Chapter 3: Summer Vacay! Pt.1

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Current time: 6pm
Clarke Griffin POV:

I had just gotten out of the shower and was feeling euphoric. I had successfully graduated high school a little over a week ago and am now getting ready to head to the beach bonfire my friend Monty had set up for us. I was contemplating wearing ripped jeans with a cute black crop top and my balenciagas (no idea if I spelt that right btw) or and oversized lime green hoodie with my black leggings and lime Nike sneakers to match the hoodie.

After debating for about ten minutes and trying on both outfits. Twice. I decided to wear the black crop top with ripped jeans. Right as I was reaching the door knob to exit my bedroom, my mother bursted right through the door. (almost smacking the door right into my face might I add) If I had not seen my dear mothers face I'd dare say a crazed women broke into our house. My shock had suddenly disappeared as I my mothers voice started to break through my shocked state while she was shaking my shoulders so violently that I was afraid  they might fall of and on top of that she had this humongous smile plastered on her face. "Clarke your letter from UA Albany came in!!" She exclaims. "I-what" I ask flustered and in disbelief. But I was also trying to contain my smile because once her words registered in my brain I realized I could've gotten rejected as well. My smile had eventually slipped out considering I had wanted to go to UA Albany ever since I figured out my father had gone there.
"Mommmyyyy!! When are we gonna get home I wanna get to the big computer to see dadda's college!" Younger me exclaimed. "We are nearly there sweetheart just hold onto your excitement for a few more second then you can go crazy with research until bedtime ok?" My mothers voice had instantly calmed me down, her voice was like a switch in my head. Tantrum, mom's voice. No more cookies, mom's voice. Trouble with math, you guessed it mom's voice.
End of flashback:
My mother snapped me out of my trance once again and told me how proud she was for everything that I had accomplished already and that even if I didn't get into this school how life would go on. She was about to continue rambling on but I put my hand on her shoulder and said "mom if I don't get in it's their loss I'm a real catch you know" I said slightly chuckling. She proceeded to put her hand on my cheek and said three words that made my day that much brighter, "I'm so proud". Giving her a massive bear hug as the tears had started rolling she eventually got it under control and I was just standing there admiring the purest human being that had raised me. "Well time to see if that acceptance letter you and Octavia Blake spent your all nighter writing paid off" she said smiling.
"Okay so I have about two and a half paragraphs done how about you?" Octavia asked curious to where the blonde sitting next to her was in her letter. " Only two O! I have like four what the hell have you been doing the past hour?" Clarke asked completely astonished my the lack of her friends progress. "First of all I said two and a half! Second.. I was- uhhh.. Yeah I got nothing I was just sitting here". Octavia sputtered out. "Damn O, well that sucks, tell you what I could use a break so imma go downstairs and go make cookies and bring us some strawberry lemonade." Clarke stated on her way out of the room, closing the door behind her. "Can you make a few more than usual so that I have some to take home!" Octavia yelled through the closed door. "Fine but you better have at least another paragraph by the time I get back up there!" After the much needed lemonade and cookie break both girls got back to writing their acceptance letters and both were submitted by the end of the night.
End of flashback:

"Clarke", "Clarke!" My mother said. Huh-uh yeah mom d-did you open it yet?" I asked hoping that was the reason she was smiling so I could shove the arising feeling of anxiousness back down. "No silly, but your grades were perfect, and with all that extra credit stuff you were doing there is a slim to none chance you didn't get it!" She says. " Let's go it's waiting downstairs on the island for you sweetheart." "Okay well than what are we waiting for?" I exclaimed while grabbing mom's hand and leading her all the way downstairs towards the marble island in the middle of our kitchen. I stop dead in my tracks when I see the intimidating UA Albany seal confirming the information for my future. I reach tentatively towards the letter and grab it. The way my future went all depended on the contents of this single piece of paper that I'm holding.

I broke the seal, opened the letter and...

875 words

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