Loving Bittersweet Chapter Two

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Draco waited for a long time down in the parlor of the manor, until he decided to move his worriment to a more private place, his room.

It was later on that night when he was awoken by the sound of yelling downstairs.

He immediately gets out of bed. He didn't need to worry about dressing to go down, lately he had been sleeping fully clothed. Must come with having so many Deatheaters around, he wanted to be always prepared.

Draco opened his door slowly, trying his best to hear what was happening downstairs.

It was the Dark Lord he heard, yelling at his followers or at someone, Draco wasn't for sure.

He walked to where the staircase began but stopped. At the bottom of the stairs he saw the Dark Lord with his wand drawn. Slowly Draco backs himself up against the wall, hidden in the dark.

He closed his eyes and strained his ears, listening the best he could.

"We almost had him!" The Dark Lord yelled, "Explain, then, what happened. Lucius's wand is destroyed!"

"I cannot understand. . . . The connection . . . exists only . . . between your two wands. . . ." Draco's eyes shot open, he knew who the voice belonged to.

"Lies!" Voldemort yells.

He then heard Ollivander, the wand maker, scream in agony.

"Please. . . . I beg you. . . ."

Draco's head was reeling. His father's wand was destroyed. Now his father was like him, without a wand.

Draco lifted the wand that he had in his pocket, it was his mothers. It worked good enough for Draco, but it wasn't the same, it didn't feel connected to him like only his wand felt. With a sigh he tucks the wand back into his pocket.

The noise from downstairs had tampered off, silence feeling its place.

He pushes off of the wall and makes his way down, wondering what news awaited him.

Downstairs, the room was now empty, he walked further down the hallway where he first found Bellatrix, in the study, torturing a house-elf.

He steps inside, Bellatrix still unaware of his presences.

"Is that necessary?" Draco asked in a neutral tone.

Bellatrix dropped the elf and turned to Draco.

"What are you doing down here, thought mommy was keeping you upstairs and safe," she says bitterly.

The house-elf, who was struggling getting himself up, tried his best to crawl away from the woman who had been torturing him.

Bellatrix, who must of saw what Draco was looking at, turns.

She lifts her wand pointing at the frail creature, "Avada Kedavra!"

The elf went still and she turns, a wicked grin across her face, "Wasn't one of your favorites was he?"

Draco's stomach was churning, but he hid it well. He only shrugs his shoulders, "It's not me you need to be concerned about, Mum rather likes the elves doing chores, not her."

"Narcissi has plenty of elves," Bellatrix replies as she kicks the little body.

Draco steps more into the room and leans against a side table. "So," he begins, "I'm taking it that things didn't go as planned."

Bellatrix shot him a death glare causing Draco to snort, "I see that I am correct."

"Snape was right about the date," she states finally discarding the dead elf and turning to Draco, "But he never mentioned that they would be disguising themselves as Harry."

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