Chapter 24: First Day Jitters All Over Again

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A/N: H.E.R is absolutely one of my favorite artists so unless the song goes with what's happening in the story, the songs are mostly just gonna be her lol.
________________________________Clarke Griffin POV:
I woke up to my phones alarm blaring in my ears. I groaned and continuously slammed my hand down on my nightstand until the noise stopped. I laid there and stretched for about five minutes before I sat up and stumbled into the bathroom. Once I was in the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I had about an hour and a half before I had my first class.
After I finished washing my face I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone along with my speaker. I paired my phone to the speaker and started playing my "H.E.R R&B" playlist. I turned the water on and took out the messy bun I had in my hair from the night before while I waited for the water to heat up.
Once the water heated up I stepped in and started to wash.
After about twenty minutes I got out the shower and dried my hair. I got dressed for the day and checked the time. I had twenty minutes before my first class. I grabbed my book bag and my phone, then proceeded to walk out of me and O's dorm. I went to the elevator, met up with Lincoln, and we headed to Mr.Gibbs's class.
TIME SKIP: 5 hours until Lexa's English class
Lexa Woods POV:
I had just finished my 12:00 lecture when I remembered I only had one more left. I internally smiled knowing that Clarke was going to walk through that door any moment.
I knew that Lincoln wouldn't be able to join her every class because that would draw suspicion, so I made sure that Clarke and Lincoln went there separate ways before my class.
I was grading papers waiting for students to arrive, when I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked up and saw Clarke leaning against the doorframe. "Hey stranger." She says, while walking over to my desk. "Hey yourself. How was your first day back?" I asked as Clarke dropped her bag off at her usual desk in the front and walked back over to me. "It was... okay. Kinda like first day jitters all over again." She answered hesitantly, but trying to lighten the mood. "But?" I pressed. "But... it was just...different y'know. I have almost every class with Lincoln, everybody seems a lot more tense given everything that happened lately and..." Clarke said, stopping mid sentence. "And what Clarke?" I asked in the softest voice I could possibly manage. "I'm scared, Lexa." Clarke says, tears clouding her vision as her bottom lip started to tremble. I sighed. It broke my heart to see Clarke like this. "Clarke, nothing is going to happen you. I promi-" I was cut off by the hustle and bustle of students entering the classroom. Clarke quickly wiped her unfallen tears, and went to sit at her desk. I got a couple of confused looks from a few students, but they seemed to shake it off and proceeded to take their seats. "Alright class, settle down! We have an tiny assessment on the vocabulary for this week so please, get started. I expect it to be on my desk no later than 30 minutes. Understood?" I said in an assertive voice. A choir of yes's went around the room.
Clarke Griffin POV:
After I finished the assessment I walked up to Lexa's desk and put it on the green bin she had on her desk. Lexa looked up from her papers when she saw me approach and opened her mouth like she wanted to say something but no words came out. She ripped a small piece of paper that said "hang back, I wanna talk." I nodded and took the paper back to my desk.
After everybody had turned in their assessments, students started to filter out the door. I hung back, slowly putting my things into my backpack and purposely taking a long time. After the last student had left. Lexa got up and closed the door.
"There is no reason to be scared Clarke. I swear to you, I will never let anything happen to you. Now, I can't promise what's to come. Nia and her mafia are unpredictable, but I will do everything in my power to keep them eons away from touching you." Lexa says while sitting on the top of her desk. "Thank you." I whisper. She nods and continues talking. "Do you remember what we were talking about before you got out of the car the other day?" Lexa asks. My eyes widen slightly and I nod. "Y-yeah I remember." I said. "I didn't ask about Octavia's relationship status for the reason you're thinking. Her girlfriend, Raven Reyes, is a very useful person, Clarke." Lexa says.
"W-what are you saying?" I managed to stutter out. "I know who Raven is Clarke. She works for me."
A/N: thank you guys so much for over 3k!this story is moving much faster than I ever thought it would! Sorry for the late update!
A/N: 877 words

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