A Butterfly's Flowers [Part 1]

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Shinobu gives Giyuu flowers simply to see his reaction.

A/N: Oh yeah, and yell at me in the comments if you enjoyed it!


Mitsuri's love advice when it comes to anything romantic is that the first thing you need to do is get your partner flowers. And Shinobu has many questions about why that's the first thing you do but she knows better than to voice most of them, too afraid of the bombardment of questions and answers she'll get. It's best to leave it simple and leave it at that.

Why flowers of all things? 

The response she gets surprises her at best. "Oh, Shinobu-saaaannn, you don't know what you're missing, their reactions are so precious. You should have seen Obanai-san's reaction when I have a bouquet of flowers to him as a thank you gift for helping me on my mission. Oh, it was adorable, I say you'll feel the same for whoever it is but I wish you luck!" She waves her off and she finds herself going to the market. 

However, she isn't much better when she arrives at the market and looks over the selection of flowers, there are so many of them...

"Are you looking for something?" A voice suddenly speaks ups and she jumps up with a squeak. Whipping her head to the right of her so fast she should have gotten whiplash she spots a lady starring at her, head tilted to the side as her eyes swirled with curiosity, she must have worked there. Shinobu only nodded as the girl bounced over to her side, arms behind her back as she stared up at her. "Then what are you looking for miss? What kind of an occasion is it? A wedding, maybe a birthday party, for your friend, for your garden-"

The pillar cut the girl off before she could start to ramble off more possibilities. "Someone special to me, as a... How would you phrase this? A... Gift to put it lightly to show my interest in them?" The girl nodded and clapped her hands together, rubbing them together. "A lover then!"

"Wha- No! Not like that," She feels her face unfairly burning, they aren't lovers, they could be but they aren't... 


She had some ideas, she just needed some flowers to put it in action. But what flowers would she use?

"Ohhhh," They said, "So as a confession of some sort then?" Shinobu nodded, exactly, the girl grabbed her by the sleeve of her haori and pulled her along, dragging her towards a stall of roses and lavender they were placed directly next to each other. 

She already knew what kind of bouquet she'd be making. 


Giyuu would say that it was a nice day, at least at the water estate. His garden was doing well, and he was learning that it was a skill he didn't know he had, maybe he could try out drawing. His former Sensei liked drawing, or was that painting? He was sure the man did both, maybe he could try it out, free up some of his time as he waited for patrol to start; gardening didn't take up that much time after all. But then maybe he could do with some redecorating, Shinobu told him off last time she visited his house since he hadn't been responding to any of Oyakata-sama's concerns about his missing patrol; it wasn't his fault he got sick, and she shouldn't have been looking around his house in the first place.

"Oh, Tomioka-san I've been looking for you!" A sing-song voice called out for him, opening and closing the gate to his estate behind her. And there she appears, coincidence enough. He's still not sure how she got a key to his estate but he's learned not to question it.

As the insect pillar bounce towards him, he notices she's hiding something behind her back but he doesn't question it, she'll tell him eventually. 

He turns towards her and nods, "Kocho," he plainly responds. Her smiles never leave her face as she approaches him, he might even consider that there's something devilish behind it. She's up to something, he thinks, again... He holds back a sigh as she stands in front of him. She's definitely holding something behind her, what it is, is big enough to slightly peek out from the side of her body but not big enough that he can see it from where he's standing. He's not that tall

So she sweetly smiles at him and tilts her head only an inch or two to the side. "I have something for you Tomioka-san," He nods, "Okay," and waits for her to give him whatever it is she has.

But... She doesn't.

"You aren't even going to say please?" He blinks down at her, sometimes confusing aren't the right words to describe her sometimes, counterproductive maybe. But he'll stick with confusing this time. "It's your gift," He plainly says and she shrugs, indifferent about the matter. "You still should," 


"Okay, fine. You put up a hard bargain," He's about to respond back until he finds a bouquet of roses and lavender shoved into his chest, he blinks down at it, hesitantly holding it in his hands. He looks at her, contemplating on whether or not to raise a brow but apparently, his expression says it all for him. "What you do think Tomioka-san, c'mon, I went to the market and got these just for you don't I deserve some kind of response?" But why did you give it to me though? He thinks I haven't even done anything to justify this

The only time he's been people give each other bouquets of flowers like this was when his sister's fiance gave his sister flowers and he and Shinobu aren't in a relationship like this unless... Oh.



From one tip of the ear to the other an adorable red flush covers his face, he opens his mouth, trying to say something but nothing comes out. She lets out a giggle and pushes the bouquet of flowers closer to his chest watching as he tries to stutter out words even harder.

The reaction is precious, to her at least. "Has no one ever given you flower before Tomioka-san?" Instead of trying to muster out words he shakes his head and hides his flush behind the bouquet flowers. He can practically feel the redness of his cheeks, this isn't fair, he thinks, it's not my fault no one's given me flowers before. Not that many opportunities like this come up!

Hopefully, he can hide his face long enough behind the bouquet until the blush goes down, but Kocho has other plans for him.

Shinobu moves the bouquet away from his face and gives him a soft, teasing smile. "If this is your reaction then I think I'll have to give you flowers more often Tomioka-san," As a response he ducks his head low, starring down at the ground a refuses to look her in the eyes.

"I'll see you soon Tomioka-san! Or should I say Giyuu-san!" She exclaims in a sing-song voice, skipping past him, leaving the water pillar a blushing mess.

Shinobu thinks she'll have to start giving him flowers from now on, and she just might.

A/N: Tbh, give boys flowers, their reaction is precious, trust me.

And what Giyuu thinks Shinobu is implying is up to interpretation, I don't even know what he's implying tbh. 

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