𝘒𝘰𝘣𝘢𝘺𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪 🌈 𝘒𝘰𝘣𝘢𝘺𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪-𝘴𝘢𝘯 𝘊𝘩𝘪 𝘯𝘰 𝘔𝘢𝘪𝘥 𝘋𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘰𝘯

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𝙆𝙤𝙗𝙖𝙮𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞 (𝙭 𝙏𝙤𝙝𝙧𝙪)
𝙆𝙤𝙗𝙖𝙮𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞-𝙨𝙖𝙣 𝘾𝙝𝙞 𝙣𝙤 𝙈𝙖𝙞𝙙 𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙤𝙣

With a frustrated groan, Kobayashi tosses the mascara on the sink, a scowl on their face as the smudged black liquid taint her face, making her look like a comedian they'd see on new-year shows. 

They had lipstick on their thin lips with a bit excess on the lip line and a very dark and very dirty-looking eyeshadow on monolid eye lines.

"What am I even doing?" they groan, not wanting to dig their face deep into their palms in fear of dirtying their already dirty hands.

It all happened just a day ago when one of their co-workers questioned if Kobayashi was male or female. They weren't as female-passing compared to others and yet, Kobayashi wasn't intrigued by the idea that they were also perceived as male.

And now, back to the start, they were trying to appear more female-passing but drastically failed.

Tohru suddenly barges into the restroom, startling Kobayashi who immediately hides their face with a loud yelp.

"Kobayashi-san? I heard a really loud noise," she worriedly walks in while Kobayashi hides their face in a panicked manner.

"Uwah! Tohru!" they nervously try to dismiss the current mess on their face.

Tohru pouts, already knowing Kobayashi's current mannerism of hiding things as she yanks them towards her while trying to hold her laughter in. "Kobayashi-san, what are you doing?"

"Ah geez! This is embarrassing," Kobayashi mutters, giving into Tohru who smiles at them sympathetically, glancing at the makeup remover by the sink. "I just wanna look like a woman," she hears them mutter.

Tohru grabs the wipes, raising Kobayashi's chin before wiping all the smudged up makeup away. "You should've just asked me Kobayashi-san, geez," she chuckles, looking at Kobayashi's bare face, admiring their plain yet very memorable features, a face she could never possibly hate.

"Why all of a sudden?" she asks, making Kobayashi avert their gaze, "Dunno. I just wanna see something," they shrug.

"Then! Can I do it for you?" she claps her hands together, the usual chipper in her personality shining through with the devotion to doing something for Kobayashi almost scaring the person themself.

"Do your best," Kobayashi gives up, leaving their face to their maid. 

Tohru excitedly giggles, grabbing the makeup on the sink and pulling a chair in the bathroom, as she makes Kobayashi sit. 

In the comfortable silence of their home, Tohru's delicate hands working carefully on Kobayashi's face, enhancing their features to look a bit more feminine compared to normal Kobayashi. 

And for the first time in quite a while, Tohru was super silent in concentrating on making it work on Kobayashi whilst trying not to poke their eyes out. 

"A little bit more, Kobayashi-san!" she grunts while applying a few layers of mascara, stepping back to admire her handiwork. 

"It's done! You look so cool, Kobayashi-san!" Tohru pulls them to the mirror, excited for the person.

Kobayashi's mouth gapes open, a shocked expression painting their unfamiliar face. 'That's a woman alright,' she mentally thinks while Tohru patiently waits for her master's reply. 'But that's definitely not me,' their shock subsides into neutrality, her shocked expression turning into a poker face.

They see Tohru's anticipating face by the mirror, sighing as they turn with a sweet smile laced with a red tint, "You did great Tohru," they compliment as the female dragon squeals in happiness. 

"Oh, I'm super glad! I can do it for you every time you go to work, Kobayashi-san!"

Kobayashi chuckles and shakes their head, quietly observing themselves a bit more in the mirror, "No, it's alright," they immediately try to not make Tohru hope for something to do earlier in the morning.

"Kobayashi-san? What's wrong?"

"Can you keep this between the two of us?" Kobayashi reaches for the make-up wipes, starting to wipe off the paints on their face as Tohru scrunched her brows upwards in a concerned expression. "Sure, Kobayashi-san,"

"I don't feel comfortable in being a woman, nor a man," Kobayashi starts explaining, trying to not get the chunks of mascara in their eye. Tohru tilts her head, "Is that so? I still love Kobayashi-san regardless," she shrugs, leaning her chin on Kobayashi's shoulder.

"Is this normal?" Kobayashi sighs, clutching their chest before looking towards their face, the slight ghost of the eyeliner on their eye line. 

"I may not know a lot, but Miss Quetzalcoatl could probably help," Tohru smiles kindly at Kobayashi, pulling them out of the bathroom and bringing them to their bed. 

"Lucoa?" Kobayashi raises a brow, a skeptical expression scattering over their face. Tohru nods with a chipper expression on her face, "I can take you to her," she starts explaining, "Miss Lucoa is actually very well-versed in aspects of gender," Tohru glances out the window, "Because in the dragon world, it doesn't matter much,"

Kobayashi sighs, uncertain of what to do next. Of what to think nor feel next. They always knew they were somehow different from others, and this is the way they didn't expect to differ from.

"But I don't think it makes much of a difference, Kobayashi-san is Kobayashi-san," Tohru takes their hand, sticking her nose against Kobayashi's with closed eyes, "Take your time Kobayashi-san,"

A small smile of relief washes over Kobayashi. 

Tohru was right. As long as they had the maid dragon by their side things aren't so bad, and considering how Tohru was so accepting of Kobayashi's worries, indicates that they're in good hands.

Leaning on Tohru's shoulder, they relax heir tense body for a bit, "Thanks, Tohru,"

With a blush creeping up on the dragon maid's cheeks and a giggle erupting from her throat, she nods and encases Kobayashi in her arms, squeezing her feelings out into the poor person smaller than her.

"Anything for you!"

"Ow ow ow! Too tight Tohru!"


I AM SUPER SORRY FOR ONLY A FEW PRIDE STORIES. I am working on a lot of projects right now that have more focus on the community and will be released even when Pride is over.

Pride may be over but our fight for our rights aren't! Keep holding on!






for sharing their experiences with me, in order to not sabotage the Non-binary readers and Kobayashi's character in this story! I genuinely think Kobayashi doesn't necessarily identify as gender binary, and the 'Miss' is a localization because '-san' and other Japanese honorifics are gender-neutral.

I hope you guys enjoyed and I promise to give you guys more soon!

Happy Pride!

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