Loving Bittersweet Chapter 17 Part 1

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A/N I want to first apologize for the very delayed update. Next I want to say, since I have read some of the comments on the story, that this is my fanfiction. A fanfiction will not exactly follow the books or the movie, I will adapt it to fit how I want to story to flow. Anyways, I have read many fanfics and most are nothing like the actual Harry Potter story. If anyone does not enjoy or like my story, than its easy... don't read it. That is what I do when I read a story I do not like. Lol


Draco's P.O.V

The Malfoy Manor had turned into complete chaos.

Draco stood near his mother, who seemed to be guarding him back from the rage of John, Leianna's stepfather.

"The bloody elf is not obeying me, why?" He screams at Leianna's mother who had still been sobbing from seeing her daughter.

"I don't know John, perhaps Leianna is keeping him with her," she replies.

"But I am his master," John argued, "How can sh..." he begins but stops. A smile crosses his face, "Very clever girl Leianna," he says to himself.

Everyone in the room looked to him. 

"Don't you see, she freed him, he has no master," he explains.

This caused the Dark Lord to laugh, "Very clever girl, indeed."

"No matter, forget the girl and the elf, we have more pressing matters to attend, gather everyone," he says as he motions to John.

While the others were occupied, Draco let his my drift to Leianna, and where she could possibly be.

There wasn't anywhere safe for her to go, and only one place came to his mind that she might have went to. Somewhere she would have friends, support, and safety... Hogwarts.

That was it that was where Draco decided he would look.

He waited for the crowd of Deatheaters to leave. His mother begins to leave as well but he stops her.

"Wait a moment," Draco tells her.

She turns to her son, "Yes?"

"I think it was time I return to Hogwarts," he tells his mother.

Narcissa narrowed her brows at her son, "Are you ever going to learn Draco?" she asks. She steps closer to Draco, "Are you ever going to stop chasing this girl?"

"Mum, Leianna..."

"No," she says cutting Draco off, "You listen to me, I am tired of standing by watching my son risk everything on a girl who has done nothing but cause trouble for everyone she comes in contact with."

"That's not true, " he argues, feeling the heat seep through his veins. He loved his mother, but he would not tolerate her speaking bad of the girl he cared about, the girl he loved.

"Yes it is, Draco that girl is going to be the death of you," she states.

"No, she will not be the death of me," he argues with venom in his words, "The cowardliness of my parents will be the death of me."

Narcissa's eyes went wide, "What did you say?"

"You heard me," he replies, "You and father are noting but cowards. You never stood up to the Dark Lord. Both of you have ruined our family name."

He felt the sting and heat of the impact before he realized what had happened. Narcissa had hit him, hit him full force on the cheek.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that," she spat, "We have done nothing but try to protect you."

He said nothing, just stared angrily back at his mother. She waited for his response but the only thing she received was the dark cloud of his apparition.


Leianna's P.O.V

I moved the pile of books off of the corner desk in the room of requirements so that I could sit and take in all the information that was given to me.

After our intial conversation, we thought it would be best if we took our conversation to a more private place.

The deatheaters had taken over Hogwarts, nowhere was safe in the wizarding world.

"So Snape is Headmaster?" I ask.

"More like dictator," Neville mumbles.

"This is surreal, no one is stopping what's going on?" I ask looking to each of my friends for an answer.

"No one has faith anymore," Ginny state, "Anyone who questions their authority ends up severely punished."

"Surely Harry is coming up with a plan," I state putting all my faith into Harry to help the others to want to change this.

"No one has heard from Harry," Neville says looking towards Ginny with sympathetic look on his face. We all knew how close Ginny and Harry had become and it was easy to see the hurt and worry she had in her expression.

"I just can't wrap my head around this," I state standing up, "Where is Professor McGonagall, surely she will do something."

"Like what, defy the headmaster and the other deatheaters that are posing as teachers here?" Neville asks, "She may be stubborn but she isn't stupid."

I let out a frustrated sigh. I had nothing.... I hate the feeling of defeat but my mind could not come up with one idea.

Suddenly we hear a noise.

"Looks like we have more company," Neville says.

All of the students rise as turn their attention to a picture that hung on the wall.

I watch as the other were doing, at first I say nothing.

But then, in the distance, I could make out a faint figure of a girl.

"Maybe she brings us news," someone behind me states.

"Or maybe it's something about Potter," another suggests.

"Who?" I ask Ginny who was standing beside me, "Who is she?"

"Its Ariana," she replies, "Dumbledore's sister."

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