Loving Bittersweet Chapter 7 Part 1

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Draco's P.O.V

After Leianna said her remark and stormed off, all Draco could to was stare after her. He was experiencing what he thought was some form of shock. He had never heard Leianna say such things.

So for that type of remark to come from her left Draco speechless.

It wasn't until he heard a loud thud of a door slamming did he finally blink and begin to move.

Draco slowly climbed the staircase towards the room that he had always slept in when he came to this place.

As he approached the room where he knew Leianna was he paused. He didn't want to piss her off any more that she already was, that would only be counter-productive. However he didn't want to go to bed with her already in this sour mood with him.

Gently he knocks on the door only to here the sound of shuffling on the other side.

"Leianna," Draco calls out, "I just want to apologize to you for my lack of manners and unnecessary comment, I shouldn't have said those things." He paused, waiting for a response, anything from her to let him know she had heard his apology. When no such thing occurs he leans in towards the door, bracing his hand on the sides and places his ear against the frame.

"Leianna," he calls out again, "Will you..."

Just as he was about to say the next word the door swings open causing him to stumble forward slightly.

He looks up to Leianna who was holding back a smile,"What was you doing? she asks as she crosses her arms.

Draco steps back, "I was trying to apologize to you," he begins to explain, " And when you didn't reply I was trying to listen and see what you were doing."

"So you were being nosy?" Leianna asks, now unable to hide her smile.

"Perhaps," Draco replies smirking himself.

Leianna was about to give another snide remark to Draco, but just as she began to speak a loud thud came from on th first level.

Draco shoots her a look, one he knew she would understand even though a word was not even spoken.

Leianna turns and walks back in the room, Draco closing the door behind her.

He slowly draws he wand that was ticked in his pocket. His nerves were on end as his made his way torwards the staircase.

As he inched his way down the steps he now could make out the sound of footsteps as the intruder walked around the bottom floor, most likely looking for Draco and Leianna.

The more close he got to the bottom step, the more his nerves begin to heighten. Draco didn't know what to expect.

What really had him curious was how did this intruder know of this house, far away in the mountains, only ones he thought knew of the place was his parents and Leianna's, who he could only see wanting to protect them not harm them.

It would have to be someone sent by the Dark Lord, he probably thought Draco was a deserter, that he ran.

Draco takes the last step and pauses, trying to listen for the persons footprints again.

At first Draco heard nothing, but then faintly, as if the work office, he hears the footsteps again.

He draws his wand out in front of him and takes careful quiet steps towards the intruder.

As Draco approached the footsteps became louder and louder. He closes his eyes briefly and takes a deep breath. A million different thought was going through his mind, who this person was, what was their intention, would he have to fight...

Draco stops and leaned against the wall just outside the work office door with his wand drawn he waited.

The person who was inside was walking towards Draco, as they approached he couldn't help but think that this person was wearing heels.

Just as they stepped out of the office he grabs their hood jerking them back.

As they spin around he lifts his wand aiming directly at their chest.

"Draco wait!" They scream in a familiar female voice that Draco could recognize instantly.

"Mum?" He asks confused.

Narcissa Malfloy throws back her hood and stares at her son.

"Oh thank God," she exclaims throwing her arms around her sons neck, "I was so worried."

"What are you doing here?" He asks hers.

Narcissa pulls away from Draco and takes a deep breath, "After the attack at the burrow I didn't know what happened to you, if you were hurt, if you..." She trails off looking at the floor, "But I knew if you had the chance you would have tried to save that Sweary girl and hide, and this is the first place I thought you would bring her."

"Oh," Draco says shortly.

"I'm just glad you are safe,"Narcissa states.

"Yeah, I'm fine,"Draco tells her.

Narcissa smiles to her son the looks around the house, "Where is she?" She asks her son.

"Upstairs, hiding," he replies.

"How long do you plan to stay here Draco?" Narcissa asks.

"As long as I can," Draco replies.

"You know he will find you eventually," she tells him, "He will want you found, especially since the start of the new school year will be beginning soon."

"You can't possibly be serious,"Draco exclaims getting an odd and confused look from his mother, "Does he really expect people to allow their children to attend Hogwarts?"

"They will have to or be killed, there is no choice in the matter, that even goes for you Little girlfriend upstairs."

Draco looked from his mother up towards the staircase where Leianna was. If they have to go back to Hogwarts he knew it was going to be hard to get Leianna there, but In the end he knew he could better protect her, she wouldn't be on the run.

With that in mind he turned back to his mother, "Mum, I need a favor."

Loving Bittersweet (Part Three of You Will Be The Death of Me)Where stories live. Discover now