Clarke Griffin the perfectly normal and grateful senior high schooler. Clarke has always had the perfect life, except for the time her father had gotten killed in the army when she was a baby. Clarke has always felt something missing in her life ev...
Lexa Woods POV: After my argument with Titus I was FUMING. How dare he talk to me like I'm his slave. Not to mention bringing up friggin Costia to try and get me to push Clarke away! Who the hell does he think he is! I knew I had to calm down. Titus only wants what's best. Even if his methods aren't preferred. I cooled down about fifteen minutes later. In that time I had talked to Indra to see who the rest of the mafia had been, and if there was new news on Azgeda or meetings that I had to attend. She assured me that everything was well taken care of. I thanked her and headed towards the main elevator. I pressed the top floor and waited until the elevator doors opened before stepping out. I decided to stop by my room first so I opened the door and walked straight out onto the balcony. The balcony:
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As soon as the cool breeze hit my face I instantly relaxed. Watching the sunset and just getting fresh air always helped when I was overwhelmed or having problems Flashback: Kiddo. Kiddo I need you to try and calm down your having a panic attack. My father said. I could barely register his voice. Everything was spinning and it felt like I was suffocating. I closed my eyes shut in an attempt to stop the world from spinning. "Lexa sweetie, I need you to tell me what you hear." He said. "I-I can hear your voice." I said, stammering. "Good keep going." He said encouragingly. "Ummm I can hear the wind. I can hear the bird chirping an-and your boots crunching the leaves." I said. Good now I want you to breath with me okay?" He said. I nodded, eyes still sealed shut. He sped up his breathing to meet mine and ever so slowly brought it back to normal. "Good. Now open you eyes Leksa." He said. I quickly opened my eyes at the trigedasleng pronunciation of my name. "Listen to me very carefully goufa. You are going to be the leader of this mafia one day, and when you do you will always need to ste yuj. But for now, jomp em op en yu jomp ai op." He said. I slowly allowed him to wrap his arms around me and I started to sob. "Shhhh shh shhhhhh. Don't worry goufa I'll keep you safe." End of flashback. Clarke Griffin POV:
After I had settled in, Luna had told me that we were going to leave. "But I thought Lexa would want us to stay here?" I said confused as to why Luna wanted me to leave so badly. "Yes, she does but she never stated that I had to keep and eye on you in your room. She just said keep an eye on you and pass the time." She said. "But that's common knowledge, Luna." I say. "Oh well. Look if Lexa comes to this room right after she finishes talking to Titus, then we'd be screwed." She says cooly. "But... if she gets pissed off like she usually does when Titus is angry then we have about twenty minutes." She said smiling. "No, Luna. I don't want Lexa mad at me." I said. She chuckled. "What?" I said. "Lexa can't get mad at you. She was smiling when she came into this building. And she rarely ever smiles sooo..." She said. "Even then we're are staying he-" I was interrupted by a knock at the door. Luna sported a frown as she opened the door to reveal after relaxed Lexa. "Thank you Luna. You can go back to what you were doing now." Lexa said while she clasped her hands behind her back. Luna grumbled something and then left the room, shutting the door behind her.
"I hope you find the room to your liking." She said while taking a seat opposite of me. "Yes I do. It's amazing and the view is wonderful. Thank you Lexa." I said. "You like the view?" She said gesturing to the balcony I was staring at. I nodded. "Follow me there's a much better view and it'll only take about five minutes to get there." She said getting up. I followed her movements and stood up. She then walked us out the door. We had been walking for about five minutes before I heard the crashing of waves. A few more steps and I could see the beach with a beautiful sunset right above it.
Lexa Woods POV: "Wow." Was all Clarke muttered as the beach came into view. I smiled and looked at her. "This would be perfect for me to surf on." She said while tearing her gaze away from the sunset and looking into my eyes. "You surf?" I said, eyes wide. "Yeah, it's really calming for me. I learned a few month after my dad passed." She said looking back to the sunset. "Hm." I said. "What?" She asked. "Do you want to go in?" I asked while smirking. "What? Are you crazy it's probably freezing. Not to mention the beach is probably closed by now." She said. "Okay one, we don't have to stay long just a quick dip and we'll get out." She looked at me with wide eyes. "Two I know the person that supervised the beach. If he sees it's me then he'll have no problem with it." I said giving Clarke puppy eyes and pouting. "Woah whoa whoa slow down a second. Where did bossy, commander, strict Lexa go?" She asked waving her hands around my face. "Right now I really don't care. All I know is that I want to go into that ocean with you, freeze our butts off and walk into the warmth of HQ." I said staring into her eyes. She leaned and whispered into my ear "last one to the beach is a rotten egg" and darted off. It took me a me a second to comprehend what jus happened, but once I did I took off and caught up to Clarke I picked her up and threw her into the ocean with me follow a few seconds after. "Rotten egg." She said as she emerged from the water. She was beautiful. Her hair was wet and she was treading water right in front of me. I couldn't stop smiling. "Ok now I'm cold so I'm getting out." She said. She got out of the water and I joined her. We wrung out our clothes as much as we could before heading back to HQ. We got a couple stares on the way to the elevator, but nobody bothered to question me. I walked Clarke to her room and told her I would see her in an hour for dinner. I walked to my room happiest as I've ever been. It was about an hour later and dinner was being served. I had requested two plates be brought up to my room, so that I could give one to Clarke and we could have dinner together. After receiving the plates I walked down the hall to Clarke's room and kicked the door lightly with my foot, to let her know that somebody was at the door. "Hey come in." She said once she saw it was me. I smiled and walked in. "I brought you dinner. Figured we could erm.... eat together." I said after clearing my throat. "Yeah of course." She said. She grabbed the plate that I brought for her and sat down on the couch. I sat down next to her and she turned the tv on.
Clarke Griffin POV: "So what's the plan for tomorrow? I mean you said that I would be meeting important agents and stuff so what's the plan?" I asked. "Uh well first I was thinking we could go by the main office. Introduce you to the people that you will most likely see when you first walk into the building each time. Then we should go to the assignment room so I can properly brief you on the... situation. Next we would go to the living quarters where you will get to know the agents you will be working with in the school and some others that will be placed as staff and disguised as commoners, along with me of course." I smiled at that. I knew I would always feel safe with her in the school. "After that I could take you to learn some basic hand to hand combat and weapons training with your agents... and a little with me, only if you'd like though!" She said. "I'd like you to be there. Y'know since I'm not comfortable with the building and since I don't know that many people yet." I said smiling. I saw her tense shoulders relax and then she continued. "I'll be there. After that, the only thing I would need you to do is sign a contract of sorts, confirming that now that you've been exposed to this "illegal" mafia business, that you are sworn to secrecy about it and won't tell or release any information until the current commander aka me, gives you the go ahead. Sound good?" She finished, putting air quotations around the word illegal. "Sounds perfect." I said. She smiled. We had both finished our dinner at this point. "Well I should leave you to get some rest. Busy day tomorrow." She said smiling.
"Wait." ________________________________ A/N: Thank you for 1.39k it really means a lot 🥳 1611 words Translations: Goufa=Child Jomp em op en yu jomp ai op= Attack you and they attack me