Loving Bittersweet Chapter 21 Part 1

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"It's so quiet, you never would guess there is a battle coming," Fred says sitting on the rooftop beside George.

I decided my place was to fight with the rest of the Army, so I had followed the two up to the rooftop of the school.

"Don't worry yourself Freddie, I'll protect you," George tells him causing me to laugh.

"Thank you, and I will do the same for you."

"I can't believe it's came to this," I state, "to a fight."

"Believe it love," can't you see them gathering?" George says pointing.

I follow his gaze but at first see nothing. Then I see a mixture of shapes in the distance. My gut churned at the amount of followers Voldemort had.

I had never thought enough about the situation at hand becoming this. A chance that maybe I would die as a result of this war. At this moment, I realized how much I wish Draco was at my side and I couldn't help but wonder where he was.

"I'll be back,"' I tell the twins, "I need to go sort something out," I explain as I turn from the rooftop.

"Hurry back," Fred tells me.

"You might miss the action," George adds.

I smile at them and leave, with the thought on my mind where Draco could be.

First I pondered if he left, if he went to his parents .In that case I could only hope that if a fight happens, it wouldn't come to us having to duel it out. But if he still remained here, where would he go.

"The room of requirements," I say to myself aloud. Just at that moment, I here a loud crack shoot through the school from outside. I run to the closest window only see something that ran fear throughout every inch of my body.

The shield that we placed on the school was cracking, it was being broken down.

"Oh God," I say as I turn and run as fast as I could.

I could here people scattering towards the entrance, perhaps to see if the deatheaters have broke through. I still ran towards the room, I had to see if he was there.

I took a corner only to run smack into Ron.

"Bloody hell, "he yells, "Leianna, what are you doing?"

"I should ask you the same," I tell him as I rub my shoulder where he collided.

By then Hermione and Harry had appeared. "We were just saving your boyfriend," Ron states.

"Yeah, even after he friend tried to kill us," Hermione adds with anger in her voice.

"What?" I ask in confusion.

"He and his two friends ambushed us in the Room of Requirements," Harry explained, "Crabbe didn't make it out."

"I don't understand," I say.

"He's a bloody coward," Ron says.

"Ron, don't," Harry says trying to quieten his friend.

"We need to go," Hermione says, "We have to get the last horcruxes destroyed."

It was as if her words cut the conversation. With that, the trio leaves me standing as the run off.

I stood in shock for a moment, trying to wrap my head around what I was told.

I had to find him, to see what he was doing, what was his thoughts behind his actions. But before I could continue, screams ripped through the halls of Hogwarts letting me know the battle had begun.


I had a choice to make, to either continue my search for Draco, or go help my fellow students, teachers, and friends fight.

I took the last staircase that led to the main floor only to be ambushed by deatheaters.

"Stupefy!" I shout knocking one off their feet. I spin quickly and block an oncoming spell.

"Petrificus Totalus," someone shouts from my side.

I turn to see Ginny had stopped the deatheater.

"Thanks," I say to her.

"Don't mention it," she replies as she takes off in another direction.

I head towards the entrance only to fight more deatheaters. Once outside, I saw the true mess of things.

It wasn't just deatheaters we were fighting, other creatures had joined in the fight. I knew it wasn't going to end well.

I turn to go back inside only to be blocked by yet another deatheater, only this one was more familiar.

"Leianna," John says.

I say nothing, just raise my wand.

"I wish we wasn't it this situation," he tells me, "I wish you wou..."

"Expelliarmus!" I shout only for my spell to be deflected.

"Already wanting to fight, well fine, lets fight." he tells me as he begins trying to hit me with spells.

I block all of them and shoot some at him.

"Stop," I hear a familiar voice say.

I turn to see my mother running towards us....

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