Chapter 18: Going Home

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Lexa Woods POV:
I woke up the next morning with Clarke almost fully on top of me. She had her head nuzzled into my neck, her arm around my waist and a leg draped over me. Crap. I looked at the time. We needed to get up if we wanted to catch the flight I booked yesterday.
"Clarke." No answer. "Clarke, we need to get up and get ready." I whispered. She shivered slightly and nuzzled her head deeper into my neck. I just silently chuckled. "Claaaarrrkkkeee." I said. All I got was a grumble and a "hmm?" in response. "We need to get up." I said. She opened her eyes. Once she saw that she was on top of me, her eyes widened in the realization and she quickly rolled off almost falling off of the bed. She would've if I hadn't grabbed her arm and pulled her back up.

Clarke Griffin POV:
After I realized that I was on top of Lexa, I immediately moved off, embarrassed. How the hell could I fall asleep on her?! Ugh, dang body for making me do that. Once she pulled me up from falling off the bed, we stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like hours. I saw her gazed flicker down to my lips and straight back to my eyes. Then she cleared her throat. "We should both shower and get ready to head out and catch the flight." She said looking away from me. "Yeah, did you wanna shower first?" I asked. She smiled and looked back at me. "No you go ahead I'm going to go down to the lobby and get us some breakfast. You feeling bagels?" She asked. I returned the smile and nodded. She then got up and left the hotel room. After my shower I put my clothes on and headed out to the living area where the couch was. Lexa was sitting on the couch eating a bagel. I grabbed one out of the bag she pointed to and joined her. "So is there anything that you wanted to take from the hotel room before we leave to go to the airport?" She asked. "Well I didn't really have much to begin with." I said chuckling. She smiled. "Well then, I'm going to shower, then we can check out and drive the rental car to the airport. She said. I nodded and continued to eat my bagel. After Lexa got out of the shower we checked out and got into the rental car. It was about twenty minutes of pure tense silence until I just had to talk.

Lexa Woods POV:
I swear you could cut the tension in the car with a knife. The silence also wasn't helping. I had to do something, the silence was killing me. I also had a lot on my mind. Did she regret letting me sleep in the bed with her? Does she want nothing to do with me now? I don't think so she seemed nice and relaxed at breakfast. Was she going to start avoiding me, not only at school but everywhere? My grip on the steering wheel tightened just at the thought. Suddenly something snapped me out of my trance. "I can hear you thinking Lexa." Clarke said. My eyes quickly glanced towards her and then back to the road. "You going to tell me what you're thinking about that's making you angry or am I going to talk you're head off until you get bored of me." She said. "First of all you could never bore me. Secondly, how do you know that I'm angry?" I asked. "You're gripping the steering wheel so tight that you're knuckles are white, you're posture is to straight and you haven't talked to me, like at all. I don't like being kept in the dark, you know that now. So please don't shut me out, talk to me." She pleaded. I took a deep breath. "You were making me angry." I said. From the corner of my eye I could see her eyes widen in shock. I replayed my words in my head and realized that came out wrong. "No! No,not you. You didn't do anything I was just being stupid and overthinking that you would want to have nothing to do with me after... after all that I dragged you into." I said with a sigh. "Lexa, you didn't drag me into anything. Even if my father was still alive, I would've hoped that we still crossed paths anyways. Don't ever EVER think that I would want to stop talking to you." She said smiling. I took a deep breath and smiled. Before I knew it we were at the airport. We got cleared by security and I got me and Clarke on the plane.

Clarke Griffin POV:
Once we got on the plane it was about 2:00 pm. Lexa was in to middle and I had the window seat. There was a middle aged man in the aisle seat. The flight attendants went over the safety drills and procedures. It was about five minutes before takeoff when Lexa suddenly leaned over me and opened the window. "To see the view better she whispered in my ear." I smiled at her as I got chills down my back. It was time to go home.
A/N: I wanted to thank everyone who was taking the time to read this story it means a lot. I never thought we would be approaching 1k so quickly so fast. So from the bottom of my heart thank you!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
A/N: 938 words

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