🍋 𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘉𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘮 𝘗𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸🍋

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"Kojiro," Kaoru's soft voice reaches the man's ears, a tingle in his spine climbing up as he feels his lover's hand on his abdomen, 2 pats away from his crotch, "Fuck me?" he shyly asks, averting his eyes in embarrassment. Kojiro sighs, unable to resist Kaoru's begging.

'It's been a week, might as well,'

"Have I been neglecting you darling?" he gives in, cupping Kaoru's cheeks before inching his face close, one push away from a kiss. Kaoru grips his shirt, giving him a silent 'yes' as Kojiro lets a small and soft chuckle escape from his mouth, "In one condition,"

Kaoru pouts, his golden eyes pleading at Kojiro's brown ones, "I'll do all the work, just for tonight," his breathy sentence sends Kaoru into a frenzy. Too embarrassed to complain, Kaoru nods before feeling Kojiro's hand behind his head, the pink strands of hair being pulled back gently before Kojiro twists the hair tie on.

Kaoru spreads his legs a bit, straddling Kojiro completely before the greenette caresses his cheek, gently pulling Kaoru in, their lips meeting as Kojiro tucks a strand of hair behind Kaoru's ear.

Kaoru tries to deepen the kiss but Kojiro slowly raises his head with a hand on his neck, lifting his head up before moving forward towards Kaoru's ears, whispering, "Be patient,"

With a silent whine, Kaoru tightens his grip on Kojiro's arms, "Please hurry up,"

"No can do darling, enjoy it," he responds before pressing a kiss on Kaoru's earlobe, making the pink-haired male shudder, collapsing into Kojiro's arms, the buffed up limbs enclosing around Kaoru before Kojiro starts giving small licks from the back of his ear to his neck.

Nipping slightly on Kaoru's jaw, a gasp escapes him, the restraint on his boxers getting tighter and tighter while Kojiro starts to unbutton Kaoru's nightshirt, relentlessly leaving marks on Kaoru's collar area.

"Kojiro," Cherry pants out, his back bucking forward a bit as Kojiro starts to lower his target areas, Kaoru's chest fully exposed as the shirt falls off his shoulders, landing on his forearm.

The green-head detaches his lips from Kaoru's collarbone, looking back to admire the few marks scattered across his pale skin, looking up to see Kaoru's impatient and flushed face. With a loving smile, Kojiro adjusts Kaoru's ass, pushing it slightly down to lower him for better access to his lips.

Without a word, he slips in his tongue very gently, caressing it against Kaoru's, their lips tangling between each other. With a very soft nip at Kaoru's lower lip, he presses his lips against his lovers, the aggressive style he was used to seemingly gone in an instant, making his lover melt in his hands like putty.

Kojiro never breaks away, letting Kaoru breathe but the contact of their lips never really going away.

His hands start to snake up Kaoru's chest, his pink little nipples brushing against Kojiro's large thumbs as it sends a shock through his body, making him grip Kojiro tighter, pulling away from the kiss, his lips pink and slightly swollen.

"Stop teasing me," he scolds lightly, his blood rushing into various places of his body as he covers his face, "Why don't you do it like usual?"

"You're still injured," Kojiro takes his arms and flips him over with great care, aiding his body as it hits the soft mattress, his muscled lover grabbing a spare pillow and placing it below his hips, "Just let me do this for you," he cages Kaoru between his arms, marveling at his boyfriend's shy glow against the nightstand lamp while his exposed bits make his member hard in his boxers.

Trying to regain his control, he takes a deep breath and grabs massage oil from their drawer, swapping out the lube as he lays Kaoru's feet flat on the bed, making the smaller man's heart race in anticipation.

Kojiro places his hand atop Cherry's eyes, his silky and deep voice sending tremors through Cherry's body, "Close your eyes. Savor the feeling," he advises, checking to see if his partner would comply.

As Kaoru's eyes flutter shut, Kojiro opens the oil bottle and squeezes a generous amount on his left hand only, lifting Kaoru's thigh before giving it a firm squeeze, a gasp escaping from Kaoru's already parted lips.

Kojiro takes one of his nipples in his mouth, applying pressure with his tongue before twirling it around, placing Kaoru's leg on his shoulder before rubbing the other nipple between his fingers. Kaoru's free leg bucks up, writhing in the bed as his eyes squeezed shut, even more moans uncontrollably erupting from his throat, the painfully erotic feeling flooding his body.

---𝗙𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗩𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗔𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗢𝘄𝗻 - C1NN4M0N---

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