Loving Bittersweet Chapter 17 Part 3

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I didn't know why it took me so much by surprise. I guess no matter who it was, when someone catches you off guard and throws their hand over your mouth, it does cause you to become frightened and worried. But when I looked up into those beautiful gray eyes, a new kind of nervousness came over me.

Draco always made me feel that way.

He motioned me to remain quiet with his free hand. I roll my eyes at him. What did he seriously think, I would scream?

He removes his hand, "I guessed I assumed correctly in thinking you would come here," he tells me sounding amused.

I wanted to ask more what brought him to that conclusion but I decided not.

"Where else did I have to go?" I ask instead. It was true, technically no place would be safe for me. Now that I knew how easy the trackers could locate someone, it would be mad to risk hiding out.

"I'm glad you chose here," he states, "At least we still can see each other."

"Why did you leave the manor?" I ask him in return.

He narrowed his eyes, "I had to find you, and I thought maybe you would be here."

"You didn't have to find me," I say, "I am capable of being on my own Draco."

"I know," he explains, "But I'm not, I need you."

I felt my heart quicken by his words. He spoke them so freely, without any hesitation.

He brings his palm to rest on my cheek and the other on the wall behind me.

I was ready for his kiss, I knew it was coming. However I didn't expect us to be interrupted nor did the thought of the existence of other people crossed my mind that was until someone did call out for Draco.

"Mr. Malfoy," I hear a familiar voice say from behind Draco. I knew immediately who it was and I really dreaded seeing him.

When Draco stepped aside and revealed the new headmaster staring at us, the first thought that came to my mind was.... Murderer.

"I see you have located Ms. Sweary," Snape says.

"Yes sir," Draco replies shortly.

"Very well," Snape states, "Now shouldn't you both be heading to your classes?"

"Yes we are now." Draco reaches down and takes my hand in his. He pulls me away from the headmaster and down the hallway.

I still had said nothing, my mind was wrapped up in what Snape said, how Draco had located me.

"Draco," I finally say showing some resistance to his fast pacing down the hallway.

"What Leianna," he says slowing down some.

"Have you already spoken to Snape, before you found me?" I ask.

He turns slightly, giving me a quick look, "Yes."

"About me?"

He lets out a breath, "Kind of".

I stop completely, "What about?"

He turns looking annoyed, "Leianna why does it matter so much?" he asks, "I told you I was looking for you, he is the headmaster, I was asking if he had saw you."

"Oh," I say shortly feeling slight embarrassed at my behavior. I had thought there must have been something else.

"Now, can we please get to class?" he asks me. I nod and allow him to take my hand once more and lead me down the hallway.


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