A Web of Secrets

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Due to an unlikely encounter with one of the ladies of the Kocho House, Giyuu finds himself encountering her much more than before and discovers the secret of why she's so revered in the first place.

A/N: This will take place in a Victorian era, but mostly due to the dress and how it'll work for Shinobu in this AU. I'll provide the sketch on how it'll work along with the victorian styled choker below since wealthy ladies in that era often adorned chokers as a fashion statement but this will be for a different reason. it was also well known in this era to call a woman handsome as a compliment!  It was usually applied to a woman who was well-groomed and from an upper-class background

also, i will be using prefixes even though it doesn't work

Also, this idea was inspired by the chapter dubbed "Just a Man and His Wife" in their 'Giyushino Oneshots' book by The-Dreaming-Dragon I'd recommend you'd go check it out and give them thanks and a follow after reading the work! Their works are absolutely splendid and so is their art. All credit goes to them. But anyway enjoy this chapter.


Giyuu would hardly regard himself as a confrontational person which is why he doesn't understand how he got himself into this little scuffle.

He had come to work with his two best friends at their bakers, his sister busying herself at home with her children as her husband was away at work as a chimney sweeper. Their lives aren't the best, but it's humble work for people like them. 

He goes to the baker almost day in and day out, rising with the sun doing the prep work and sometimes the end of the day deliveries, it's tedious laborious work but rewarding work nonetheless, it's work that he enjoys at the end of the day at the quaint, humble little shop he works at. He works with Sabito and Makomo, also known as Toto-kun and Momo-chan by those held closets. 

Originally, Sabito handles the deliveries, he's both strong and intimidating with his large stature but his eyes betray it all, so he does his best to hide them even if it means he wears a masquerade mask while doing it. Giyuu exactly isn't too keen on wearing his neither is Makomo but she never does run off to do the deliveries, it's just them. But of course, knowing his luck something has to happen on the off chance he is doing it. 

This is how he finds himself in this situation, in an alleyway, scrambling to pull his bag of baked goods from the thief, they don't give up and pull even harsher. It's not how he expected to spend his late evening but that's how he finds himself spending it. It's an unfortunate event. 

"Give him back his bag sir," It's a lady's voice that makes them both freeze before the man harshly tugs at his bag and he falls to his knees scrambling for the bag. "Wait- give me that back!" 

The thief scoffs and turns around ignoring the woman, but she is not one to be easily ignored. Shadows raise up behind her, long spindly, and thin ones. It's as if she raises herself a few inches off the ground from how she looms over the two of them. He can't help but thickly gulp, at the sight. There's an aura radiating off of her, annoyance and vexation, it grows thickly like a cloud, a veil of oncoming doom.

"And who do you think you're inquiring to lad? I have no problem crushing such filthy eyesores as yourself under my heel." The thief cowers under her gaze, under her burning ferocious gaze. "I'm a lady of the Kocho House, Shinobu, if you're so curious, I'll mind you, leave this man alone or I'll stay true to my words." With one good look in her eyes, the thief drops the bag of goods and scrambles. Tomioka is frozen, at a loss for words watching as a petty criminal cowers under the gaze of a noblewoman and then flees without a single word. 

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