. We just slept in the same bed. A-and I'm guessing sometime that night she got uncomfortable because in the morning she was sleeping...on top of me...A-and things were kinda awkward for the rest of the day. I-I just don't want things to be awkward." I said looking down. "Ohmygodd" Luna mumbled under her breath. "What?" I asked. "You and Clarke are literally perfect together. There like a 0.000% chance of you making things awkward if you just be yourself." Luna said while placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Now from what I heard while I was eavesdropping, you have about two minutes, go have some fun, Heda." Luna said while winking and snatching the plates from my hand. I would have time to kill her later, for now, I had to get back to Clarke.

Clarke Griffin POV:
It had been about four and half minutes since Lexa left. Yes, I was counting. I had already changed and brushed my teeth. After I heard Luna and Lexa yelling about our morning in the hotel, my palms became sweaty and I doubted if she was still going to come or not. Safe to say that all of my doubts had disappeared when I had heard I knock on my door. I quickly got up from the sofa to answer it. When I opened it I found Lexa in her two piece nightclothes and some popcorn.
Her pajamas:

"Hey, so I didn't know if you were tired or not so I brought some popcorn in case you

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"Hey, so I didn't know if you were tired or not so I brought some popcorn in case you... I don't know, wanted to watch a movie or something." She said. I was staring at her with wide eyes. "What?" She asked. "Okay first of all, let's avo cuddle? Seriously?!? Secondly, I wasn't that tired so come in and we'll find something to watch on Netflix." I said giggling. Lexa rolled her eyes and said "criticize me on whatever you want...except my nightclothes. They are INCREDIBLY comfortable mmkay? Mmkay." I laughed. "You're ridiculous."

Lexa Woods POV:
Everything was going great so far. Me and Clarke had successfully gotten to the couch and chosen a movie. Clarke suggested "Work it." Which was a romantic musical of some sort and I had wanted to choose "Thunder force." Because, who doesn't like superhero's. In the end we decided to watch both and a few other movies after that.
The sixth movie had just ended and I had just finished the fourth bag of popcorn. In the corner of my eye I saw Clarke's eyes start to droop. I grabbed the tv remote from between the cushions (because that's were they always get stuck and it's annoying🙄) and shut off the tv.
Clarke's eyes opened fully. "What happened? Why'd you turn the tv off?" She asked. "Because you're getting sleepy and we both need to head to bed soon if we're gonna deal with the wrath of HQ tomorrow." I said. "But I'm not tirrreeeddddd." She complained. "Yes, yes you are. You eyes were droopy and you were practically already sleeping. It's time for bed." I said looking at Clarke's tired state. "Okay, okay. But only because I need to get up in the morning." She said while pointing her finger in my face. All I did was chuckle and hold up my hands in a surrendering motion.

Clarke then got up and stumbled into the bathroom. I picked up the mess of popcorn and blankets. As soon as Clarke came out of the bathroom she stumbled into bed and under the covers. After I finished cleaning I got into the bed next to Clarke. She was already half asleep so I wasn't expecting her to talk. "Relax." Was all she said. "Huh?" I said. "I can tell that you're tense. I don't know how but... I feel that no words were ever really "needed" between us." She said. I froze because I felt the exact same way. I could tell when Clarke was scared, or uncomfortable or the little things that nobody would. "I feel the same way Clarke." I said. She smiled slightly and her eyes closed. I heard light snoring from her side of the bed, meaning she was asleep. I got comfortable and whispered "Goodnight Clarke." Before I drifted off I heard a very light "Goodnight Lexa. Sweet dreams." Safe to say I was smiling all through the night.
A/N: I wanted to thank everyone for reading this story, it really means a lot.
A/N: 1211 words.

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