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𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟏 : 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤
𝐒𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮𝐮 ; 𝐊𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐧𝐨 𝐘𝐚𝐢𝐛𝐚

Watching the quiet and timid man writhe under his grasp make Sabito's dick twitch a bit, making him softly hiss while constantly abusing Tomioka's prostate.

Running another hand by his porcelain back, the latter could feel chills run up his skin, gripping the pillow beneath him which muffles his voice. Sabito's brows knit together, making him pull Tomioka back in order to let him breathe.

"Don't hold it in my love," he bends over and whispers directly into Tomioka's ears making him re-bury his head in the pillow, muffling something in return, making Sabito pull his fingers out from his lubed up ass.

"I'm not going to put it in if you don't let me hear you Giyuu-chan," he kisses his nape tenderly.

Tomioka detaches from the pillow and looks back at him with shock, "What...?"

Sabito smiles softly and lovingly at him, taking his chin between his fingers, "Do you want me to put it inside?" Giyuu could feel his blood rush up his cheeks, feeling Sabito run his clean hand on his hair.

"W–What are you trying to do?" Giyuu gulps and shyly looks away from Sabito, making him frown and lay his head on his shoulder. "I wouldn't know for sure if you really like this Giyuu," his deep voice rings within Tomioka's system, sending continuous chills of arousal in his body.

"Tell me...what do you want me to do?" Sabito moves his hair covering his nape, starting to plant kisses onto his skin, sucking and nipping on his neck and shoulders leaving marks as Giyuu could feel his aching hole twitch in need of something bigger.

"S–Sabito," he shyly calls out, "Put it in," he begs and grabs his wrist, still avoiding eye contact with his lover. Sabito still pouts laying his head back to Giyuu's shoulder. "Put what exactly, my love? And where," he smirks as he could feel Tomioka tremble.

He reaches across his lover's body, gently pressing his fingers against Giyuu's stomach, "Does this part feel empty?" he purrs by Tomioka's ears, "What shall I put inside you? How would you like it?" he turns Giyuu on his back, making him face him.

"W–Wait!" Giyuu covers his face only to get his wrists gently taken by Sabito, restraining them above his head. Sabito grinds his tip on Giyuu's fluttering hole, twitching in anticipation as he tries to hide his face.


"Stop playing with me," Giyuu whimpers, not being able to take the teasing. Sabito all the more detaches from Giyuu's asspussy, hoisting himself higher while still holding Giyuu down with one hand.

He takes his shaft and starts slowly stroking it, "You can do it Giyuu, tell me..." he starts pumping his rock-hard member, Giyuu's mesmerized and entranced expression proving amusing to his partner. "What do you want me to do with you?" he takes his member and drags it along Tomioka's chest, to his abdomen, trailing pre-cum over his body.

Giyuu's own member twitches in anticipation, badly wanting his ass filled up to the brim with Sabito, but still shy to say it, feeling the slimy sensation of lube in his ass.

Sabito raises his brow at Giyuu, making him scoff and look away. Still determined to hear his lover beg for it, Sabito resumes jacking off, proceeding to a much wilder tactic.

He grabs his member and starts stroking it, leaning forward to Giyuu's ears. "Well...let me tell you then what I want to do to you, Giyuu-chan~" he seductively groan directly to his ear making Giyuu's eyes widen and his hips buck up a bit.

Sabito starts panting, heat within his body starting to clash against the cold autumn climate, "I want to open your beautiful ass pussy," he starts narrating making Giyuu suppress a moan by covering his lips, "Thrust in you, and send you to tears as I keep on violating and giving love to it, your insides twitching against my member," he reaches for Giyuu's free hand, making him feel the pulsating rod.

"I want to see your wrecked face, drool and tears all over as you beg for more," he squeezes down Giyuu's toned hips looking back down once again at his trembling lover.

"Fuck me," Giyuu whispers, wrapping his arms around me, "Put it in. Please, Sabito!" he desperately begs, thrusting his hips upward while his knees buckle under his weight. Sabito slyly smiles once more, asking the same question over and over again.

"Put what in?"

Giyuu lets out a strangled and desperate cry, "Your dick! Your hot rod! Shove it in and mess me up please!" he begs, gripping Sabito tightly before he throws his head back, a mangled moan escaping his mouth.

Sabito immediately picks the pace up, Tomioka's trained yet tight ass driving him into a frenzy as Giyuu claws on his back and tries to tear on the tatami beneath their futon. "There!" Giyuu's legs tighten around Sabito's body as he slams into Giyuu, panting and pistoning his hips like a dog fucking his bitch while Giyuu's mewling echoes around the house.

Hoisting his leg up, Sabito thrusts in deeper making Giyuu let out a sexy scream, clawing on anything on hand. "Ahhh! Ahh! Auggghhh!?" Giyuu moans as sparks fly in his vision.

"You like this?!" Sabito asks while trusting, moving his hair out of the way as Giyuu lets out incoherent moans and comments, "You're...big!" he gasps out as Sabito pummels his dick inside Giyuu, making him hold his stomach, "I–I can feel you...here!" he tries to state as Sabito loses all rationality, turning Giyuu on his back before letting him up to his lap.

"I'm going to fuck you unconscious," he huskily states while continuing to pound into Giyuu, their strangled moans and grunts flooding the house nestled in the quiet forest, fucking like animals as some switch flipped in Giyuu.

"S–Sabito!" he grabs his hands, being thrust forward and getting pulled back, "I'll– get pregnant!" he moans out in ecstasy, lust drowning in his eyes as Sabito hardens further.

"Oh yeah..?!" he pants while tirelessly pounding Giyuu down the wooden floor, "Then get pregnant!" he grins with his brows knitted enjoying the sight of Giyuu writhing on the floor in pleasure as he moans incoherently like a dirty animal.

Sabito secures one of his hands onto Giyuu's hair, carefully but firmly pulling him back, "Buckle up, I'm fucking you till morning,"


comment the ship you want to see for the last story!! (which is a free write basically)

reminder: all stories would be transferred to AO3 by the start of November

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