Chapter 19: HQ

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Lexa Woods POV:
We had been on the plane for about two hours before the pilot announced that we would be landing in a few minutes. Clarke was leaning on my shoulder, sleeping. The guy in the aisle seat was watching a movie on his phone with AirPods in his ears. I gently fasten Clarke's seatbelt before I wake her up. "Clarke." I whisper. No answer. I try to nudge her awake by wiggling my shoulder. It doesn't work. "Clarke." I say louder, but still gentle. She lifts her head up and rubs her eyes. She then looks at me. "Sorry for falling asleep on you." She says, rasp evident in her voice. I chuckle and put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about it. Oh! And just so you know the plane is landing in about four minutes." I say.

Clarke Griffin POV:
Once Lexa says that the plane is about to land I frantically look for my seatbelt to put it on. I only stop when I hear Lexa chuckle. "Why are you laughing! Do you want me to die in about three minutes." I whisper-yell. She chuckles again and says "don't worry I already put it on for you." I look at her with wide eyes. "T-thanks." I stutter. "No problem, and by the way, did you really think I would let the plane land without you being absolutely safe?" She asks smirking. "I-No." I said. At that moment the pilot announced that we were going to begin descent. The plane started to slowly dip downwards. I was clutching onto the handle like my life depended on it with my eyes snapped shut until I felt Lexa flip my hand over and thread her fingers between mine. "You're okay." She whispered while looking at me.

The rest of the planes descent was rather peaceful with Lexa eyes locked on mine and her holding my hand. Once we got off of the plane, Lexa took me outside the airport and led me to a Lamborghini. "YOU OWN A LAMBORGHINI?!?!?" I asked. She laughed, like actually laughed and said "Yes Clarke, I own a lot of cars. We are going to go to HQ now if that's okay with you." I noticed that she was now inside the car that I was gawking at like an idiot. I cleared my throat and joined her in the car. "So when we get there I'll introduce you to the most important people today, and we'll go over a lot more tomorrow with some of my most trusted agents if that's okay with you." She states and I nod.

Lexa Woods POV:
The rest of the ride was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. Once we pulled up to the headquarters I saw Clarke's jaw drop. I internally chuckled at her reaction to the size of the building. "I-it's huge Lexa!!" Clarke says as I open her car door for her. "Just wait till you see the inside then." I say.

I hold out my hand to help Clarke up and she gladly obliged

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I hold out my hand to help Clarke up and she gladly obliged. I led her all the way to the main entrance. After going through the necessary security checks, we enter the building. We are immediately approached by Indra, Titus and Luna. "Lexa you're back. How was your flight." Titus asked with anger lacing his voice and his hands interlocked behind his back. "My flight was very good Titus thank you for asking." I say. "We need to talk after this." He says. I narrow my eyes at him and nod. I can see Clarke shifting from foot to foot and playing with her hands getting uncomfortable and waiting for me to acknowledge her. "Luna, Indra and Titus this is Clarke Griffin, Jake Griffins daughter and the most important aspect of my current mission. Clarke this is Indra Hodge, Titus Archibald and Luna Woods" I state. "Indra is my general of sorts, Titus is basically a second decision maker that had been friends with my father for a very long time and Luna is my cousin." I say. "It's nice to meet you all." Clarke says quietly. "Luna can you show Clarke to the spare room that is down the hallway from mine please?" I ask and Luna nods. "If you'll follow me?" She asks and Clarke steps in front of me and follows Luna to the elevators.
The elevator:

Blurring the Lines (A Clexa x Mafia x college AU)Where stories live. Discover now