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𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟑 : 𝐏𝐞𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐱 𝐌𝐭. 𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲 | 𝐍𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐊𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚 𝐱 𝐘𝐮 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚;
𝐁𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐧𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚

"Is it too tight Nemuri-san?" Mt. Lady, or currently Yu in their private room looks up sweety at Midnight who instructed her to put a strap on her. She shakes her head and runs a latex-gloved finger against Yu's jaw, "No, it's just right my little pet," she smiles and pats her on the head.

Yu folds her less, waiting for Nemuri to give orders as she trembles in anticipation of what comes next. Midnight, pleased with the sight before her tugs off a vibrator from the table, rotating the dial to its maximum power before pressing it against Mt. Lady's exposed, pink nipples, the latter bucking her hips up and moaning out sweetly.

She squeezes her legs shut, biting her lower lip before gasping out as Midnight leans down and starts lapping on the other nipple, blowing on it as Mt. Lady's goosebumps rise. "Hngh...it feels good, Nemuri-senpai," she sighs in ecstasy as Midnight chuckles while aroused at the sudden use of honorific, "Good,"

"Hold it," Midnight instructs as Yu takes the pink bean, continuously running it through her nipples as Midnight slides down the bed slightly. She slides her hands between Lady's thighs, spreading it open as she comes face to face with Yu's lingerie-clad pussy. "N-Nemuri-senpai not t-there..aH!" Yu moans as Midnight runs her tongue against the red lace material, teasing the exposed clitoris through the underwear teasing Yu.

Mt. Lady struggles to concentrate as her nipples radiate itchy pleasure while her aching pussy throbbed against the lingerie and Midnight's tongue. "Don't let the vibrator drop," Midnight commands before tugging on the underwear and moving it sideways.

The glistening juices of Yu's pussy meet her, making Midnight smirk and press a finger up her clitoris, gently circling her index finger around before kissing the clit and lapping up Yu's juices.

"Hahn! Ahh! Nemuri-senpai!" she writhes, her left leg bucking a bit as she toys with her other nipple, the vibrator still indicting the electric sensation in her tits, mixed with the simulation of her pussy.

Midnight grips her thighs tightly continuously kissing and lightly nibbling on Yu's clit. She abruptly stops, wiping her mouth momentarily as Yu's disappointment transpiring as a frown. Toning down the dial of the vibrator, Midnight takes it from her hand and kisses her lips gently, "Did I leave you hanging my darling?" she purrs against Yu's chest, twirling her finger around her left nipple, laid between her body as the strap lightly makes contact with Lady's pussy.

"A bit..." Yu looks away as Midnight chuckles and kisses her forehead, "Don't worry, I'll put it in soon," she circles a finger around Yu's hole, making her gasp out loud as she leans on her torso while observing her aroused expression.

"Take a deep breath," Midnight kisses her neck before inserting a finger inside eliciting a gasp from Yu while she raises her hips, lowering it back down before grabbing the sheets under her hands.

Wiggling her finger inside Lady's warm hole, Midnight crashes her lips against Lady, muffling any moan or comment from the latter, simple grunts and writing providing the reaction as Midnight inserts another finger, traveling Lady's hole.

She spreads her fingers a bit, feeling Lady's nails scratch against her back, releasing her tongue from her mouth as a long and pleasured moan escapes, her toes curling while the heavy feeling onto her stomach further presses against her, the feeling of needed release intensifying.

Trying to last a bit longer, she sighs out loud, trying to relax her stomach as Midgnight's peppered kisses and hickeys on her body tries to heighten her pleasure. "Mnh, Nemuri-sn..." her teary eyes look up to her lady love.

"Hm?" Midnight raises her brows while continuously spreading and widening her fingers inside her. "P-Put it in please..." Yu shyly asks while tugging on Midnight's arm. The older woman smirks, kissing Yu's forehead before getting off her.

"Alright," she spreads Yu's legs wider, crawling right in front of her before taking the dildo strapped up on the harness, shoving it inside Mt. Lady, a loud yelp erupting from her throat as she wraps her hands around her.

She slips the dildo inside slowly, awkward and unsure thrusts going it at first before a rhythmic pattern finally gets mastered by Midnight, going in slowly and shallowly fr a while before deciding to position it harshly in Lady's pussy.

"Augh! Right there!" Mt. Lady moans, her back digging in the mattress while Midnight grips her hips tightly, slamming in and out of her as both their moans mix in the heated room, sweaty and hot bodies coming together.

Midnight's pelvis slams against Lady's roughly fucking her with the strap with no reprieve, the excess allowance of the dildo hitting Midnight's own g-spot while Lady screams and moans, spasming under Midnight's tight grasp.

"You...like that?" Midnight grits her teeth between pants as Lady's unresponsive and incoherent moaning state gives enough of an answer. Midnight could feel the scratches on her arm and back, Lady balling up the sheets into her fist.

Midnight hits her g-spot a bit too roughly, making Lady throw her head back, "Oh fuck!" she slowly moans out, feeling Midnight rub her clitoris while still roughly thrusting in and out of her pussy. "Mngh! Ahh! Midnight!" she calls out, sweat trickling down her forehead as heat engulfs her.

"Midnight! N-Nemuri-senpai! I- Something's...Ugh!" she incoherently spews as Midnight's highly concentrated mood could feel her own juices trickle down her legs, the squelching sounds of skin slapping and the cum of Lady against the dildo fills the room.

"Well, cum then," Midnight grits her throat and flips Lady over to her back, doggy-style as she thrusts in and out harder than ever, making Lady collapse on the bed with tears flowing from her eyes, saliva from her open-panting mouth dripping while she could feel herself cum, her pussy tightening but Midnight does not stop.

Lady grabs anything she could, loud screams erupting from her as her toes curl and her powerless body trembles heavily, the fluids dripping all over the place as she rolls her eyes back.

Midnight finally orgasms, a loud yelp erupting. She fully stops thrusting and pulls out of Lady's leaking pussy. "Oh no..." Midnight sighs and turns Lady over, "Yu-chan? Did I go too far?" she gently taps on Lady's forehead.

Yu finally regains her consciousness, sighing in satisfaction, "I think you destroyed my vagina,"

Nemuri laughs, laying down with Yu as she hugs her, "Glad you enjoyed," she presses a kiss on her forehead, "Let's do it again next time,"

"You bet, senpai,"

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