Loving Bittersweet Chapter 10 Part 2

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I looked around the room, then glanced at the two bags I had lying on the bed. It wasn't much, not much at all, but it was all that I had left since the attack. Even then, most stuff I had packed, the clothes, was what I had managed to find in this house.

"Leianna," I hear my name being called from the hallway. I turn my attention to the entryway and see Draco's figure appear. He leans his shoulder against the frame, "You ready?"

"As I'll ever be," I reply glancing back to my packs.

"I have my stuff already down near the fireplace," he says as he walks over to me and picks up the luggage and throws it over his shoulder.

"I think it will be alright to use the floo powder this once, it will be hard to trace us with what I have planned."

I pick up my purse, "So you know where we are going?"

"I do, it's a small town south of London," he states as he motions me to follow him.

"Oh," I reply shortly.

"Don't be nervous Leianna," Draco tells me sensing my anticipation.

"It's hard to not be," I state honestly, "Have you ever lived among muggles?"

I could tell by his facial expression the answer to my question.

"Doesn't it make you nervous?" I ask, "I mean, we have to be careful, especially with our magic."

"After we leave here, we cannot use magic anymore Leianna," he tells me, "They will be tracking for it, and if we do it will set them on our trail."

"Oh," I say taking in what he said. It made sense, how else could they fine everyone else that is running.

We make it to the main corridor. I see his bags, two just like my packed and ready.

He reaches over and picks them up as well.

"Do we have everything we need?" I ask getting more nervous by the second.

"I packed what all I need, I'm sure you did the same Leianna," he says a glint of a smile on his face, "Calm down."

He steps into the fireplace and motions for me to join him.

"What about money?"

That causes the playful sarcastic face to appear, "Seriously, you're worried about money."

I roll my eyes and look away from him. It was pretty stupid; he was one of the richest people I knew.

"Hand," he says.

I look over and place mine in his, "Hold on," he adds right before we take off to God knows where.


I felt like I was being swirled in a vortex, and it lasted so long. When we finally landed I fell to my knees, my stomach tightening.

"Leianna, are you okay?" Draco asks concerned.

"Just made me a little sick," I reply trying to stand but my legs were too wobbly.

He sets the bags down and helps me up. That's when I noticed the damp golden grass.

I look up and take in my surroundings.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"Just a small area outside London, the country," he explains, "You okay know?"

Of course, I thought to myself, where better to hide.

"So where will we be staying," I ask noticing I didn't see a house anywhere.

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