Loving Bittersweet Chapter 19

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Draco's P.O.V

Draco stood near the entrance of the Room of Requirements, contemplating if he should enter. This was the best place for him to think, best place he could hope for a fraction of peace.

Much had changed while he was absent. He noticed mostly his control of the Slytherin students. He use to be a force to reckon with, now it seemed he has lost his intensity. Even his hold on his friends didn't seem as strong.

Draco closed his eyes and wished for the whole situation to end. The never-ending charade of being part of the Deatheaters, the war, everything. He didn't want to become emotional, he forced his emotions down.

"Malfoy," he hears his name being called. He turned, knowing exactly who it was.

"What do you want Pansy?" he asked. Pansy stood with two other girls at her side, possible younger Slytherins who actually looked up to her.

"We have to meet in the Great Hall," she explains, "Some students overheard Snape talking about Potter possibly trying to find a way onto the school grounds."

"Did he call a meeting?" Draco asks, not really caring much for the rumors students liked to spread. Nor did he really care about the fact Potter may be near, he had helped him once, now it was left to Potter to do the rest.

"No, but there is rumor that..."

Draco cuts her off, "I'm not worried about rumors, if Snape calls a meeting I'll be there," he tells her, "Now please leave."

He knew he hit a nerve in her, he watched as her face reddened. In ways Draco regretted how cruel he had been to her. She was in love with him, he could still see it in her expression. He assumed that was why she had followed him here in the first place.

However, if he started being nice or apologizing to her, it will only give her false hope. Instead he turned away from her, hoping she would take the hint and leave.

Instead he hears his name being yelled once more, this time from someone he more liked, well loved. With a smile, he turned in the direction where the crazy, confusing , yet beautiful girl he loved was running towards him.


Leianna's P.O.V

I didn't' even know why I had yelled his name from the far way. maybe it was just the excitement of it all, of the fact there was no need in hiding my true feelings for him from anyone, including myself. The realization of it had caused my heart to race to the point I had ran all the way.

I knew where he would be, given the circumstances I knew he would come here, this was his place.

He was smiling at me, with that smirk only Draco could pull off and make me weak in the knees .

I could stop the smile that was forming on my face.

I had noticed Pansy Parkinson and some other Slytherin girls watching me curiously. I didn't care what they thought of me, no one could take what bit of happiness I was feeling away from me at this moment.

Finally I had made it to him.

"Leianna, what are you.." he began to ask me but I cut him off by flinging my arms around his neck and kissing him hard.

I could feel his split second surprise before he too kissed me back with the same intensity.

I could hear the other girls talking but had no effect on me. It wasn't until the lack of oxygen started to take its effect on me before I pulled away.

"What was that all about?" he asked me.

"It over," I state breathlessly, "Me and George, we're over."

"How?" he asks, "How did you talk to him."

I go to explain but hesitate, I almost had forgotten that Pansy and the other girls where still watching Draco and me.

I motion with my eyes to him, reminding him of their presence.

He looked away from me to them, "Didn't I already ask you to leave?" he questions. I knew he sounded very cruel and I would mostly likely scold him later but for now I wanted them gone.

I hear Pansy let out a angry breath, "Come on girls," she says as she turns and begins to leave.

Once I knew they were a good distance from us I begin telling Draco how some of the members of Dumbledore's Army were here.

"So it's true then," he says, "Potter is here."

"Soon," I tell him, "Soon, this will finally be over."

"I wouldn't sound so hopeful about that," Draco says, "It's going to be a bloodbath Leianna."

"I know" I state, " But I'm still hoping for the best."

"You always do," he tells me placing his finger under my chin to make me look up more at him, "And I swear to you I will not let nothing happen to you when all hell breaks lose."

"I promise to," I say smiling at him, "I'll always protect you Draco."

He laughs and ends it with a soft kiss.

"All students are to report to the Great Hall Immediately!" Snape's voice echo's through the hallway ending my moment of happiness.

"Looks like Pansy was right," Draco states as he pulls away from me and takes my hand in his.

"About what?" I question him.

"I'll explain on the way, " he tells me, "Lets get going, I don't want some of the professors looking for us."

I cringe knowing exactly which ones he was speaking of.


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