Loving Bittersweet Chapter Eleven

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We drove for what seemed like a while, but the silence made it feel like hours. It could be for the fact there was nothing but dead silence I the car most of the way.

I, for one, wasn't talking. My mind was still trying to wrap around the fact both Draco and I lied to this man. We were not husband and wife, yet that's what we told him. I tried to justify our actions by the fact that if we had not told him this, we would not have a place to stay tonight, and we would still have been walking on the road. We could have ended up caught by trackers, or sleeping out in the middle of nowhere. This was unfamiliar territory to me, to us both.

I sneak a look at Draco. He seemed to be lost in thought looking out the window at the countryside. For a second, I let my mind drift to the idea we had created. What if I was Draco's wife? How would it feel?

It was a silly thought I knew, but it didn't hurt to play something like this out. Could I really see myself at his side the rest of my life. Following behind his every word. Knowing how people would look at me, being a part of the Malfoy family. A small laugh escapes my lips at the thought.

Draco's eyes drift from the scenery to mine with a questionable look.

"What?" He asks.

"Nothing," I reply with a shake of my head, "I was just thinking," I add smiling.

"About," he says.

I lean in closer to him lowering my voice, "About how it would be if I really were your wife."

He pulls away and stares down at me.

Now it was my turn, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm just trying to figure out why the idea of what you said would be funny," he states, "Would it not be a good life?"

I didn't know how to respond. Of course it would be a good life. Except the fact his family was full of Deatheaters, I helped aid his father into being sent to prison so I wouldn't have daddy's blessing, and oh yeah, is mother hated me. If not those factors, perhaps it would be okay. 

Luckily before I could respond to his question the car stops.

"We're here," Gerald says cutting the engine.

I look ahead of me at the house.

It was simply breathtaking. It was a stone three story house, that looked to be very old, obviously it had been passed down some generations.

A small garden set off to the side followed by a even bigger orchard. The site of the house made me instantly feel at ease. I could really enjoy staying in a place like this. In ways, it reminded me of the burrow, the was it was peaceful. 

That caused my heart to sadden... I missed everyone, George, Ginny, even Ron's silly humor. I wish I knew how they were doing.

"Is everything alright miss?" I heard Gerald's voice float into my mind.

"Hmm..?" I reply, turing my gaze to the older gentlemen in the front seat.

"Please forgive my wife sir," Draco states, "She was admiring your beautiful home, she would love if you would help her with the luggage."

"Yes, you home is simply breathtaking," I say feeling slightly embarrassed.

The old man just smiles and opens his car door. I follow his action and I do the same.

I step out into the loose gravel, "It's so beautiful, and looks to be very old, has it been in your family long?" I ask the man.

"Thank you miss," he replies as his lifts my bags out of the trunk, "been in my generation for the past 200 years."

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